A .22 hyper velocity in hollow point is potent enough. As far as a miss fire....I was a kid the last time I had one do it....they are that reliable.
Price of these weapons are 2 for the price of a big bore and they hold plenty of rounds. Practice is cheap...and creates confidence in the most timid of users....light and comfortable and well....isn't that what you need when you need it, rather than a howitzer??
Giving up your right to OWN an assault weapon (.22 remington holds 12 rounds...qualifying it as one of them there nasty weapons) is a mistake.
Those who would use a weapon of any sort to kill or shoot innocent humans are never going to hurt for a weapon and they will find what they need regardless of background checks, limits on clips and all the other things that will simply put a bigger burden on those of us who will plod thru the hoops and get what we want anyway.
Remember that the NRA is not General Electric, or Microsoft, or Shell oil....it is a collection of folks who have banned together to protect their rights that they have had since the birth of our nation and the founding fathers who understood that losing that right is the first step to a dictatorship.