Mi no smoking ban starts tomorrow


New member
Helmet issues??that's for another day...

as for smoking in public places.....The Bar is Privately owned so why does the govt or any one think they have the right to tell someone how to run their business???Watch out what you ask for!!!

bryan t

I tend to FART when I can't smoke, how long before OBAMA passes a law that says I have to fart outside, or in a designated FARTING AREA???

I have smoked for 20 yrs, and just like everybody else who smokes..have tried to quit several times...and I'll keep trying because NOBODY likes to be treated like a second class citizen, and right now smokers are being treated worse than black people in mississippi in 1960 ...If I have to step outside to smoke, I won't go into the bar...I'll just stay outside, take a pull off my flask of crown royal, and light up a smoke....relax, and enjoy the beauty of the U.P. winter...it would be cheaper anyway.

Seriously..all you non smokers/anti smokers did was close a bunch of small town bars, and taverns where 90 percent of their local customer base smokes....no skin off my back.


New member
I'm not looking at it as YOUR losing a freedom....I'm looking at it as the OWNER of that establishment is.....its his choice to be smoke free or not!!!its his money on the line!!his family's future etc.......I also understand what Skylar is saying...BUT in AMERICA we have choices good or bad......owner choice to be smoking establishment...your choice not to go!!!!you may find that some will go smoke free to appease everyone!!!!!LESS GOVERMENT I say......not MORE!!!!

In america we speak with our dollar...keep letting Govt speak for you and you wont have a choice soon......

again I did smoked for 18years!! I know hate going in smoking places now..MY CHOICE....

Day One Over-----60% in sales DOWN... 2nd time i've lived through this.. first in IL: ... All I have to say... IS ... I Hope All The Kids Fighting For Freedom.. When They Get Back .. Can Have A Smoke & Drink On ME......... If Im Still Here..............Take That To The Bank................


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Staff member
I tend to FART when I can't smoke, how long before OBAMA passes a law that says I have to fart outside, or in a designated FARTING AREA???

I have smoked for 20 yrs, and just like everybody else who smokes..have tried to quit several times...and I'll keep trying because NOBODY likes to be treated like a second class citizen, and right now smokers are being treated worse than black people in mississippi in 1960 ...If I have to step outside to smoke, I won't go into the bar...I'll just stay outside, take a pull off my flask of crown royal, and light up a smoke....relax, and enjoy the beauty of the U.P. winter...it would be cheaper anyway.

Seriously..all you non smokers/anti smokers did was close a bunch of small town bars, and taverns where 90 percent of their local customer base smokes....no skin off my back.

I hope you are kidding about smokers being treated worse than black people in Mississippi in the 60's.


New member
I tend to FART when I can't smoke, how long before OBAMA passes a law that says I have to fart outside, or in a designated FARTING AREA???

I have smoked for 20 yrs, and just like everybody else who smokes..have tried to quit several times...and I'll keep trying because NOBODY likes to be treated like a second class citizen, and right now smokers are being treated worse than black people in mississippi in 1960 ...If I have to step outside to smoke, I won't go into the bar...I'll just stay outside, take a pull off my flask of crown royal, and light up a smoke....relax, and enjoy the beauty of the U.P. winter...it would be cheaper anyway.

Seriously..all you non smokers/anti smokers did was close a bunch of small town bars, and taverns where 90 percent of their local customer base smokes....no skin off my back.
I really hope your kidding - WOW
there ya go Boondocker...that being said, lets move forward to the Obama healthcare proposition. We (the people) will ALL have healthcare in some sort of shape or form. As far as I know all people within these 50 (or so) states gets provided healthcare now (it don't matter yer background...legal or not) and if ya did'nt realize the folks that PAY for this are the folks that are already paying the premiums, cuz you know as well as I do most are getting serviced for FREE....look around ya and realize that babies increase income to women that have no idea what a job is, fathers that have no idea what a mother is, and the people that have somethin' to lose buy insurance to protect themselves from the ones who don't have anything to lose. It all comes down to if ya have nothing to lose, the ones that do care about where they are and the work it took to get there and care about what they have will pay damn near anything to protect themselves against those who have nothing and nothing to lose!!

bryan t

I hope you are kidding about smokers being treated worse than black people in Mississippi in the 60's.

Of course I am...it was a sarcastic attempt at humor (that apparently failed)....The main point was that smoker's are being treated like second class citizens..while doing something that is legal...AND like it or not the majority of people who drink at taverns DO in fact smoke. Ask any bar owner what the percentage of people who smoke in their bar is.

Like I said all the anitsmokers did is close mom and pop places...may not happen today...but you watch what happens with in one year...like mosiquito said...business was down 60 percent the first day of the ban...how many businesses can stay open losing that kind of money for a sustained period of time???


Well-known member
The Bar is Privately owned so why does the govt or any one think they have the right to tell someone how to run their business???

The business rely's on PUBLIC money. In other words, your's and mine. Without it, they go OUT of business.

This smoking thing has been covered many times, MI and WI are just a little behind when it comes to doing it. Business's will take an initial hit, but as has been the case in MN, people will still go, and find a way to spend their money, and smoke their cigs, just not in my face anymore.

I am in no way for telling one how to run their business, but if they want my patronage, I would rather NOT have to smoke to be there.


Active member
mosquito...do you know what are the fines gonna be if you get caught with smokers, just wondering I kinda liked the idea of the donation jar for paying the fine if you get caught. I'm a non smoker and do like not smelling the smoke or smelling like smoke when I leave a bar, but I think it should be the right of the owner to decide. And for the people who don't smoke I think it is up to them if they want to go in to a smoking establishment or not
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New member
mosquito...do you know what are the fines gonna be if you get caught with smokers, just wondering I kinda liked the idea of the donation jar for paying the fine if you get caught. I'm a non smoker and do like not smelling the smoke or smelling like smoke when I leave a bar, but I think it should be the right of the owner to decide. And for the people who don't smoke I think it is up to them if they want to go in to a smoking establishment or not
Dont know what the fines will be --we are now smoke free like it or not-- Just Praying that we make it


New member
I tend to FART when I can't smoke, how long before OBAMA passes a law that says I have to fart outside, or in a designated FARTING AREA???

I have smoked for 20 yrs, and just like everybody else who smokes..have tried to quit several times...and I'll keep trying because NOBODY likes to be treated like a second class citizen, and right now smokers are being treated worse than black people in mississippi in 1960 ...If I have to step outside to smoke, I won't go into the bar...I'll just stay outside, take a pull off my flask of crown royal, and light up a smoke....relax, and enjoy the beauty of the U.P. winter...it would be cheaper anyway.

Seriously..all you non smokers/anti smokers did was close a bunch of small town bars, and taverns where 90 percent of their local customer base smokes....no skin off my back.

Lots of talk about who "won't go in" because of the new law...btw, this is a states rights issue and has nothing whatsoever to do with Obama.

What about those folks who need a job, working in the bar and who NEED that job, but must endure the smoke for 8 or 10 hours per day? Do they have rights? What about the cook?

What about those who want to come to the bar but can't because they can't breath that crap because it irritates their lungs or they have asthma?

Some of these bars are nice gathering places for some who can't smoke at home, or they like to see others who are also hooked and helplessly controlled by tobacco products.

Is it not bad enough that you waste money enough to send 10 kids to college and burn homes down, cause thousands of damage over time to the interior of eating establishments, that you need to force places to "be okay" with smoking?

If you could inhale, hold it and not pollute the air, really nobody would care except your immediate family who will miss you when YOU get the big nod that YOU have the big C.

Waste all the money you want on tobacco...who cares? Just don't make me smell like a ashtray whenever I meet someone for a quick meeting or go out to my favorite food place...

Really there is so much whining about this, you would think that smokers were being required to quit smoking...they are not, they can smoke anywhere in private they want, just not in a food place...big deal...stop whining and realize YOU aren't the only one going into those places...and stop throwing your butts out the window...the world is NOT your ashtray.

Last week, I stopped and put out a grass fire that had just begun, as usual, set by a "very conscientious" smoker.

People who don't smoke and who want to live long enough to see their grandkids, and who might have enough issues with health, have rights too...they have long been ignored, but now they have been righted...finally.

Grow up....do you realize that you could be buying new snowmobiles far more frequently if you just gave up the habit?? Donate that money to people who haven't got a pot to plee in. It is such an insane...habit.


New member
I have a buddy that owns a bar in MN. He was afraid of the loss of business as well, but never even experienced a hiccup. Things are just as good if not better.

Those of you doing the donation jar, I would be very wary of doing that. If word gets out that you are doing it to pay off the fine, things could get very bad for you. You will be targeted more. That was kicked around by MN bar owners as well...and didn't fly.



Well-known member
B.S. people who cry about the smoke irritating there lungs are full of crap I have had asthma my whole like carry a inhaler with me every place I go and have never had to use it because I was in a smoky room for any amount of time. and YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK AT A PLACE IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. in MN if you get caught so many times no more liquor licence don't know what the fine is. but the thing a few owners do is have a theater night where all the patrons are so called characters in a reality play because smoking is allowed in MN for theatrical performances this is driving the nanny state supporters ^^^^^^^^^crazy and they have been trying all they can to get that loop hole closed .on the up side most people who smoke dint have a choice to go elsewhere and if they cant stop smoking they wont stop drinking so you wont be totally F ed.but in the short run my buds who lived through this in MN lost around 40% the first few mo and are after a yr were around 15%.now a Bud who has a bar on a border state was devastated when the ban in MN started. his bar was at the exit of a large manufacturing plant and happy hour was his bars life the law just about shut him down all the workers just drove across the border.if you think this is bad just wait till the fed finally gets control of all your health care then cap and trade then you will see what heavy handed regulation is really about


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Staff member
B.S. people who cry about the smoke irritating there lungs are full of crap I have had asthma my whole like carry a inhaler with me every place I go and have never had to use it because I was in a smoky room for any amount of time. and YOU DONT HAVE TO WORK AT A PLACE IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. in MN if you get caught so many times no more liquor licence don't know what the fine is. but the thing a few owners do is have a theater night where all the patrons are so called characters in a reality play because smoking is allowed in MN for theatrical performances this is driving the nanny state supporters ^^^^^^^^^crazy and they have been trying all they can to get that loop hole closed .on the up side most people who smoke dint have a choice to go elsewhere and if they cant stop smoking they wont stop drinking so you wont be totally F ed.but in the short run my buds who lived through this in MN lost around 40% the first few mo and are after a yr were around 15%.now a Bud who has a bar on a border state was devastated when the ban in MN started. his bar was at the exit of a large manufacturing plant and happy hour was his bars life the law just about shut him down all the workers just drove across the border.if you think this is bad just wait till the fed finally gets control of all your health care then cap and trade then you will see what heavy handed regulation is really about

I've never had asthma ezra, or any lung issues, two years ago I was staying at a friends house in MN for Haydays. Huge party, awesome time, I pretty much spent the night in his "shop" (more like a bar, very cool) breathing in second hand smoke all night. Two days later started to get a little cough, then it turned into a persistent cough, a month later I finally went to the doc. You know what I was told? Bronchitis due to all the second hand smoke I inhaled that night. So before you jump up and tell me I am full of crap, second hand smoke effects people in different ways.


I'm glad this ban is in place! Second hand smoke is a killer. And to the people moaning
about the ban and how it doesn't harm - do you smoke around little kids too???


Active member
I think the ban should be all 50 states at once, then no one has a leg up on another. 90+% of bars did just as good if not better in MN when the ban went into place. Think of it...more people don't smoke than do, you may gain in business.