Paulding Light


Active member
Good luck, everyone! Have fun and be safe. I'm looking forward to reading/seeing your results soon.
listen upski......dont FORGET to write down the COLOR VIEWED and HOW LONG IT LASTED....each colors atoms display for a certain amount of time on a LEYLINE when the ATOM SMASHING OCCURS which produce the PAULDING LIGHTS my friends

They are ionized or excited by the collision of solar wind particles being funneled down and accelerated along the Earth's magnetic field lines; excitation energy is lost by the emission of a photon of light, or by collision with another atom or molecule:

oxygen emissions
Green or brownish-red, depending on the amount of energy absorbed.
nitrogen emissions
Blue or red. Blue if the atom regains an electron after it has been ionized. Red if returning to ground state from an excited state.
Oxygen is unusual in terms of its return to ground state: it can take three quarters of a second to emit green light and up to two minutes to emit red.

green is quick

red is long

all others should be inbetween...heres the full spectrum from green to red

doan forget that oxygen amounts can vary purple and blue if its a clean starry slightly breezy nite it will be blue more as the winds whip down the rockies towards ya's

then while your doin that....also record ever jack nape and harry with 20 MILLION CANDLE WATT SPOT LIGHTS drivin up an down der roadski at same time and LENNY and ever one runnin round the woods skewin the data with glints off the beer cans and wickski bottles......dont think us geeks dont do the same tings there dont ya long hair covers up my red neck 2 len

so have fun out there on that there SNIPE HUNT fellers and grills

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I have a bit more ceramic tile to set still, than load the trailer, should be gone by 5

Wow, this thread has over 10,000 hits


New member
I have a bit more ceramic tile to set still, than load the trailer, should be gone by 5

Wow, this thread has over 10,000 hits

tile? Lenny, I am always looking for a "working Vacation". That would of been the great excuse to head up there with all my scientific stuff. I never thought this thread was going to be such a hit. Hope you see the light!! p.s. how much grouting you have? lol


Active member
Interesting evening.....:confused:....didn't get in till 3:30 am...we all saw the light...we worked on a plan for today......we'll let ya know!

I'd better go start coffee for all the foggy heads.....:D
so did you find out that the HEADLIGHT THING DONT HOLD WATER....seein as how DAYTIME RUNNING LAMPS on cars are ON ALL DA TIME NOWADAYS and the PAULDIN LITE would be visible in da daytime as well from THE SWEET SPOT

oops......where did that come from

musta been some he!!asish coffee or they was doin this all nite.....DOH

then while your doin that....also record ever jack nape and harry with 20 MILLION CANDLE WATT SPOT LIGHTS drivin up an down der roadski at same time and LENNY and ever one runnin round the woods skewin the data with glints off the beer cans and wickski bottles......dont think us geeks dont do the same tings there dont ya long hair covers up my red neck 2 len

so have fun out there on that there SNIPE HUNT fellers and grills



Active member
hey frnash....came in to print your chart.....:D...thanks
Re chart: I really should have drawn another diagonal "line of sight" from the viewpoint just over the top of hill "H" in the chart to somewhere between Swanson Lake Road and Johnson Lake Road, but I guess folks can figure that out, or draw it in by hand.


just got back home and gonna post a bit later with da details but now a huge ...huge,,, huge thanks to the runningbears. It's rare to meet such incredible people such as Mike and Linda. I honestly feel like I have known them for most my life.


Active member
Hey all.....OMG!!!!! weekend ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! man we had so much fun. We already decided there must be a 2nd Annual Paulding Light Weekend. I have great pictures I'll post later and....Hmmmm I guess we'll have to talk about what we saw....way to tired for a lenghty post right now...:eek:...Didn't want the rescue sent wanted to say we all survived...:D

Posted right over the top of Lenny....that was such a nice thing to say.......deeply touched by our new friends......yup thats right way tired and sappy...:)...but meant every word
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New member
We would also like to THANK THE RUNNINGBEARS for a fantastic, fun, exciting and educational weekend. I know we had met briefly but was really good to get to know each other. It was also good to meet you Lenny and all of your family. You have a very nice family. It is hard to believe we all live so close and some of us hadn't met before. We all have so much in common. I can't explain how much fun it was. Looking forward to having a great year with you all and spending more time together just hanging out and having fun. Again thank you to Runningbear and to all who participated. Already looking forward to next year. We already have our reservations in.


New member

OK. I haven't posted a single one of the 450+ posts in this thread. But...

The suspense is killing me. :)

Don't leave me hanging like this. What did you find? Inquiring minds want to know!

Glad everyone had fun. I told my wife I sure wish we didn't live so far away.


Alright people, I'll do my best to explain the details. Friday night we first chatted about our understanding of what we though the light was before we even went to look at it. There are varying opinions on the issue. Some think headlights, some cannot say for sure, some are open to differing understandings. It seems headlights would be just to simple an explanation, after all haven't people been viewing this light for many years. Who am I to come along and have some special talent to do something that lots smarter people than me have done already. We were not hi-tech, we just did simple tests that the average person can perform. We discussed what was a good approach and than we went out and did it. So, Friday night we viewed the light from the typical spot. There were a total 0f 18 of us that saw the light and all agreed we saw the same thing. No one seen green, we saw the white and the red. Nothing unusual happened that alarmed us nor were there any confusion and disagreements. We than returned to the resort, lit the fire and had snacks, drink and discussed in details the possibilities. I do not remember anyone with some far out explanation, just mainly uncertainty. About 12:30 Fri night Anna and Brian showed up and wanted to see the light and went on their own. Many of us wanted to hear there experience since they had never sen the light before. It was really cool to hear what they thought. Basically they saw the same thing as far as color but they did see the red coming towards them and "dancing" around somewhat. My son Dan also saw some erratic movement of the red light. Saturday we went to some falls which I believe were spectacular. What a nice time we had, we rode ATvs 15 miles to a set of falls that was unreal. On and off, some of us in the group would discuss ideas of test to do in the evening. At about 6:45 pm sat night, we determined we would view the light from the typical viewing spot and in reverse, the "sweet spot" so to speak. The majority of us were involved in this observation. We had one vehicle in each location and synchronized our watches. At a set time, we viewed each location and did indeed see each other in the daylight. Also, before the set time we could view the sweet spot and see vehicles driving up and down the road, also could see the center paint in the road, and road sign. Each group than switched spots and viewed the others vehicles location, in the daylight. Darrel (peppermill) had probably the best idea to go back after dark at a set time, which was from 10:35 to 10:55, I think, (I know it was 20 minutes just not certain of the hr but was dark) for 2 groups go out again at each location and count the lights. The group at the regular viewing spot was to count the white are red lights in the predetermined time. There we 5 of us at the typical viewing area and I think 4 up the road at Johnson Lake Rd counting the cars going by in each direction. The test was to determine if there were consistencies in each location. At the end of the test (minute 55) Darell was to shine his 2 million candle power handheld at the typical viewing area. This observation was performed. We all returned to the camp fire to report our numbers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to be continued,,,,,,,,,,, be back soon, hungry, tummy growling!!!!
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