Passinig stopped riders



heres another option which I do all the time.....I take the group down a fire road for aboot 1 or 2 blocks or a goat path and rally in the woods at a turn around....even if it says stay on trail...I then go down the side of the field to the corner and then we all stop. no ones ever going to get after you for that if you tell them that's why and you stay on the edge of field or area....its safer


New member
i had to wait a couple days to post this till i calmed down..also decided against starting a 4th thread on this subject..but ***..

cranking through a turn out on 109/15(i think)..anyways up into the hills towards sidnaw from roseauu..and i come across 2 fkn sleds sitting not 30 feet from the end of the turn..i come in hot and these people..with a fkn kid no less..have no idea how close they came to serious injury or death...and because i ride bends always expecting someone i was able to avoid..but i had another rider still i pulled right up on them and started bitchiung them out to get there fkn sleds off the gddam trail..all while watching for my buddy who is not that experienced..luckily able to flag him down in time..

so we push on till i can find an appropriate spot to stop and vent my rage..and lo and behold here they come..with their matching 30k sledsan d their 3000 matching outfits(even the kid..for real) and they start to come up so i flag them over(oh by the way the 4-5 year old is steering even after their near death experience) i put a big smile on my face and walk up to them..say high to the kid and asked if he was having fun..and tried to explain about the danger that they just put themselves in, and that we just had a fatality in a similar situation..then i tried to explain how fast people come around these bends and why you cannot park there..and what does the biatch say..she says "well you have to slow down!"...

i went fkn ballistic..had to drag my azz away from on my sled and we got our azz out of there before this situation got real nasty..

this is a prime example of people putting their needs in front of everybody else..and the sad thing is if somehow she got ran would have been my fault..just cuz ur so rich that u can buy the best and flaunt it around..doesnt mean u have half a fkn brain..

thank god i waited to post eh..


Well-known member
i had to wait a couple days to post this till i calmed down..also decided against starting a 4th thread on this subject..but ***..

cranking through a turn out on 109/15(i think)..anyways up into the hills towards sidnaw from roseauu..and i come across 2 fkn sleds sitting not 30 feet from the end of the turn..i come in hot and these people..with a fkn kid no less..have no idea how close they came to serious injury or death...and because i ride bends always expecting someone i was able to avoid..but i had another rider still i pulled right up on them and started bitchiung them out to get there fkn sleds off the gddam trail..all while watching for my buddy who is not that experienced..luckily able to flag him down in time..

so we push on till i can find an appropriate spot to stop and vent my rage..and lo and behold here they come..with their matching 30k sledsan d their 3000 matching outfits(even the kid..for real) and they start to come up so i flag them over(oh by the way the 4-5 year old is steering even after their near death experience) i put a big smile on my face and walk up to them..say high to the kid and asked if he was having fun..and tried to explain about the danger that they just put themselves in, and that we just had a fatality in a similar situation..then i tried to explain how fast people come around these bends and why you cannot park there..and what does the biatch say..she says "well you have to slow down!"...

i went fkn ballistic..had to drag my azz away from on my sled and we got our azz out of there before this situation got real nasty..

this is a prime example of people putting their needs in front of everybody else..and the sad thing is if somehow she got ran would have been my fault..just cuz ur so rich that u can buy the best and flaunt it around..doesnt mean u have half a fkn brain..

thank god i waited to post eh..

LOL Dan been there done that don't do that anymore waste of time. Got stuck behind trail blockers between 8 BC and 3 south 2 rear riders kept swinging back and forth on trail would not let me by even at stop signs. I was by myself could not understand why they could not let a lone rider pass in a controlled and safe fashion?? Finally they stopped turned down 3 which I wanted to take too. I pulled up next to the sweeper asked why he would not let me by and the guy went crazy jumping around a like an excited teenage girl I just laughed at him thought he was crazy. Then his group started down 3 and he jumped back on his sled and left. I figured enough of this crap so rock & rolled down to 107s took that no traffic great ride. I'm closing in on the 150 junction on 107s see sleds crossing over and same group lol. I'm ready now swing left he tries to block left pass him right next sled the same thing block left bye bye pass right.. lol... I pull up on next 2 sleds and they increase pace fine with me 2 rear blockers not even in sight anymore. We come to trail 2 riders pull over wave me by I give them thumbs up and rock on 2. I will never confront riders again I did one more time in WI not a good outcome either said things I'm not proud of but guy had a very foul mouth. After that I reprogrammed myself I'm riding to have fun and no one no matter how stupid will spoil my day. Give it a try works for me.:)


New member
LOL Dan been there done that don't do that anymore waste of time. Got stuck behind trail blockers between 8 BC and 3 south 2 rear riders kept swinging back and forth on trail would not let me by even at stop signs. I was by myself could not understand why they could not let a lone rider pass in a controlled and safe fashion?? Finally they stopped turned down 3 which I wanted to take too. I pulled up next to the sweeper asked why he would not let me by and the guy went crazy jumping around a like an excited teenage girl I just laughed at him thought he was crazy. Then his group started down 3 and he jumped back on his sled and left. I figured enough of this crap so rock & rolled down to 107s took that no traffic great ride. I'm closing in on the 150 junction on 107s see sleds crossing over and same group lol. I'm ready now swing left he tries to block left pass him right next sled the same thing block left bye bye pass right.. lol... I pull up on next 2 sleds and they increase pace fine with me 2 rear blockers not even in sight anymore. We come to trail 2 riders pull over wave me by I give them thumbs up and rock on 2. I will never confront riders again I did one more time in WI not a good outcome either said things I'm not proud of but guy had a very foul mouth. After that I reprogrammed myself I'm riding to have fun and no one no matter how stupid will spoil my day. Give it a try works for me.:)

yea..totally agree..probably my first situation in all my years riding..what pissed me off was the unwillingness to listen..just had to be a know it all *****...geez..its not like i was telling them anything that wasnt safety first related..for them and for me


Well-known member
yea..totally agree..probably my first situation in all my years riding..what pissed me off was the unwillingness to listen..just had to be a know it all *****...geez..its not like i was telling them anything that wasnt safety first related..for them and for me

Dan they don't care what you think and don't want to hear it just wave and


Well-known member
LOL Dan been there done that don't do that anymore waste of time. Got stuck behind trail blockers between 8 BC and 3 south 2 rear riders kept swinging back and forth on trail would not let me by even at stop signs. I was by myself could not understand why they could not let a lone rider pass in a controlled and safe fashion?? Finally they stopped turned down 3 which I wanted to take too. I pulled up next to the sweeper asked why he would not let me by and the guy went crazy jumping around a like an excited teenage girl I just laughed at him thought he was crazy. Then his group started down 3 and he jumped back on his sled and left. I figured enough of this crap so rock & rolled down to 107s took that no traffic great ride. I'm closing in on the 150 junction on 107s see sleds crossing over and same group lol. I'm ready now swing left he tries to block left pass him right next sled the same thing block left bye bye pass right.. lol... I pull up on next 2 sleds and they increase pace fine with me 2 rear blockers not even in sight anymore. We come to trail 2 riders pull over wave me by I give them thumbs up and rock on 2. I will never confront riders again I did one more time in WI not a good outcome either said things I'm not proud of but guy had a very foul mouth. After that I reprogrammed myself I'm riding to have fun and no one no matter how stupid will spoil my day. Give it a try works for me.:)
I fully agree with you about how folks today(or many) just don't give a crap about anyone else but THEM and everything will be someone else fault if something happens!
just a LOT of inconsiderate folks in the world today , and NOT just on snowmobile trails
all this SOFT love people grow up with, are missing IMO lessons learned on what IMMEDIATE consequences are for STUPID actions!
a good smack in the head for being an idiot , is sure missing theses days and IMO dearly needed for some folks to MAYBE get that light bulb on to see the light of what there really doing!
and that the world doesn't revolve around THEM!~


Well-known member
Trail rage.
Knows no rules or etiquette.

The blockers are just looking for trouble. Too bad, but part of life. I can't even imagine what they are like everywhere else. No need to waste my efforts getting down to their level.

It is too bad with some riders that really don't know how much of a danger they create for themselves. We have had sleds break down in bad spots along the trail. First tool we use is the tow rope. Pull it to a safe and courteous spot before trying to repair. Better for other riders and myself.


Well-known member
i had to wait a couple days to post this till i calmed down..also decided against starting a 4th thread on this subject..but ***..

cranking through a turn out on 109/15(i think)..anyways up into the hills towards sidnaw from roseauu..and i come across 2 fkn sleds sitting not 30 feet from the end of the turn..i come in hot and these people..with a fkn kid no less..have no idea how close they came to serious injury or death...and because i ride bends always expecting someone i was able to avoid..but i had another rider still i pulled right up on them and started bitchiung them out to get there fkn sleds off the gddam trail..all while watching for my buddy who is not that experienced..luckily able to flag him down in time..

so we push on till i can find an appropriate spot to stop and vent my rage..and lo and behold here they come..with their matching 30k sledsan d their 3000 matching outfits(even the kid..for real) and they start to come up so i flag them over(oh by the way the 4-5 year old is steering even after their near death experience) i put a big smile on my face and walk up to them..say high to the kid and asked if he was having fun..and tried to explain about the danger that they just put themselves in, and that we just had a fatality in a similar situation..then i tried to explain how fast people come around these bends and why you cannot park there..and what does the biatch say..she says "well you have to slow down!"...

i went fkn ballistic..had to drag my azz away from on my sled and we got our azz out of there before this situation got real nasty..

this is a prime example of people putting their needs in front of everybody else..and the sad thing is if somehow she got ran would have been my fault..just cuz ur so rich that u can buy the best and flaunt it around..doesnt mean u have half a fkn brain..

thank god i waited to post eh..

Money doesn't have anything to do with it. Ignorance is in all levels of income/status. Unfortunately it's everywhere these days. You hear it up in the western UP with people riding on property that is marked not to, in the grocery store, at work, on TV...the world is inside out in my opinion. All we can do is continue to do the right thing no matter what.


Just a note, please don't slow down to 10MPH when you see me taking a trail poop. This year I've been lucky but some years not so good, I think a lot of those bars are closed now so we all should be in good shape.