what the? this is gunna be like the program LOST isnt it?
All righty than, I had a huge bowl of Raisin Bran. You guys like Raisin Bran? Which do you prefer? Kelloggs or Post. I prefer kelloggs. I am not sure why but as a kid I always ate the Kelloggs. I tried a box of Post raisin bran recently and it's just not the same. When Diana and I married, I tried the Bran without the raisins and that was pretty good. These days I still prefer the raisins but why do the have to have 2 scoops. i think it just to many raisins. The raisins are heavier than the bran and many settle to the bottom of the box and when your box is getting low you get all these raisins, which I believe I already said is to many. I suppose there is no way to stop the settling of the raisins. I mean think about it, how could they do it. I personally like 1 or 2 raisins in each bite but near the bottom of the box it's like 4-5, now that's to many. It's way out of balance with that many raisins. If I were Kelloggs I would back off the raisins about 1/2 scoop, you could save 25% of your raisin spending would would be millions over time. I actually considered dumping the box out and separating the bran from the raisin and adjusting the balance myself because I am, serious about my raisin bran. I did actually stop eating it all together for about 1 year because of my frustration with the out of balance ratio of Raisins to bran. What is a guy to do about this. I am open to suggestions people. My love for Raisin bran was enough that I did come back but I must say reluctantly. Post is not an option so I am at a loss. Serious dilemmas require serious thought so as of now I am practicing segregation. I move the spoon around for each bite to receive 1-2 raisins. I than dump the contents of the box into the previous box and store upright till the next consumption. I have tried just to turn the box over but you gotta open both ends and that can be tricky in of itself. The last thing you want is lost cereal outside the bag. Please, if anyone has a solution for this important problem, let me know what you do. We need to unit and rectify the problem so our breakfast experience can be to our expectations. Nothing is worse than eating 8 raisins with 1-2 flakes of bran, makes me tummy turn just thinking about it.
What was I talking about earlier? OH YEA!!!!! the results of the light counting.
"Lenny ya big bozo"
When we returned late from the counting of lights we settled in back buy the fire ring. We were all there and as anxious as we had been the entire time. Linda told Darell we saw 2 white lights and he smiled, I than told Darell we saw 4 red lights and he was astonished. Our numbers did match up. We even conveyed that we saw a white and a red merge and both sides interpreted the same. We saw the big blast of Darell's 2 million candle power hand held and other viewers that we didn't know were like "wohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "did you see that"
There were 3 of us that preceded down the hill from the guardrail and crossed the creek. We could not view the light from down there. When we climbed up the opposite hill we stopped to grab a cup I had and I saw light from my finger tips. I saw it earlier but didn't say anything but near the end I told my son to look and he saw it. Probably was static energy. I tried to duplicate it back at the resort to no avail, they thought I was trying to spook them. The same night as I was coming back up to the guardrail, about half way from the creek to the guardrail I looked back to see the light and saw a wisp of light move to the right and up out of sight. My son Dan and his friend Chip saw the same exact thing. I do not have an explanation as to what that was. I know I joke around here on posts but i am not making this up and when 3 people see the same thing it verifies and add credibility to the story. I did tell the others and they had not much to say.
Conclusion: we do see car lights lights out there and that's provable but if i hadn't seen the wisp above the creek the myth would be busted wide open. 99.9% of the lights are cars, many like the ongoing suspense but that .01 present leave room for other explanations, what that may be, I do not know. I kinda wish I had not see the wisp because I like working for a logical explanation. Where do we go from here, it's out of my league boys. I swing a hammer for a living.
Well people, the sun has gone down here in da remote UP. Thanks for tuning in. This has been a special report from "Lenny" with Northwoods Adventures. Its been my pleasure, Lenny OUT!!!!!!!!
The oxidation of phosphine and methane, produced by organic decay, can cause glowing light. Since phosphine spontaneously ignites on contact with the oxygen in air, only small quantities of it would be needed to ignite the much more abundant methane to create ephemeral fires. The Italian chemists Luigi Garlaschelli and Paolo Boschetti have replicated the lights by adding some chemicals to gases from rotting compounds. They argue that the combustion can be sustained at lower temperatures than those found in traditional fires. Taken together, these findings seem to explain two of the more puzzling aspects of the Will o'the wisp, its spontaneous, transient nature and low temperature "flame" that doesn't seem to burn items close by.
In 1993 professors Derr and Persinger proposed that the lights are piezoelectrically generated under a tectonic strain. The strains that move faults would also heat up the rocks, vaporizing the water in them. Rock or soil containing something piezoelectric, like quartz, silicon or arsenic, may also produce electricity, channeled up to the surface through the soil via a column of vaporised water, there somehow appearing as earth lights. This would explain why the lights appear electrical, erratic, or even intelligent in their behavior.
Others explanations link will-o'-the-wisps to bioluminescence (e.g. honey fungus). Barn owls also have luminescent plumage with a high albedo that can reflect enough light from sources such as the moon to appear as a will-o'-the-wisp. Hence the possibility of the lights moving, reacting to other lights, etc.
Has anyone else seen any strange light occurrences in the Western UP other than the Paulding area? We have! My wife and I and 2 buddies did one night just outside of the Bergland area back in the early 90's. I don't remember exactly which trail it was, but maybe 102 or the old 13 that was rerouted from the current 13 between Bergland and the Rockland area, but I know it wasn't near the Paulding area. When at the time it happened, I remember thinking that we were about 60 miles North of Watersmeet. That was when one of the resort owners in the Bergland area had been telling us about the strange lights coming down the trail in the Watersmeet area, and that you guys should go see them. Well none of us believed him and we just blew it off, well the next night we were out late and stopped on the side of the trail because we had caught up to the groomer (20+ years ago and were letting the ribbon freeze up) talking about how dark it was etc and my wife says she had to go to bathroom, well just go right here I said it's dark enough. It was one of those nights when you can't see your hand in front of your face. She then walked maybe 20-30' away and went, then while getting her bibs up and jacket on she says what are these lights? Just then I thought static electricity from putting her clothes back on and I walked over to look and there were half dollar sized lights on her chest area in white and dim red colors. I was shocked and called my 2 buddies over to look at them, and one in a scarred voice said let's get out of here and we all took off. There were about 4-6 lights on her not moving, and I was in front of her and it wasn't being blocked by me as if it was coming from the groomer lights which by then was actually out of sight even the lights from it. I still remember it like it was last weekend because it was unexplained and thought it might be something related to the Paulding light issue, but then again we were about 60 miles from that area. Another magnetic field or what? I have always wanted to go to Paulding area to see the lights and see if it was similar to what we had experienced, but the last time we went thought the Paulding area it was -20 and we didn't want to stop and look even if there was flashing red/blue lights behind us. I have seen the videos of the Paulding and it's not the same, but every time this tread is brought up I think of the lights we had seen and wonder if there related or if anyone else has seen anything like that in the surrounding area or anywhere?
So Lenny, something like what biz and his wife experienced?
I LOVE the reports! And Lenny, I really love that you may be coming around to the possibility of a 'mystery' =) Sounds like you guys had a great time. This thread has been a blast to follow. I have just one last question- for those of you that saw the light, you all agree that you can in fact see the road, and it sounds like your light sightings matched up w/ the car counting by group #2 yes? That being said, did it resemble anything like car lights? I ask b/c what we saw didn't seem like car lights at all. I realize from a distance, that it's possible the lights don't resemble cars, but could very well be. But it just seemed to be a light- sometimes bright for awhile, other times brighten up then fade quickly. If it's one stretch of road- wouldn't the 'flash' or bright/dim be pretty consistent? I realize not everyone is going the same exact speed, but it would be pretty darn close. That's one of the reasons I doubted the headlights.
Either way- so glad you all had such a great time. Bears- next time I'm up snowmobiling, maybe we can meet up for an impromptu viewing. So fun!!
Hey Bear, was the story telling lady there any of the nights?