Measured frustration

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Good parenting is lost art and its unfortunately the root cause of what we are fighting against. These kids are used to being chewed out our put in timeout and it just rolls right off them.....never learned a forever lesson via a belt. :)


A different perspective: Comments about a "well placed round" (even in jest) are not helpful. In fact, one might construe them as a peripheral part of a much larger picture issue. i.e. respect the law, even those you may disagree with. It is not helpful to side with vigilantism or anarchy. While the order of magnitude may vary immensely and the consequences be significantly different, the law is the law and respect is respect. Whether it is trespassing or keeping a business open in violation of an (economically damaging) order to restrict a business due to public health issues. When we lose the rule of law, we lose civil behavior and civilization. It is already in evidence in the political arena. If each of us decide which law we will obey , and each of us chose which law we will disobey (based upon some self-actuated assessment), then anarchy is the winner. First, look in a mirror...


New member
How about no sleds with tracks over 1.5" allowed on trails. That might help, at least with the camel jockies.


Trail 12 between Mass and Roussou bar is always disregarded in the fields, forever... this should be an easy area to enforce with a simple sting operation form the local sheriffs dept. word would travel fast to stay on trail. however every year trespassing continues. why is this rampant lack of respect tolerated? the local clubs should be working with the sheriffs dept there and any other well known problem spots, where ever they may be. This behavior needs to be reeled in, and fast.


Trail 12 between Mass and Roussou bar is always disregarded in the fields, forever... this should be an easy area to enforce with a simple sting operation form the local sheriffs dept. word would travel fast to stay on trail. however every year trespassing continues. why is this rampant lack of respect tolerated? the local clubs should be working with the sheriffs dept there and any other well known problem spots, where ever they may be. This behavior needs to be reeled in, and fast.

agreed...instead of the DNR sitting at the stop signs on Trail 3 they should put their time to better use


Well-known member
How about no sleds with tracks over 1.5" allowed on trails. That might help, at least with the camel jockies.

Yep that’s the problem Chuck long tracks and long lugs allow sleds to go where no sleds went before. A bad stuck and they will stay on hard trail but throttle up and off they go into the deep no problem. Technology is what it is so riders have to understand the trail closings they cause by trespassing and how offensive trespassing is to landowners that allow trails to cross private land. Complete idiots imo.


Well-known member
Good parenting is lost art and its unfortunately the root cause of what we are fighting against. These kids are used to being chewed out our put in timeout and it just rolls right off them.....never learned a forever lesson via a belt. :)

Won't come to work either, if they do they think they have to have an I Phone in their hand all day.



Well-known member
I thought about this exact thing today on a trail I rode through with big ribbons and flags identifying the “stay on trail” signs and the whole field was tracked up. I thought I should have stopped and taken a pic just to show how flagrant it was. Would have been so appropriate right now. Just complete disrespect of the land owners who so graciously allow us to cross their property. Other than standing there and waiting for said morons, I don’t know how we can educate enough on this.


Well-known member
The tracks south of mass are from locals that live out there so it is a little hard who to target , true off trail riders aren’t the ones playing along the trails , I don’t think I like you big horse power trail sled full of studs spinning for miles


Active member
Why are there not signs posting legal off-trail riding areas and maps showing where they are? I mean, there are a number of riders on this site that ride off trail, but the locations are held close to the vest. (I realize some people ride on private lands with the owner's permission.) Think about it, if people know where they can legally ride off trail, then they will be less inclined to trespass elsewhere. Don't just yell at someone, educate them by showing them where they can ride legally.

I have always found the "Stay on Trail or Stay Home" signs to be stupid. Here we tout how welcoming, helpful and civic minded of a group sledders are and we have a rude sign like this on the trails?

As far as keeping the sledders between the signs, keep the trails smooth 24/7 and they will stay between the signs.


Active member
Why are there not signs posting legal off-trail riding areas and maps showing where they are? I mean, there are a number of riders on this site that ride off trail, but the locations are held close to the vest. (I realize some people ride on private lands with the owner's permission.) Think about it, if people know where they can legally ride off trail, then they will be less inclined to trespass elsewhere. Don't just yell at someone, educate them by showing them where they can ride legally.

I have always found the "Stay on Trail or Stay Home" signs to be stupid. Here we tout how welcoming, helpful and civic minded of a group sledders are and we have a rude sign like this on the trails?

As far as keeping the sledders between the signs, keep the trails smooth 24/7 and they will stay between the signs.

this is attitude is exactly what gets trails closed
come on man
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Well-known member
Actually what Skylar said reminds me of a story. I have some sledders come in here and they were behind Mass City in a field where they shouldn't of been. They heard what sounded like gun shots, as they paid more attention they noticed the shots were coming from over 300 yards away and hitting some 30 feet over their heads in the trees. The landowner did not take kindly to their trespassing. So, while some of you may not like Skylar's words even in jest, it's a sobering reminder that things can become much more serious with a lack of knowing and or respect for another person's property. I really like the movie Equalizer:) If only I knew my Saviour would accept me!:)

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There are signs all throughout the back of Mass City. It's the riders responsibility to know where they are and no one else's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on, really!

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xsledder I find the last part of your statement to be extremely rude. Get a platbook! Keeping a trail groomed 24/7? Really? Like keeping your driveway or road plowed 24/7? Is that even realistic? Holy whoa!! It's every sledders responsibility to know where they are, no one else's. Now that I'm done with my rant on you, I do agree with you to educate without screaming at someone. It's important for those who made a mistake to correct it properly. Cooler heads prevail no doubt.


Well-known member
Why are there not signs posting legal off-trail riding areas and maps showing where they are? I mean, there are a number of riders on this site that ride off trail, but the locations are held close to the vest. (I realize some people ride on private lands with the owner's permission.) Think about it, if people know where they can legally ride off trail, then they will be less inclined to trespass elsewhere. Don't just yell at someone, educate them by showing them where they can ride legally.

I have always found the "Stay on Trail or Stay Home" signs to be stupid. Here we tout how welcoming, helpful and civic minded of a group sledders are and we have a rude sign like this on the trails?

As far as keeping the sledders between the signs, keep the trails smooth 24/7 and they will stay between the signs.

You got to be kidding me. If your going to ride off trail do your homework it’s your responsibility to know where you are at all times. Plenty of FR maps and platt map resources try viewing them that’s what I did to ride legally off trail. Your spoon feed me attitude is incredibly entitled and off trail sleddin life doesn’t work that way. Get with the program , do your homework or stay on the marked trail at all times. All can say to your attitude is WOW!!! Get real!


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Staff member
Why are there not signs posting legal off-trail riding areas and maps showing where they are? I mean, there are a number of riders on this site that ride off trail, but the locations are held close to the vest. (I realize some people ride on private lands with the owner's permission.) Think about it, if people know where they can legally ride off trail, then they will be less inclined to trespass elsewhere. Don't just yell at someone, educate them by showing them where they can ride legally.

I have always found the "Stay on Trail or Stay Home" signs to be stupid. Here we tout how welcoming, helpful and civic minded of a group sledders are and we have a rude sign like this on the trails?

As far as keeping the sledders between the signs, keep the trails smooth 24/7 and they will stay between the signs.

10 minutes on the internet will tell you where one can ride off trail legally. It's not the snowmobile clubs responsibility to tell people where it's legal to ride off trail!


Active member
Why are there not signs posting legal off-trail riding areas and maps showing where they are? I mean, there are a number of riders on this site that ride off trail, but the locations are held close to the vest. (I realize some people ride on private lands with the owner's permission.) Think about it, if people know where they can legally ride off trail, then they will be less inclined to trespass elsewhere. Don't just yell at someone, educate them by showing them where they can ride legally.

I have always found the "Stay on Trail or Stay Home" signs to be stupid. Here we tout how welcoming, helpful and civic minded of a group sledders are and we have a rude sign like this on the trails?

As far as keeping the sledders between the signs, keep the trails smooth 24/7 and they will stay between the signs.

The purpose of that sign is for people with your attitude. The sign would not have been created if it wasn't necessary. Like the signs on farm equipment that tell you were to not to stick anything you value. Because someone did it. Caught my 13 year old running a chopper box this summer with the pto shaft guards off (for those of you that don't know that's the drive shift that spins at extremely high speeds and if lucky all you do is loose a limb.). Maybe some of you think his punishment should have ended at yelling. He would have just ignored me. If you think I'm a hard parent fine, but if I'd have gone on any of my neighbors property when I was young I'd have gotten my butt tanned. Plus when your one neighbor thinks the world is ending, is always armed, and sets bear traps to catch people you learn to respect property rights.

My 19 year old got a job this summer after graduating high school and has been promoted twice. I got a call from his supervisor thanking me for raising such a prompt and pleasant young man. I asked if calling the parent was normal. His response was the company hired 65 people in three months. 5 are left. Of the 5 the only one that has shown up for work on time except for the one day he called in sick because he was violently throwing up. He'd gotten food poisoning. We as parents are doing something wrong if we are failing our youth like this. They are not prepared to be responsible and it affects everything from showing up to work, to respecting property owners.


Well-known member
The purpose of that sign is for people with your attitude. The sign would not have been created if it wasn't necessary. Like the signs on farm equipment that tell you were to not to stick anything you value. Because someone did it. Caught my 13 year old running a chopper box this summer with the pto shaft guards off (for those of you that don't know that's the drive shift that spins at extremely high speeds and if lucky all you do is loose a limb.). Maybe some of you think his punishment should have ended at yelling. He would have just ignored me. If you think I'm a hard parent fine, but if I'd have gone on any of my neighbors property when I was young I'd have gotten my butt tanned. Plus when your one neighbor thinks the world is ending, is always armed, and sets bear traps to catch people you learn to respect property rights.

My 19 year old got a job this summer after graduating high school and has been promoted twice. I got a call from his supervisor thanking me for raising such a prompt and pleasant young man. I asked if calling the parent was normal. His response was the company hired 65 people in three months. 5 are left. Of the 5 the only one that has shown up for work on time except for the one day he called in sick because he was violently throwing up. He'd gotten food poisoning. We as parents are doing something wrong if we are failing our youth like this. They are not prepared to be responsible and it affects everything from showing up to work, to respecting property owners.

EXACTLY spot on....
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