Mi no smoking ban starts tomorrow


Active member
yea...I agree. That is where I am torn with the no smoking law. Like I said, I love it because I don't smell like a cig when I come out of a place and most of all I don't have to breathe it nor does my wife or child which is a great thing!

Now on the flip side, it should be up to the owner what they want to do, it really is their business. If they have a sign outside that said smoking allowed, the non-smoker knows what they are walking into...you make the choice.

When there wasn't a law...are there any bars that where non-smoking?


Well-known member
I don't smoke and don'tnow if I have an opinion one way or the other on the smoking ban. allpoaris said now he has to clean up the undesireable butts on the ground. I would like to know why smokers think its okay to throw butts were ever they want. Put it in the smokers pot, ash tray or what ever, as long as it ends up in the garbage. That goes for throwing them out the window of the car or truck too.


New member
I used to smoke and now don't!!!! but I look at it this way.....
Bar owner get second mortgage on house and opens A bar then the govt tells him what to do with it!!mmmmmm don't you think its better to just let the people do whats best, like don't go to a smoking bar if it offends you!!!CHOICES THATS WHAT AMERICA IS ABOUT......


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Staff member
A couple of weeks ago we had a little awards banquet for work. Where it was held was a no smoking hall, Knight of Columbus, the beers were going down good. The smokers would step outside for their smokey treat, and then come back in. The hall closed at 10 pm. 90 percent of the people there were heading to a local bar, no thanks my wife and I said, way to smokey at the bar. So we went home, and it kind of sucked to have to do that, we were having a good time. If the Wi smoking ban was in effect already, we could have went to the bar along with everyone else. But, we made the choice not to go because of the smoke. People say if you don't want to be near the smoke, don't go in the bar/restraunt. OK, that is fine, and I have done so many times, but it sure does suck when I want to enjoy that steak sandwich (awesome) at the Tamarack, and I can't because they still allow smoking at the bar in there.

I guess with the smoking ban being state wide, at least it evens up the playing field.
pretty much all the scenarios and questions that we had in Iowa have been brought up here, and about the ONLY bars, etc. that ARE smoking are the casinos (which we're exempted from this in the beginning, think some money got slid under the table???) and some of the rural bars that have a garage or enough room on the property to put up a smoking tent or something similar. When this law went into effect, it also ruined a niche market for the no-smoking places that already existed. Bottom line and most important fact of all of this is we are being stripped of our FREEDOM here folks. What happens when the law is passed that a bar can only serve you one drink an hour, or we have to blow in the in-house breathalyzer before you can be served?? The time has come that every U.S. citizen get to the polls and start weeding out these do-gooders that have lost touch with workin' class real people. We have to many elected officials that have made careers out of creating frivalous laws as a way to protect their employment. We now even have sons and grandsons (and daughters) getting into the biz, with nothing more than a family name that makes people believe they will make a good leader. Since this is on a snow website, we as citizens are stuck in the motherload of bureaucratic blizzards here, and we all better ban together and get shoveling!!


Active member
To say we are losing a freedom...I don't know if I buy that. You still have the freedom to smoke, just not right next the the non-smoker that doesn't want your second hand smoke. There are some laws that are for the good and hurt no-one. Another one would be seat belts. They save lives, it's a fact! Smokers can still go to the same places everyone else goes....except instead of lighting it up right on the bar stool, you have to walk 50 ft and light it up...big deal. What if smokers would of been more courteous and went outside at establishments in the first place...then there would be no law and no sense of a freedom taken away...just a thought.

As for the breathalyzer...if you have ONE dui, you should have to do it to start your car!


New member
To say we are losing a freedom...I don't know if I buy that. You still have the freedom to smoke, just not right next the the non-smoker that doesn't want your second hand smoke. There are some laws that are for the good and hurt no-one. Another one would be seat belts. They save lives, it's a fact! Smokers can still go to the same places everyone else goes....except instead of lighting it up right on the bar stool, you have to walk 50 ft and light it up...big deal. What if smokers would of been more courteous and went outside at establishments in the first place...then there would be no law and no sense of a freedom taken away...just a thought.

As for the breathalyzer...if you have ONE dui, you should have to do it to start your car!

I'm not looking at it as YOUR losing a freedom....I'm looking at it as the OWNER of that establishment is.....its his choice to be smoke free or not!!!its his money on the line!!his family's future etc.......I also understand what Skylar is saying...BUT in AMERICA we have choices good or bad......owner choice to be smoking establishment...your choice not to go!!!!you may find that some will go smoke free to appease everyone!!!!!LESS GOVERMENT I say......not MORE!!!!

In america we speak with our dollar...keep letting Govt speak for you and you wont have a choice soon......

again I did smoked for 18years!! I know hate going in smoking places now..MY CHOICE....


Active member
firecatguy...I hear ya...I am definitely not for gov't regs. I agree, it should be the owners choice..that is why I brought up the statement "What if smokers would of been more courteous and went outside at establishments in the first place...then there would be no law and no sense of a freedom taken away...just a thought." The problem would be solved!


New member
firecatguy...I hear ya...I am definitely not for gov't regs. I agree, it should be the owners choice..that is why I brought up the statement "What if smokers would of been more courteous and went outside at establishments in the first place...then there would be no law and no sense of a freedom taken away...just a thought." The problem would be solved!

agreed...but the owner lets them smoke inside so they do.......I think this would be a good time for Education not Regulation!!!I think the deck ideas are great but we live in winter for many months so a enclosed deck not much to ask but they cant enclose them in mn.....
yamahauler... you mention seat belts, where coincidently, that is about where this train started leaving the tracks. If I CHOOSE NOT to wear my seat belt, who else am I gonna hurt? If I CHOOSE NOT to wear a motorcycle helmet, who else am I gonna hurt? Those two questions being said, then lets go to a common sense level here. It is (for the most part) legal to talk, text, eat breakfast, put on make-up, read the paper, have sex, etc., etc., while driving, but I am the one who does NONE of the above, and HAS to wear a seatbelt?? Reverting back to the smokers taking it outside, why don't we have the folks that cannot be attentive to driving while out on the road, STAY HOME, then the rest of us won't need seat belts, helmets, and balloons that fill your car when ya crash!! But in reality, we don't need legislation to direct every facet of our lives. If people would dig deep for a little common sense with a touch of respect, we wouldn't have to be dictated to by our damn government!


Well-known member
the out side thing is fine and dandy for now but in CA you cant smoke in any outdoor line out side of a bar restaurant park outdoor concert apartment get ready .and in MN if a bar builds a outdoor structure say a 40x40 building with 8 18ft garage doors covered in screen and calls it the smoking area guess what you cant smoke there.why well I guess because you could close the door and then it would be called indoor same with sliding glass.if you want to have a out door smoking area it has to be 60% permanently open to qualify.now that is nanny state B. S. so my recommendation is if you own a bar in MI don't spend any money on outdoor structures because they will make it illegal for U to use them for the purpose you intended it for.even if your local gov approved the plans I saw it happen 1st hand but at least now the non smokers can go out side and enjoy the outdoor bar and the smokers can walk to the parking lot and smoke oh and he cant have benches or picnic tables in the area because it is zoned a parking lot.like I said before give a inch get get the big banana in the rear end


New member
the out side thing is fine and dandy for now but in CA you cant smoke in any outdoor line out side of a bar restaurant park outdoor concert apartment get ready .and in MN if a bar builds a outdoor structure say a 40x40 building with 8 18ft garage doors covered in screen and calls it the smoking area guess what you cant smoke there.why well I guess because you could close the door and then it would be called indoor same with sliding glass.if you want to have a out door smoking area it has to be 60% permanently open to qualify.now that is nanny state B. S. so my recommendation is if you own a bar in MI don't spend any money on outdoor structures because they will make it illegal for U to use them for the purpose you intended it for.even if your local gov approved the plans I saw it happen 1st hand but at least now the non smokers can go out side and enjoy the outdoor bar and the smokers can walk to the parking lot and smoke oh and he cant have benches or picnic tables in the area because it is zoned a parking lot.like I said before give a inch get get the big banana in the rear end

it is sad that they cant just make an enclosed area for them.....one bar here in town has a great idea to "skirt" the states B.S polices....they built the deck with roof and screen walls, then made benches with 7 or 8ft backs on them....enuff to enclose the room They can move as needed....oh ya and they have one them tall heating things in there too..not bad almost wish I still smoked...NOT...
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Well-known member
it is sad that they cant just make an enclosed area for them.....one bar here in town has a great idea to "skirt" the states B.S polices....the built an deck with roof and screen walls, then made benches with 7 or 8ft backs on them....enuff to enclose the room They can move as needed....

until the inspector comes they have a 40 some page packet on roofed outdoor smoking area in MN I have read it as has the bar owners lawyer after they closed the smoking garage we built that was approved buy local gov then closed MN has most of there bases covered.so if someone calls and they will the job created in 07 the outdoor smoking structure compliance inspector will stop in close the party


New member
you can move the benches around!!....some times I see the have them huddled in middle of room"pull a bench or two out and make smaller square"!!....also have one of them tall stand up heaters in there.......


New member
motel rooms I take a can of Lysol or fabreeze and spray the heck out it and take off the comforter so the smell of the smoke goes away as for places to eat I love it that it is smoke free here in Ohio and been that way for about 5 years now It's going to get worse before it's gets better if it gets better at all REMEMEBER to VOTE IN NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!!


New member
yamahauler... you mention seat belts, where coincidently, that is about where this train started leaving the tracks. If I CHOOSE NOT to wear my seat belt, who else am I gonna hurt? If I CHOOSE NOT to wear a motorcycle helmet, who else am I gonna hurt? Those two questions being said, then lets go to a common sense level here. It is (for the most part) legal to talk, text, eat breakfast, put on make-up, read the paper, have sex, etc., etc., while driving, but I am the one who does NONE of the above, and HAS to wear a seatbelt?? Reverting back to the smokers taking it outside, why don't we have the folks that cannot be attentive to driving while out on the road, STAY HOME, then the rest of us won't need seat belts, helmets, and balloons that fill your car when ya crash!! But in reality, we don't need legislation to direct every facet of our lives. If people would dig deep for a little common sense with a touch of respect, we wouldn't have to be dictated to by our damn government!

In an ideal world. Trouble is that when you smoke, drive without your belt, enjoy riding without your helmet, text while driving, put makeup on, have sex behind the steering wheel, you are putting OTHERS at risk too. Not just yourself. Also when you do crash, YOUR stupid idiotic behavior means that MY insurance premiums go up because YOU have to have medical treatments more frequently and more costly than those who don't do all those things.

So we all pay for that stupidity and the ONLY way to "reason" with idiotic behavior is to pass a law to make sure that it doesn't happen..or if it does, the GOVERNMENT (which is You and ME, btw) can make sure you don't drive, ride, have sex behind the wheel while trying to get to work in the morning.

In a perfect world, everyone would do the right thing...but we live far far far away from a perfect world and laws are enacted, for the most part to protect those of us from nut jobs who can't tell the difference from right and wrong, common sense, and stupidity.

As long as you are willing to sign a release, while driving your bike and crash and become brain dead...and agree to just let the EMS personnel, search your wallet and see that you signed a release of services, and they let you die on the street, I have no problem with you driving without a helmet...riding without a seat belt etc. But while you hurl that 4 ton machine down the road, or puff away on some cancer stick and pollute the air I have to breath because I CAN'T GO ANYWHERE out to eat on Friday Nite without absorbing YOUR stinky habit...then it is time to pass a law that safe-guards my rights...and if that means that you can't stand to go there...then YOU stay home for a change....pollute your air, turn your teeth, fingers, and wallpaper yellow...and I don't care...have a nice time carrying that oxygen bottle around....they come in pink, yellow and purple stripes.


New member
Well put Boondocker, I could not have said it any better!!!!! I do not smoke, never did and never will, but second hand smoke affects my breathing and my eyes!


Well-known member
ok boon and where are you willing to draw the line? when the greenies say I cant enjoy the parks with those stinky smelly loud snowmobiles driving around spewing smoke that I have to breath. I have to be careful of where I walk and ski so I don't get run over I have a right to enjoy the outdoors with out all of those worries.is that ok?did not think so it is the same thing.like I said I don't smoke nor do I care who dose it is not about smoking it is about privet property rights.how about remote control thermostats to control how much energy U use to reduce your carbon foot print so we can all have more fresh air would that be ok with you?it has been discussed in the not so distant past.