Michigan Fee increase next season???


$50 is no big deal if you have only 1 or 2 sleds..........

I agree with upsledder. I took the family (4 sleds) to Houghton 2 weekends ago. $140 is alot to spend on 1 trip to the U.P.

Beautiful area to ride, but hard to justify the costs. They should do a short term permit for cases like this.


New member
And maybe even a multi-sled discount might not be out of the realm of possibilities.

Talking the family up with 4 sleds will be alittle pricey for a weekend of riding.

dan wilson

New member
join the msa and area club,see what these cost are,fuel,insurance for the club,groomers and drags,I volenteer for trail riders in baldwin,groom,brush trails,signage.we are going to be short on money to groom next year if we don't.10% of us snowmobilers donate our time while the other 90% get to enjoy nice trails.GET INVOLVED,money is tight for all,but try to get informed before you complain about the price of the trail sticker,we are cheap compared to other sleding states,plus we have some of the best trails in the great lakes.


You guys complaining about $35 or $45 dollar permits is nuts. Trail grooming over the past 4 years alone has improved along with many other things. To complain about $35 dollars when you ride $10,000 etc. sleds is a joke. I do agree that they should offer a week long trail permit.

Who's complaining? Like xsledder said, everyone has their own cost to benefit cut off point.
You might have a 10K sled, but I don't, and there are a lot of people out there who could afford a 10K sled 5 years ago that can't afford to take it anywhere today.


New member
Canada $250.00 dollars

This makes me wonder will we see trail permits as high as Ontario?

It wasnt but a few short years ago Mi. permits were $10.00 dollars.

In this new wacky world we now live in I for one would not be suprised.

And I believe our state Gov. will take all that they can get away with. (crooks)

I have been riding in Ontario for 10 years now and there is very little if any taffic.

Could the very little if any traffic happen in Michigan?

I am not complaining as it is a user fee which is the best kind of tax.

And smooth and well signed trails is well worth $50.00 dollars.

But what if they in time reach $250.00 or more like Ontario?

And hey it very well could happen in this bankrupt State and Country we now live in.



New member
Wi trails have also improved over the years. I'll pay the fee to ride Mi but I can truely understand why some might not. $50.00 is alot of money for a day or two of riding. I belong to five clubs and I also get out and help with the brushing and marking of the trails, but we do have to keep the sport at a price that people can afford. The less people we have riding the less of a voice we'll have to continue the sport. I ride from Wi into Mi an alot and I can be around alot of riders getting to Mi and as soon as I cross into Mi the trails become a lot less crowded.


My Proposal.........

Give the residents of Michigan a break. Just like a hunting license, any non-resident to pay a little more. Has anyone ever thought of this as an option? All states should do the same.


New member
Give the people that belong to a club a break. Then you know for sure the money is staying in the area you ride. The burdens of obtainig and maintaining these trails are put on the shoulders of a few and the few are for the most part older, when these people step aside I hope there is some one there to fill the empty shoes.


Wow! Simply put by many of the posts, please look at the breakdown of costs to operate and maintain groomers and trails! $45 is a small price to pay for the product delivered. Admittedly it could be cost prohibitive for multiple sleds coming to MI 1-2 times a year, but the vast majority come to ride more frequently.


Wow! Simply put by many of the posts, please look at the breakdown of costs to operate and maintain groomers and trails! $45 is a small price to pay for the product delivered. Admittedly it could be cost prohibitive for multiple sleds coming to MI 1-2 times a year, but the vast majority come to ride more frequently.

Some of you just don't get it. I live in Wisconsin. We have thousands of miles of beautiful, well maintained trails right here. I have no NEED to go into Michigan. My state doesn't make me buy a trail sticker on top of my registration. It has only cost me $15 a year to operate my sled on Wisconsin trails. Next year, for those who do not belong to a club, it will be a little more. If Wisconsin raised it to $100 a year I would probably still pay that because I love to ride. I just don't NEED to compound my costs by crossing the border.

I think that will be the sentiment of a lot of riders.


Active member
I'm not going to complain - if you look at the distribution of funds in the link you can see that the amount of miles groomed since the '90s has gone up dramatically. However, I would like to see a more clearly defined explanation as the total costs of grooming was approximately (rounding up) was $1.7 mil, but the total allocated in the fund was $8.7 mil, leaving $7mil not accounted for in the chart. So how is that other $7mil being spent?
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Well-known member
There will be riders with multiple sleds that won't pay the increase & will stay in WI or MN & drop the UPMI trips. This in turn will hurt Ma & Pa UPMI snomo biz. Just my opinion but I think snowmobiling ownership & interest has peaked pre 2009 just too expensive overall for the masses to afford. Some people probably will bailout completely due to cost....maybe rent once in awhile. $15K MSRP for new sleds in a weak ecomomy too expensive & they call this deflation???? Everything is more expensive that I purchase & the nickle only squeezes soooooo far before the buffalo poops. This is a very expensive sport & we can ride only Dec -March & have to deal with thaw periods as well. Market is shrinking not growing & lots of used sleds for sale. Do we have enough newbies coming in to off set those bailing out?
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100% agreed Whitedust. Another reason I don't need to go to MI is my days of riding 250 miles a day are over. The grades made that easy. With the price of gas I have cut that in half.

Team Elkhorn

I will pay the 50 dollars per sled but only for the wife and I. My grown kids will have to pay for their own if they want to ride in MI. But I bet they wont. They will prob. only ride in WI.
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Active member
Been register'n 4 for the past 8 years on il,Wi,Mi. If i cut costs next year guess who's gonna get cut first...


New member
Too darn expensive

I will pay the 50 dollars per sled but only for the wife and I. My grown kids will have to pay for their own if they want to ride in MI. But I bet they won't. They will prob. only ride in WI.

My point exactly. After riding for almost twenty years with my family it is over. I told my kids the exact same thing and there is no way that recent college grads can afford to snowmobile. The trail permit and registration increases just rub salt in the wound. The price of equipment and the price of admission is killing what is left of the sport. Almost every bar in my area is now closed since all the sledders disappeared. The trails are smooth and dangerous but the people are still gone and businesses have failed. One of the manufacturers needs to produce a lightweight sled that is affordable in order to draw new blood into the sport. But if the Trail permit fees keep rising it won't matter. With six sleds and only one or two usages per year it is cost prohibitive. I like the three day pass idea but that won't happen. I guess this way we don't have to worry about Wisconsin and Minnesota folks coming over to ride on private property! While the Wisconsin and Minesota folks have to give up on the Western Yoop, the Indiana and Ohio folks have given up on the Eastern Yoop. The economic impact of this is obvious and severe. It would be better to let the Trails go to crap but subsidize the sport by supplying kegs of beer and hot dogs along the bumpy trails!


Active member
Can those of you who keep complaining please stop...it's only making my blood pressure increase.

It is funny how when someone says their not going to the UP because it is getting to expensive compared to the benefit they get, it is equated to complaining. What, should we bend over and take it?

I haven't heard anyone complaining, their saying enough is enough, we're going somewhere else. Ya, the sledding is good in the UP but not that great that we can't have a good time snowmobiling elsewhere.

I rode in NE Iowa last weekend for the first time in twenty years. Great riding. I rode part of the day on 160 acres jumping terraces. Then I went into the woods and boondocked in 18" to 24" of powder. Then I rode groomed trails. (As smooth as the UP's). It took me 4 hrs to drive there and I didn't have to buy a permit. (Priceless)