I just about lost it with the " 4 man hot tub " .......
I think good trail access and a heated barn or garage with lighting to aid in the R & R of down customer sleds.
Also there is alot to be said if the weather turns to a melt down or rain and letting the guests leave with a refund for the period of stay that is jepoardized. This gets to be a sticky issue , when many ( all ) of my traveling budds & families go somewhere and the weather turns. I have had to debate property owners on trail conditions, rain ect... and our group leaving. We travel a long way with $$$ high priced machines, and sometimes have to leave due to weather. Most people don't want to spend the money for lost days. I will always return to a place if they let us leave with a refund, if we have to debate the issue, we do not return.
May sound unreasonable to a business owner but we spend alot of money in whatever community we visit. There is alot of cash spent on items other than the lodging that some people don't consider like $$$ at other business, sled rental, gas, food, oil, .... gas, oil, gas, oil, gas,oil,gas,oil .....
1 more thing, if something breaks in the room, cabin, whatever and the guests are compromised let say of " hot water " get someone in to fix it right away.... not in a couple of days. I know getting service in parts of the UP gets tricky but just speaking from past experiences. Of course I may not be the common customer, we will actually confess if we ( my kids ) damage something and try to make it right with the owners.
I think the business may be a tough one to survive in, season is limited, people are stressed for cash, taxes ect...
Best of wishes on your venture !