Legal Weed in Michigan

old abe

Well-known member
nooo dood it's not addictive....yur blah blah blah is ruining my buzz, man.

Anytime I get behind a below speed limit driver it is ...what?....yes in the first place probably an elderly person ...but a close second is some stoner thinking he is speeding.

"Stoner"????????? I always thought that was someone who drank that bad *** Keystone stuff, eh?????????????


Well-known member
Ear,,,,,, hold this, I have to get something to eat & something to cure Mohave mouth. lol! :eagerness:-Mezz


New member
Well said. People would be surprised how many people use pot already and don't even know about it. Some very high ( pun intended) profile jobs. Not just burger flippers like some have said.


New member
Another addiction to enslave people. As I used to say, the moral decline has no end and not appreciating sobriety is a illustration of an compromise of integrity. This is a foreign concept today and I’m sure it’s mind boggling to most. I was addicted for 6 years, smoked lots of weed as most my friends did. Most suffer in some way to this day. Lack of motivation, lack of potential, damaged relationships and wasted money,,,,,all for a temporary high. Are you kidding me? Very few if any will smoke weed and not become addicted. Your fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Living in Mi I know firsthand many people with weed cards and every last one is a addict. They’ll say they are not but they gotta have it and their jonesin when they run out. Knock yourself out and waste yourself away.

How about dusting off the Bible and becoming addicted to righteousness. Loving the Lord God with all your hearth, mind and soul? This has eternal benefits!

Will the Lord stop my pain? I've had a script for pain killers for over 30 years. I'm not addicted to them. I don't use them to get high. I use them as prescribed. I think the people you talkin about are going to be that way even if they didn't smoke weed. It's a cop out to blame the substance for behavior. It's like people i know that have messed up lives and never did drugs or drank. For some reason they just have to screw up. If they were smoking pot, people would blame it on the pot.


Well-known member
Will the Lord stop my pain?

Have you asked him to? Sorry Lenny for jumping in and answering the question for you.

I've had a script for pain killers for over 30 years. I'm not addicted to them. I don't use them to get high. I use them as prescribed. I think the people you talkin about are going to be that way even if they didn't smoke weed. It's a cop out to blame the substance for behavior. It's like people i know that have messed up lives and never did drugs or drank. For some reason they just have to screw up. If they were smoking pot, people would blame it on the pot.

Exactly. If nobody smoked would just be a plant in the dirt not harming anyone. Just like guns. Guns don't kill, the people who pull the trigger do.

old abe

Well-known member
Oh boy, I forgot about the Keystone “Ice!” I was never a ice beer drinker, just screamed hangover to me!

durphee, you are so right!!! But none of that "Stone" stuff for me. My dog doesn't even like it, and he loves beer!!! My wife laughed at me on his none interest in Keystone. He's a Miller Lite/Coors Light dog I guess, and does all my beer taste testing now!!!


Well-known member
Have you asked him to? Sorry Lenny for jumping in and answering the question for you.

Exactly. If nobody smoked would just be a plant in the dirt not harming anyone. Just like guns. Guns don't kill, the people who pull the trigger do.

Not really. It isn't prolific in most climates.


Active member
Just think....
If everyone in the whole wide world smoked a joint at the same time,
we would have world peace for 2 hours,
followed by a global food shortage


Will the Lord stop my pain? I've had a script for pain killers for over 30 years. I'm not addicted to them. I don't use them to get high. I use them as prescribed. I think the people you talkin about are going to be that way even if they didn't smoke weed. It's a cop out to blame the substance for behavior. It's like people i know that have messed up lives and never did drugs or drank. For some reason they just have to screw up. If they were smoking pot, people would blame it on the pot.

Maybe! Depends where your heart is at!
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Active member
Light em up. Today its officially legal in MI. Beware of your surroundings and for walking and driving zombies and suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Lock the doors and pull the blinds. You never know when one of these crazed out p.o.t. druggies can go off.