My daughter is on her first date...


Well-known member
They went to see Harry Potter, and right now they are at Culvers getting ice cream. My wife is sitting in the parking lot there, but my daughter does not know that. LOL.

LOL, nice.

The menu is so complicated at Culvers. Butter this and butter that! Oh back to the issue, So Moms a stalker? Now you know why some of us have high tech phones with tracking devices. lol.

We need to know where people like you are at all time.


New member
Good luck

i don't even own a gun. Lol. I will let my height and deep voice intimidate him. :)

i remember one date when i was in high school, we lived in different towns, and hadn't seen each other in two weeks. Went to the movie, went parking, lost track of time, we got pulled over around 1:30 in the morning when i was taking her back home, apprently her parents were a little worried since curfew was 11 pm. Holy crap do i regret doing that now!!

skylar, all i did was to say have a nice time to my dauhgter and whisper to him "one hand print on my little girl that is where it should not be and you will squat to pee the rest of your life" (as i stood there sharpenin my knifes from work)..he said yes sir but never asked her out again!!!huh???just beenin a i will lend you as many knifes as you ask for !!!


Active member

There's a song about this!! Might be a good time to download it on you ipod. It's country, and think it's sung by Tim McGraw. " Somethn about showing the boy he's cleaning a shotgun while the boy's waiting to take his daughter out on a date." If you don't have the gun, maybe show him how well the 2 inch lugs could airate (sp?) him!! *L*


Active member
Now this is the definitely funniest thread I've seen here in a long time!
(Funny??? — I guess it all depends on your perspective, eh?) :)


New member
I'm surprised you were even privledged to this highly classified information.

It's not so bad, unless you don't trust them. My girls are now 21 and 17 (senior and senior).
Niether really had boy-friends in high school, just boys that were friends.


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Staff member
She had a good time. She says to me last night, jeez dad you called 4 times in 4 hours! I laughed and said, I wasn't the one in Culvers parking lot! HAHAHAHA, you should have seen the look on her face, and the look she gave my wife. Priceless. :)

She also told me that there was no "unsanitary exchange of saliva" ( we heard that on TV Thursday night), just some hand holding.

My little girl is growing up. :(


Super Moderator
Staff member
Hmmm..... I remeber 4 short years ago.... my little 16 year old daughter going out on that first date!
had "the talk"- Duh dad dont worry! im not stupid! ha ha!

I have a 3 year old grandson and a 1 1/2 year old grandaughter!

But dont worry!
Love um ta death and wouldnt change it for the world!

Good luck buddy!

Scottigrandpaking OUT


New member
They went to see Harry Potter, and right now they are at Culvers getting ice cream. My wife is sitting in the parking lot there, but my daughter does not know that. LOL.

LMAO! send wife to do the investigating. "call me if you need assistance honey"

Deleted member 10829

Isn't Indy_500 about the same age as your daughter and also lives in Wisconsin? I'm not sure how close he lives to you but you know his mind would be on and not making you a grandpa too early! :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Isn't Indy_500 about the same age as your daughter and also lives in Wisconsin? I'm not sure how close he lives to you but you know his mind would be on and not making you a grandpa too early! :)

LOL, Indy is a an hour or so away. With snow on the ground, I'm sure Indy isn't even thinking of girls. LOL.