Mrbb should we stop selling snowmobiles because of Ricky trail racers just ban them. No because there are more responsible riders than irresponsible riders. Should we reenact prohibition because alcohol abuse exits in the few that abuse alcohol. Again the answer is no plenty of people enjoy a drink and consume in a responsible manner. Imo you are assigning all negatives to alcohol , drug or pot use going way overboard to negative side of legalization. If you are convinced that smokin ,eating or drinking pot will addict that person then you are wrong absolutely no scientific evidence to support that view. You need to do some research with an open mind. There are medical benefits to marijuana as well do some reading and maybe you will be more receptive.... maybe not?
got to love how you, take an example of something legal and try to compare it to something illegal(or was and is in most places)
its NOT apples to apples
the sled example. nothing illegal to a ricky racer sled, BUT there are speed limits on many trails, so??
break the speed limit and well, your a law breaker too, just as those that ILLEGALLY use ANY drug are
you want to compare things saying ONLY A FEW over due it
well, your already pointing out your side of things is well WRONG! and the excess !~
as MOST folks DON"T Break the law and use illegal drugs, its ONLY about 30% of the population that does
so, your point is, that folks that are MORE prone to break the laws we have, are to be more likely to NOT do other things?
maybe they will, maybe they won't
you also feel I don't know much about pot
yet I have pointed out a lot about it, including its GOOD points in use in some medial conditions
the FACTS are there is NO real long term study on damages from extended use of the NEW pot we have today as to yrs ago when some studies were done
so there is NOT anything to research, as its not there to read up on!
back to this question for you
if you were hiring people to work for YOU
would you hire criminals the same as you would NON criminals
is there any difference to YOU in the two?
as everyone that uses ILLEGAL drugs is what??
like it or not, if it looks like a duck , walks like a duck, and its a super nice duck
its still a duck!? LOL
I am NOT saying pot smokers are harden criminals by any means
I am just saying, there already taking one step in the wrong direction to pursue, there ??? addiction/or desire to alter there mind set! not sure why folks desire to smoke pot to be 100% honest, gather all; have there OWN reasons!
(or those that search some medical relief, which I gather SHOULD be legal from a DR and is in many places as are other drugs from a DR too )
and again, based On the current data I have read, the OTHER 70% of Americans that DON"T par take in illegal drugs!
BUT maybe if LEGAL more would, just many don;'t maybe want to be criminals and rsik going to jail or a fine for its use!
maybe if you owned your own business and had to hire and trust the folks that work for you, the views might be different, but maybe not, like minded people tend to stick together too, so never know?