Ducks are getting in a row, its starting to look better for us. I have massive amounts of OT coming starting Monday till the end of the month. Keep a set of fingers crossed
Thanks, technically its not until tomorrow, but I been celebrating since Sat. when Kelly surprised me with a party, WOW 50 never figured I would have made it this far.
happy bday zoo, the rain continues to fall, looks pretty good up north, let it fly, im not sure if i willbe up before the ride in, just have to wait and see how things work out.
have a good day all
First a party, then Ride in Reg? Happy 50th!! Hope you've had a good day. Too bad sugarbrown couldn't strong arm mom nature into the snow for you...or for the E UP!
Planning a trip to Hulbert for my daughters Birthday. Goint to stay at the Holel like we always do. Planning on Feb dirving up on the 17th and ride Sat and Sun and go home Mon... Who's in?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAD!!! Very good news to hear that y'all will be at the ride in! YEEEHAW!!!
WE just registered tooooooo!!!!
We will be arriving Thursday, but we have to head home Sunday - everybody has to work Monday AM.
STILL no snow in MinneNOSNOWta - this is totally eff'd up... I really hope it turns around - if not the Ride In might be our one and only chance to ride.