Need your help?


Well-known member
Lots of great tips (sounds like you should skip the boot driers!).

All of the businesses of this type that I have seen succeed are those that become friends with their customers. That creates return business and referrals and a full house when others are sitting there wondering what they are doing wrong.

Good luck!


X2 John! This is now sounding a lot more like how do I succeed with snowmobilers than what amenities do snowmobilers want & need. Of course we want it all @ an attractive price if starting from scratch but now sounds like they are working within pararmeters of what is already available & spiffing it up would be my best guess without more specific info. Most of all we value snow & lots of it as nobody going out of their way for marginal snow conditions as we have all had that unfortunate or misrepresented trip sad to say.:( UPMI bountiful snow or access to UPMI like in Lando is very difficult to beat no matter the motel amenities. You have to have the snow & the trails 1st & foremost otherwise you are just chasing your tail for the occasional snow storm & pinching pennies for survival & really need another market other than snowmobilers to make money. Don't know maybe snowmobilers are the addtional market not the primary market not enough known at this point & we need to know a lot more for constructive help.


It costs a huge amount of money to 'do it right'. However if you have a killer facility you have more potential to make $. People will not mind paying a little extra for something decent. The flip side of this is paying too much for a lousy facility and a lousy trip. Lodging is such a small expense in the overall experience of snowmobiling. When we were young and didn't have any money we stayed in some incredible dives. If you want the young crowd build a dive. Now that we are older most of us are inclined to stay in the best available facility regardless of price. Beds, bar and restaurant under one roof. Restaurant open early and bar open late. I now look for places with pools. I am not a 4 guy in a hot-tub kind of guy. Big parking lot. Nearby gas. You build a place like this on Hwy 2 around Iron River and I could already promise you a week with 8 guys.


Active member
If only someone would buy Lumbermans here in Iron River WI and open the bar and restaurant . Otherwise the only place with all the things you want is my house!


If only someone would buy Lumbermans here in Iron River WI and open the bar and restaurant . Otherwise the only place with all the things you want is my house!

The Lumberman's has been closed quite awhile. A person would certainly think that at some point the persons holding the paper on it would come to the realization that in order to move it they are going to have to take a little less for it. It is doing nobody any good the way it is. The longer it sits the more it will take to get it up and going again. But it is nice of you to offer your house to our group. We will be there the evening of SuperBowl Sunday so please have a big area shoveled out for us. What will the food special be that night - prime rib or walleye? We would like the pool to be heated to 82 degrees. Satellite TV with some movie channels will be good because after the Packers win the SB again there won't be much else on Wisc TV. The first day of riding we are going to Bayfield and we expect you to ride with us. See you in Feb!!!


New member
Don't get so caught up in workin' the bizness that ya can't take a day off and show some of your patrons your area. Allow time to get out and ride and visit your neighbors and stay personally in tune with the trail system. Beeelers have a sense of knowing the business owners who put thier time in ON the trails and the ones who "let somebody else do it" Wish ya the best of luck!!

Make sure you hug the local groomers!


New member
Hmm.... not sure why you want our input if ready for grand opening & sounds like the deed is already done? Now you have to build a reputation like Krupps or Hiawatha Al & that is just plain hard work on your behalf. Just being a typical ma & pa motel won't hack it to be next big snomo place to stay. Whatever...... good luck you are going to need in NW WI.:)

I asked for feedback because the place is purchased. We're catering to snowmobiles and atvs. The site is perfect. But, the deed is far from done!! No business man puts all of his eggs in one basket! Grand opening for snowmobiling will be December 2012.
By the way your 4 man hot tub is not on order!


Well-known member
but I already had the bubble bath and hot oil ordered .
LOL ezra........ this person needs a more light hearted tude to succeed with beelers. lol We already had the keg ordered to fill the 4 man tub but we all have go somewhere else since tub was cancelled. LOL :D
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