Legal Weed in Michigan



I have had many a friend died from alcohol....not a one from weed

many a man I know has lost family, job, and life from alcohol.....20x worse than most anything IMO
lock four guys in a room with a bottle of whiskey and they will start a fight...
lock four guys in a room with a joint and they will start a band...


old abe

Well-known member
lock four guys in a room with a bottle of whiskey and they will start a fight...
lock four guys in a room with a joint and they will start a band...


I'm not a weed user, and never have used it either. And have no interest in it now even if legal. My smoking, and chewing days are long in the past. But I have to totally agree with HIGHLANDER all the way. Been there, done that with whiskey, and watched plenty of others also. But I have never seen anyone get violent smoking weed. I guess I just never thought about, but have seen exactly what the post relates to. How ever, I have not witnessed the band being formed from guy's, or gals smoking weed.


Well-known member
I don't normally say this but you guys are making this into a much bigger deal than it actually is. As was stated the peeps that partake have been partaking before it was legal. The sky wasn't failing then and won't be once it is legal. Its pretty harmless really. I used to smoke and enjoyed it. Just grew out of it. I could function just fine after burning one and know plenty of people with good jobs and successful careers that partake. Is there a flip side to that? Of course. But there is no way it will have the detrimental effect that alcohol has had.
Exactly pot is not a gateway drug I don’t use anymore either lost interest rather have a beer or cocktail. Back in the day a little pot buzz was fun happy and over in 2 hours and the next morning was good zero hangover. Imo much todo bout nothing. This is a snowmobile/ weather site and I would never ride under the influence of anything other than coffee. So to me legalization will be very profitable, create jobs and generate tax revenue. This fear about legalization is either misinformation or just can’t handle change.


Well-known member
Lets take the pothead logic that compares pot to alcohol as a reason to enable it, a step say that pot is better than another bad thing, this case, alcohol. How does this make the second thing, pot, any better in the great scheme of things? It is simply yet another diversion and in most cases yet another addiction. So you feel slighted and cheated that YOUR vice is illegal, SO, lets open the gates and make YOUR vice legal as well?...WHY?.... you all are saying that pot smokers are sitting in jail for smoking pot yet here you all are, as free as a bird on JD spewing your feelings....are you all posting from prison then?
Cirrus driver nailed it....don't reread it with an open might get depressed and have to move onto an new drug,....that of course needs to be legal because so many ppl are breaking the law by using in circles, idiots......LOL


Well-known member
People having been smoking weed and drinking alcohol since they discovered it. Why because they liked it changed their mood gave them a belief that they had insights to their normal thought patterns. Introspective thoughts are good but sometimes don’t emerge until stress is lessened. Again big deal you like the use of alcohol or pot more power to ya you should have the freedom of choice to eat or drink what you want. For me it doesn’t matter I don’t have an addictive personality and it’s not my responsibility to restrict anyone’s behavior. I have great interest in what I drink and what eat and dont take drugs because the doctor says so. I’m not white coat compliant and never will be. I can make my own decisions on what is best for me and so can most people. Is their a flip side to abuse of food,drink or pot consumption?....sure always will be abusers to any substance.


Well-known member
to all those that USED to smoke pot and don't and DON"T have desire to do so any more
??, you do know pot is a LOT stronger now than it used to be
does this NOT factor into things
maybe what was back when was less addictive or abusive or harmful
but what about today's genetically enhanced and grown pot?
as IMO again, the bigger problems lays with WHY so many people feel a need to use drugs period
making any drug legal , I do NOT see resolving the problems o many people have with just living there lives as is

I DON"T see it making anyone more productive, and if there NOT happy with current lives as IS<
a drug known to make you more laid back, isn;t going to get anyone solving there problems better !
I doublt many folks from the older age group, don't already see a large lack of drive Manual labor in current generations
folks keep getting lazier and lazier, everything needs to be done for them in a push of a button or like way
I just feel things are going the wrong direction in bettering quality of life for most, over few

taking drugs to MAKE you feel better about a crappy or less than happy with life, AIN"T going to make anything better, just worse
making it legal , IMO will MAKE more folks want to try it and some might get hooked, like it or not, there are long time decades users of pot, and the few I know personally, I can see the effects its had
and they AIN"T been positive one's (same can be said about those that drink a lot often too)
two wrongs don't make a right!
its been proven time and time again, that when humans are left to DO aS THEY WANT< they always over do it, and things tend to go backwards more than forwards

look at hunting before there were seasons and limits
look at environmental damage, before there was rule to protect the environment
some times in life there are rules/laws needed due to humans cannot stop themselves from doing damages to themselves, , cannot see the forest thru the tree's?!


Well-known member
True mrbb there will always be stupid people. Pot is not addictive and hybrid pot is extremely strong compared to 60s street pot. The obvious is to consume a lot less to get a buzz no different than hard liquor or beer.


Well-known member
I've said this before somewhere, but seriously, there are A LOT more drugs that are A LOT worse for you, that are already LEGAL and PRESCRIBED by doctors.

Anyone who has had a family member with cancer, or PTSD already knows this.


Well-known member
I've worked with potheads who were just as worthless as alcoholics. Not fun.
Anyways better question is can I grow it Wisconsin and sell it in Michigan?? Need to fund my sled addiction ya know!!


Active member
Youse guys are downing my buzz. Smokers are not looking for an alternative life they don't have or looking for solutions to fix their problems or a crappy life. Not sure where that thought came from. Mrbb - I'm curious about your observation of the effects that you see affecting decades long smokers that are likely in their 50s -60s now ? And btw it is NOT addictive.

Anyway this will all be a mute point for the upcoming generation. The stigma attached today as being a drug will be gone and just something that can be bought at the local party store by brand or flavor. I am going to try my first 1/4 gummy edible. I hope to see/talk to you on the other side. lol


Well-known member
I'll answer a few of the last things posted
ONE I never said POT was addictive
BUT IMO< its the effects it has that MAKE folks keep doing it over and over again
and well, since its proven so many have gone to jail and got fined for smoking it and keep doing so
sure seems to me it has some powers over a LOT of people??

yes we have a LOT of more powerful drugs out there, and there ONLY available thru Dr's and prescriptions
so, that is WHY there that way, so people cannot JUST GO buy them easily , and or use as they WISH
as it would kill a LOT more folks than it does NOW and its controlled, so again, if left to ANYONE to decide how much they can hve or use
odds are HIGH they would over do it

same example can be said for those that are prescribed it, and well, OVER do it

as for folks that use DRUGS< IMO< due to MAYBE crappy lves and or situations

tell me this
WHY do folks USE drugs then?
ARE they very happy in life and NEED to ????
drugs alter thinking and mood, NO
SO< if one is very happy AS is, there really isn;t a need for as drug, as your already happy

if your using a drug for medicine, medical problem or treatment
I get this, and again, what do these drugs do
they alter one's mind, much of pain is nerve endings and well some time mind over mater like, also the alerting of the mind can cause focus to alter or change
I live with pain daily, have been on some super high dose pain meds off and on most of my life, I TRY to take as little as possible, I GET drugs and there use rather well

I do NOT see being used by a LOT of super happy living well in life people, there typically is some rooted problems that cause them to search out relief or?? in there life
there is a VERY large percentage of people in the USA with mental issue's and I mean this in as nice a way as possible NOT bashing on anyone
MANY go un treated or worse SELF treated

legal access to drugs, I for see long range problems based on many things

as for LONG term pot smokers I know

I know many that are SUPER LAZY(also know lots of super lazy people that are not)
BUT I see the lazy in them from direct use of POT< it makes them care less about things, gives them little reason to do crap, rather get HIGH
they let them selves go too as the yrs passed(yes can happen NOT on Pot too)
but they seems way less likely to get excited about things maybe they should
way more carefree about WHO cares what happens attitude , don't wish to be involved in many things as , well NOW worry a lot about getting caught smoking pot, due to it being illegal
worry about buying it, getting caught with it, loosing there jobs over a piss test

TO me it seems like a LOT of added worries, for what effect or gain do they get from it?
It makes them feel better when maybe they should be more concerned about there lives IMO
more Hippie like life styles and mind sets, and many live off government hand outs, due to, LACK of willing to get a job(this too in a LOT of NON pot smokers to anymore)
I am only stating what I see about ME
maybe others have different surroundings and ways of handling life and pot use

I just don't see it being a good call over all for society
lots of problems in the world today, NOT sure how this makes any better!


Well-known member
here is a couple questions for all the pot smokers and those that want it legal

since this is s FACT from what I KNOW, and NOT saying I am an expert on it

BUT since I know many long term pot smokers, and they all tell me they have built up a tolerance for it, many can smoke"X" type of pot and have little effect and someone else might get "SMASHED" maybe not right word, but gather you get the idea

if POT isn't addicting(think alcoholic's here, where alcohol has become addictive to them and it takes more and more to get them where they want to be, or even have effect on them, tolerance build up)
and I know a few like this that can drink huge amounts and function rather well way longer than a social drinker

and we ALL know alcohol is controlled by HOW strong it can be and its percentages of alcohol to a bottle(also why HOME MADE MOONSHINE is illegal, as no real safety way about it for consumption of i too much or too strong can kill you)

and NOW a days with modern POT being enhanced thru science
should there be a limit on its potency?
is there a point in which it shouldn't be allowed
or is it anything goes??

could a newbie, get into trouble if so?
food for thought, not a bash here, honestly asking!

I'd say there should be
BUT< how would that be set up and controlled if so?
I don't think its even talked about now in places its legal?

and then back to since tolerances get built up
how can it NOT be a gate way drug, if you need more or stronger doses to get wanted effect as it once had

THIS is why many that drink turn to illegal drugs, faster high less consumption needed?


Well-known member
Mrbb should we stop selling snowmobiles because of Ricky trail racers just ban them. No because there are more responsible riders than irresponsible riders. Should we reenact prohibition because alcohol abuse exits in the few that abuse alcohol. Again the answer is no plenty of people enjoy a drink and consume in a responsible manner. Imo you are assigning all negatives to alcohol , drug or pot use going way overboard to negative side of legalization. If you are convinced that smokin ,eating or drinking pot will addict that person then you are wrong absolutely no scientific evidence to support that view. You need to do some research with an open mind. There are medical benefits to marijuana as well do some reading and maybe you will be more receptive.... maybe not?


Well-known member
The word addictive is the crutch you potheads are leaning on?....LOL...let me ask you this....what makes potheads want to smoke pot everyday of the week?
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Well-known member
The word addictive is the crutch you potheads are leaning on?....LOL...let me ask you this....what makes potheads want to smoke pot everyday of the week?

I don’t know anyone that uses pot everyday but the answer is simple imo. They choose to use pot same reason as anyone that chooses to have a beer, wine or cocktail with dinner. They simply like it. Nothing to do with addiction.


Well-known member
I don’t know anyone that uses pot everyday but the answer is simple imo. They choose to use pot same reason as anyone that chooses to have a beer, wine or cocktail with dinner. They simply like it. Nothing to do with addiction.

You don't know anyone?...and so what? about everyone on here that can't wait to see it legalized where they live?....NOT addicted!...LOL...are you saying that ppl that drink everyday....(with or without dinner....whatever that has to do with anything....maybe it IS dinner....LOL)...aren't addicted either?

old abe

Well-known member
I've lost a lot of class mates to different kinds of hard drugs. Several of them I never seen smoke weed ever. One of them was totally against smoking of anything. He died with a needle still in him. Really puzzling to me???????? We had the drinkers, and the druggies in those days. It was in the Hippie era. Seems as only a few did both???


Well-known member
Mrbb should we stop selling snowmobiles because of Ricky trail racers just ban them. No because there are more responsible riders than irresponsible riders. Should we reenact prohibition because alcohol abuse exits in the few that abuse alcohol. Again the answer is no plenty of people enjoy a drink and consume in a responsible manner. Imo you are assigning all negatives to alcohol , drug or pot use going way overboard to negative side of legalization. If you are convinced that smokin ,eating or drinking pot will addict that person then you are wrong absolutely no scientific evidence to support that view. You need to do some research with an open mind. There are medical benefits to marijuana as well do some reading and maybe you will be more receptive.... maybe not?

got to love how you, take an example of something legal and try to compare it to something illegal(or was and is in most places)
its NOT apples to apples
the sled example. nothing illegal to a ricky racer sled, BUT there are speed limits on many trails, so??
break the speed limit and well, your a law breaker too, just as those that ILLEGALLY use ANY drug are
you want to compare things saying ONLY A FEW over due it
well, your already pointing out your side of things is well WRONG! and the excess !~

as MOST folks DON"T Break the law and use illegal drugs, its ONLY about 30% of the population that does
so, your point is, that folks that are MORE prone to break the laws we have, are to be more likely to NOT do other things?
maybe they will, maybe they won't

you also feel I don't know much about pot
yet I have pointed out a lot about it, including its GOOD points in use in some medial conditions

the FACTS are there is NO real long term study on damages from extended use of the NEW pot we have today as to yrs ago when some studies were done
so there is NOT anything to research, as its not there to read up on!

back to this question for you
if you were hiring people to work for YOU
would you hire criminals the same as you would NON criminals
is there any difference to YOU in the two?
as everyone that uses ILLEGAL drugs is what??
like it or not, if it looks like a duck , walks like a duck, and its a super nice duck
its still a duck!? LOL

I am NOT saying pot smokers are harden criminals by any means
I am just saying, there already taking one step in the wrong direction to pursue, there ??? addiction/or desire to alter there mind set! not sure why folks desire to smoke pot to be 100% honest, gather all; have there OWN reasons!

(or those that search some medical relief, which I gather SHOULD be legal from a DR and is in many places as are other drugs from a DR too )

and again, based On the current data I have read, the OTHER 70% of Americans that DON"T par take in illegal drugs!
BUT maybe if LEGAL more would, just many don;'t maybe want to be criminals and rsik going to jail or a fine for its use!

maybe if you owned your own business and had to hire and trust the folks that work for you, the views might be different, but maybe not, like minded people tend to stick together too, so never know?


Well-known member
has anyone thought about this?
we all know second hand smoke can effect others NOT smoking
they are already making all sorts of things with pot in it, from food to beverages
for all those that cannot use due to there job requirements
does anyone feel worried about getting pot in there system from others, in either again second hand smoke and or ingesting something you didn't even know you did

I personally am more worried about WHY so many people today feel a need to use drugs period
it seems so many want a alternative life than the one they have and are looking for ways to forget there current problems and or ??
the lack of motivation I see in most people today, is scary low
I am NOT sure how pot will help this at all
I am NOT a pot user nor desire to be(nor any other illegal/legal drugs)

wanting an escape from your present reality, doesn't ever solve anyone's problems
in most cases it just makes things worse and digs you in a deeper hole
as well, lets face it, drugs are NOT cheap
if anyone is unhappy with there life/living arrangements wasting money on a short term effect, isn't solving anyone's problem

since about 50% of the country seems to be into illegal drugs(based on things I have read)
I find it hard to see any legalization of drugs NOT passing if ever voted on, as of the 50% that use, there has to be a decent percentage that would IF they could on the other side

just cause more want something , doesn;'t always mean its GOOD for us all IMO
society IMO seems to be slipping in the wrong direction, and I think we should be trying ti find ways to curb it, over adding something to things that might make it worse
JUST my 2 cents
