OUCH!!!!!!!!!! I hate this time of year!!!!!!


Well-known member
homesteaded value 212k $3600. and a extra 500 in school levies
I will not let them in the home for a reassessment in over 10 they have come knocking a few times but I tell them to go away.


Active member
Here in MI they offer this wonderful program called " Property Tax Credit ".

I pay my tax bills in full on my primary residence (homestead)
And each tax season I recieve a refund from the State for around half ( 1/2 ) or $1200 which is max amount


Well-known member
You guys are scaring me. Glad I go to work and come home everyday with my paid off sled and truck. Only fund I need is called the U.P. riding fund :)


Well-known member
and what do u tell your mom about the snail tracks on the seat when driving her to the store


New member
I am in dupage county on an acre which is bad enough, but also got about an acre in WI on a popular river which is just as much. I pay 10g between the two JUST to the schools; and I have never had kids!!!

Oh, and the "snail tracks" comment made me spit up good beer.


Active member
In cook County you got to be kidding + 10% sales tax on everything get the heck out there! lol I have no idea how retail biz can exist with that tax?

Tell me, I live right in the middle of that crap!! I'm right on the edge of lake county though so I just go there to buy gas and other things which is like 15 cents cheaper per gallon. I want to live in MN or WI when I'm older because I don't think I could deal with it. Plus I'm closer to the snow then :rolleyes:


Snail tracks!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!

Thats pretty good!

$12,750 per year with losing almost 30k in home value. So instead of my taxes going down like they should, they just changed the multiplier to make up the difference. So my taxes went up $750.

Gotta love the corrupt and bankrupt state of Illinois!