Mi no smoking ban starts tomorrow


New member
or go to a federal building.any one else remember kids smoking lounges in high school most people under 35 don't believe it.I think modern law makers would blow a gasket that would lead to a major brain aneurysm if they found out a kids were smoking at school now days.looking back on it I cant believe under age kids could smoke in school but it was standing room only between class.oh but the best part there was a pop machine but you could not buy pop from it during school hours you could pull a heater but drinking a Pepsi was over the top

Bwahahaha Did we go to the same school????LOL


Well-known member
or go to a federal building.any one else remember kids smoking lounges in high school most people under 35 don't believe it.I think modern law makers would blow a gasket that would lead to a major brain aneurysm if they found out a kids were smoking at school now days.looking back on it I cant believe under age kids could smoke in school but it was standing room only between class.oh but the best part there was a pop machine but you could not buy pop from it during school hours you could pull a heater but drinking a Pepsi was over the top

My school did not have a smokers room, that was called the parking lot.

Some still tried though, I remember a gushing river of water coming out of the girls bathroom one time, because two girls were standing on the shtter blowing smoke into the ceiling tiles, and the tank busted underneath them!

As for the ban, you guys keep coming up with ways to thwart the law, they tried lots of stuff in MN, and NONE of it worked. No smoking!


New member
More bars should go to be private clubs where you have to be a member, look around at some of the small town bars where it is the same crowd day in and day out. This way smoking would be allowed as it would not be a public bar, there are a few small clubs in my area now and smoking is permitted, it is up to the club. If they were private clubs then all of the nonsmokers could go in to join, get their membership and then whine and complain about the smoke in the club that they just joined. I am a smoker and am usually polite about my habit, but the thing that drove me crazy was being in a restaurant that had a smoking and non smoking section, is when a non smoker would come in and there were a lot of empty non smoking seats open they come and sit right next to the smoking section and b-tch about the smoke. It should be up to the owner of the property whether or not they want to permit smoking, the economy is in the crapper already and now this to take away from the bar biz. I can agree that restaurants where there are children should be smoke free, but bars are another story, a beer and a smoke after work is the way to go.

bryan t

Ok...so now that you anti-smokers are being all smug, and happy...How many of you non smokers are FAT??? Raise ur hand please.

I just want to see who will be hipocrites when the government starts attacking fat people...or starts telling resturants what they may or may not serve because it has too much fat content or is an unhealty dish.

The smoking thing is a dead issue..It's a done deal whether or not we like it or not....smoke in a bar and get the boot..We get it ...no reason to get all pompous anti smokers...but???..who do you think is next on the list??

That's right FAT people..it's you!!!! LOL


Active member
"Seems like the word "choices" has less meaning as government is making them for us."

Quote from above

I haven't followed this thread but I do smoke. But I think that THIS is the real problem here. Not just for smokers or non smokers but for business owners and for the "peoples" rights. The government is supposed to be for the people, elected by the people and of the people.

I'm not againt this "bill". I'm against the political aspirations of those who push these bills to pass without any true understanding of the preamble ("We the people...).
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Well-known member
Ok...so now that you anti-smokers are being all smug, and happy...How many of you non smokers are FAT??? Raise ur hand please.

I just want to see who will be hypocrites when the government starts attacking fat people...or starts telling restaurants what they may or may not serve because it has too much fat content or is an unhealthy dish.

The smoking thing is a dead issue..It's a done deal whether or not we like it or not....smoke in a bar and get the boot..We get it ...no reason to get all pompous anti smokers...but???..who do you think is next on the list??

That's right FAT people..it's you!!!! LOL

don't think we can go there I think the health care post was yanked .I was wondering in MN if you run a biz you cant smoke in that biz so if one of my guys comes to my garage part is a tax ded to pick up a tool or something and a bud was smoking am I breaking the law?not that I give a crap just got me thinking about the MN clean indoor act.now what if it is Friday and we all sit around and have a few one hits is that double the fine?can they pull my license? what about job site campers? what if that camper is at your house for a few weeks and you go out in it and have a smoke are you a felon or at least a petty law breaker?what about the work trucks?do I have to tell a guy he cant smoke in a truck I don't give 2 s hits if he smokes in a work truck but technically it is a place of work and could fall under the MN clean Indore air act.now 1 more me or my guys working in some ones house who smokes like crazy can I sue him for not providing a clean air atmosphere to work in prob not yet but I am sure there are some lawyers looking in to it.in fact if I get a job at a liars I mean politicians house who smokes again I may have to call the lawyer to start working on a retirement plan for me.I was also thinking if any one has been working on a piss test for nicotine yet wanna put money on it they have been.just wait a few yrs till health care kicks in full tilt


New member
"Seems like the word "choices" has less meaning as government is making them for us."

Quote from above

I haven't followed this thread but I do smoke. But I think that THIS is the real problem here. Not just for smokers or non smokers but for business owners and for the "peoples" rights. The government is supposed to be for the people, elected by the people and of the people.

I'm not againt this "bill". I'm against the political aspirations of those who push these bills to pass without any true understanding of the preamble ("We the people...).

Supposed to are the key words.

I don't believe for a minute that are politicians are stupid, naive, and don't understand the constitution. Name one who is a neanderthal dragging his knuckles on the ground.

But rather I believe:
They count on we the people to be too busy to educate ourselves on who the candidates are, but rather rely on the MSM.
They count on that we the people will be too busy to be proactive in the political process. They count on we the people to be pushovers.
They count on we the people to believe them when they tell us what we want to hear. I They are receiving large bribes (campaign contributions) from large companies, and that is who they are working for.
They are blackmailed with skeletons they have in the closet.
And if they get uppity with the puppet master they may be shot (like Reagan), or even killed (like Kennedy).


Remember 6th grade history?

Supposed to are the key words.

I don't believe for a minute that are politicians are stupid, naive, and don't understand the constitution. Name one who is a neanderthal dragging his knuckles on the ground.

But rather I believe:
They count on we the people to be too busy to educate ourselves on who the candidates are, but rather rely on the MSM.
They count on that we the people will be too busy to be proactive in the political process. They count on we the people to be pushovers.
They count on we the people to believe them when they tell us what we want to hear. I They are receiving large bribes (campaign contributions) from large companies, and that is who they are working for.
They are blackmailed with skeletons they have in the closet.
And if they get uppity with the puppet master they may be shot (like Reagan), or even killed (like Kennedy).

"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for handouts and petty amusements that politicians use to gain popular support, instead of gaining it through sound public policy. The phrase is invoked not only to criticize politicians, but also to criticize their populations for giving up their civic duty.
In modern usage, the phrase has become an adjective to deride a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To many across the political spectrum, left and right, it connotes the triviality and frivolity that defined the Roman Empire prior to its decline and that may contribute to the decline of modern society."

… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses
… iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat, panem et circenses.
(Juvenal, Satire 10.77–81)


New member
More bars should go to be private clubs where you have to be a member, look around at some of the small town bars where it is the same crowd day in and day out. This way smoking would be allowed as it would not be a public bar, there are a few small clubs in my area now and smoking is permitted, it is up to the club. If they were private clubs then all of the nonsmokers could go in to join, get their membership and then whine and complain about the smoke in the club that they just joined. I am a smoker and am usually polite about my habit, but the thing that drove me crazy was being in a restaurant that had a smoking and non smoking section, is when a non smoker would come in and there were a lot of empty non smoking seats open they come and sit right next to the smoking section and b-tch about the smoke. It should be up to the owner of the property whether or not they want to permit smoking, the economy is in the crapper already and now this to take away from the bar biz. I can agree that restaurants where there are children should be smoke free, but bars are another story, a beer and a smoke after work is the way to go.

Your idea doesn't hold water. Private clubs are no smoking also, such as the Eagle, Elks, Moose, Hells Angels, etc. Unless your club is in your own home.


New member
Some good conversation going on here. I think the issue that really needs to be addressed is it's ok for the majority to trample the minority as long as we are talking about cigs? What about snowmobiling? There are way more non-snowmobilers in this country than snowmobiliers. What if the majority says snowmobiles pollute way to much and disturb nature? Should they be outlawed? The majority might say "well it dont effect me so....". I dont like this kind of attitude. Nothing is ever that simple. Our freedoms are at stake. All this smoking ban stuff is just a stepping stone or a starting point for future regulations. Fast food is next.


New member
And I hate when the link between intelligence and smoking is used. You know how many GM's and upper management smoke dope and drink there brains out? Show me that statistic......
GM"S Smoking?

If you could get 10 GM's, CEO's or any owners/managers/superintendents to admit to smoking illegal products and drinking there brains out, I'll show you an unemployed person.

I don't smoke and think bar owners should chose smoking or non. But I believe that it is not my right to say: "I want to smoke at (name bar) so you shouldn't be able to" is a horrible excuse to ban it. I believe it is similar to when a parent says: "because I said so." What a cheap answer. I have the right to not patronize them and the right to not work there and they have the right to refuse me service and not higher me because of whatever reason.
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And I hate when the link between intelligence and smoking is used. You know how many GM's and upper management smoke dope and drink there brains out? Show me that statistic......

So what? CEOs also eat fried foods, drive fast cars, and have unprotected sex with hookers. The link is not between intelligence and smoking, it is between EDUCATION and smoking. No one has said that ONLY less educated people engage in unhealthy behavior. The CDC study said that there is a correlation between education level and smoking.

This is not judgemental, it is factual. Rates of smoking decline as education levels increase.


New member
Little naive to think facts can't be skewed to give a certain appearance. Look at the global warming scientists.....And you would be surprised at how many high level people go home and tie one on every night. Are they going to advertise it? No, but rest assured it's more prevalent than you think.

So it's legal for people to protest at a funeral but I can't lite up in a bar even if the owner would let me!!! ***?????


Well-known member
And I hate when the link between intelligence and smoking is used. You know how many GM's and upper management smoke dope and drink there brains out? Show me that statistic......

better yet walk out behind a hospital usually behind the generators or something tons of doctors and nurses pulling heaters


New member
Little naive to think facts can't be skewed to give a certain appearance. Look at the global warming scientists.....And you would be surprised at how many high level people go home and tie one on every night. Are they going to advertise it? No, but rest assured it's more prevalent than you think.

So it's legal for people to protest at a funeral but I can't lite up in a bar even if the owner would let me!!! ***?????

Your not making a lot of sense???? So what does the "High Level" folks who tie one on have to do with the proof of education and smoking? Protesting at a funeral has nothing to do with my health. Today, at the liquor store I over heard that smoking with a pet in the same room is going to be illegal.

Note: the biker bar I mentioned in an earlier post are all doing well with a picnic table and roof over it out back is their place to smoke. The private club that I am a member of all walk up and down the sidewalk in front of the building. They are exercising as they smoke and don't even realize it.


Well-known member
So what? CEOs also eat fried foods, drive fast cars, and have unprotected sex with hookers. The link is not between intelligence and smoking, it is between EDUCATION and smoking. No one has said that ONLY less educated people engage in unhealthy behavior. The CDC study said that there is a correlation between education level and smoking.

This is not judgemental, it is factual. Rates of smoking decline as education levels increase.

most of the rest of the world must be uneducated because it seems to me when I have been Italy Germany Amsterdam switzerland mexico Russia 80%+ were smoking must be a bunch of high school drop outs.but in the Dominican republic I saw very few smoking and most people there are lucky if they get to go to school.we all know smoking is bad for you even some one who dropped out of school at 12 yrs old