Alright people, I'll do my best to explain the details. Friday night we first chatted about our understanding of what we though the light was before we even went to look at it. There are varying opinions on the issue. Some think headlights, some cannot say for sure, some are open to differing understandings. It seems headlights would be just to simple an explanation, after all haven't people been viewing this light for many years. Who am I to come along and have some special talent to do something that lots smarter people than me have done already. We were not hi-tech, we just did simple tests that the average person can perform. We discussed what was a good approach and than we went out and did it. So, Friday night we viewed the light from the typical spot. There were a total 0f 18 of us that saw the light and all agreed we saw the same thing. No one seen green, we saw the white and the red. Nothing unusual happened that alarmed us nor were there any confusion and disagreements. We than returned to the resort, lit the fire and had snacks, drink and discussed in details the possibilities. I do not remember anyone with some far out explanation, just mainly uncertainty. About 12:30 Fri night Anna and Brian showed up and wanted to see the light and went on their own. Many of us wanted to hear there experience since they had never sen the light before. It was really cool to hear what they thought. Basically they saw the same thing as far as color but they did see the red coming towards them and "dancing" around somewhat. My son Dan also saw some erratic movement of the red light. Saturday we went to some falls which I believe were spectacular. What a nice time we had, we rode ATvs 15 miles to a set of falls that was unreal. On and off, some of us in the group would discuss ideas of test to do in the evening. At about 6:45 pm sat night, we determined we would view the light from the typical viewing spot and in reverse, the "sweet spot" so to speak. The majority of us were involved in this observation. We had one vehicle in each location and synchronized our watches. At a set time, we viewed each location and did indeed see each other in the daylight. Also, before the set time we could view the sweet spot and see vehicles driving up and down the road, also could see the center paint in the road, and road sign. Each group than switched spots and viewed the others vehicles location, in the daylight. Darrel (peppermill) had probably the best idea to go back after dark at a set time, which was from 10:35 to 10:55, I think, (I know it was 20 minutes just not certain of the hr but was dark) for 2 groups go out again at each location and count the lights. The group at the regular viewing spot was to count the white are red lights in the predetermined time. There we 5 of us at the typical viewing area and I think 4 up the road at Johnson Lake Rd counting the cars going by in each direction. The test was to determine if there were consistencies in each location. At the end of the test (minute 55) Darell was to shine his 2 million candle power handheld at the typical viewing area. This observation was performed. We all returned to the camp fire to report our numbers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to be continued,,,,,,,,,,, be back soon, hungry, tummy growling!!!!