Another addiction to enslave people. As I used to say, the moral decline has no end and not appreciating sobriety is a illustration of an compromise of integrity. This is a foreign concept today and I’m sure it’s mind boggling to most. I was addicted for 6 years, smoked lots of weed as most my friends did. Most suffer in some way to this day. Lack of motivation, lack of potential, damaged relationships and wasted money,,,,,all for a temporary high. Are you kidding me? Very few if any will smoke weed and not become addicted. Your fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Living in Mi I know firsthand many people with weed cards and every last one is a addict. They’ll say they are not but they gotta have it and their jonesin when they run out. Knock yourself out and waste yourself away.
How about dusting off the Bible and becoming addicted to righteousness. Loving the Lord God with all your hearth, mind and soul? This has eternal benefits!