Post pictures of your pets


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qcmike - love the size of the paws from the puppy pic of bruiser. Love shepards.

marty - looks like Bruno could make a little snack outta Coco :eek:

Ezra - what's the word on Izzy?


Well-known member
marty - Ezra - what's the word on Izzy?
well her liver has been bad for 3 yrs now the levels are 3x what they should be but the thing we thought was a stroke is Geriatric Vestibular Syndrome and that is something some old dogs get but could be in part to her failing liver.
in a nut shell Vestibular means "a problem with the connections between the inner/middle ear and brain" causing ataxia. Dogs with ataxia stand with their limbs braced, they walk with great difficulty and have a "drunk" type motion because the dog has lost its sense of balance and cannot tell where its paws are. When the vestibular nerve, which travels from the inner ear to the brain, malfunctions, it disrupts the animal's sense of balance and orientation.

Time is a major factor in old dog vestibular syndrome. Recovery time depends on the afflicted dog. Eventually the animal teaches itself to compensate and overcome old dog vestibular. Rest and quiet are required during this recovery time, and it's important to keep the dog in a well lighted room. If possible, avoid carrying the dog or, if this is unavoidable, lift the dog slowly and smoothly and hold the pads of its feet while airborne. Lifting and moving it through the air disrupts the dog's sense of orientation. Keeping the dog's feet firmly on the ground with its eyes on the horizon helps it regain its balance.

on the up side took my 2 healthy dogs to the Memory of Monroe Scottie picnic today it is in the west metro of the TC.
had to be close to 200 Scotti's there good fun for a good cause will post some picks of them all on parade following a bag piper latter

Team Elkhorn

Poor Izzy. The great thing about dogs is they don't overthink things. When they come to a block in the road, if they cant go over it, they'll just go around it and keep on going. Hopefully she'll have a quick recovery. Cant wait to see the Scottie parade pics, sounds like it was a hoot.
The wife, dog and I took a ride up to Lake of the Clouds this weekend. Here is our almost 4 month old Carolina (not sure what the father was) that we rescued from our local shelter. 92611 052.JPG

Cat Woman

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Chevy.jpg Alli.jpg Colts 2.jpg Jasper & Auri.jpg Stanley WAHA.jpg

What a good idea for a thread!

The first is our Boxer, Chevy - almost 2 years old
Our Australian Shepherd - Alli - 7 years old
Jasper (chestnut ((or brown as most non-horse people would say ;))) Arabian) & Auri (palomino ((or yellow) half Arabian) - both 2 years old
4th titled - "Hey lady, you gonna feed us?", hehe always makes me giggle
5th Stanley - Half Arabian 9 years old (recently sold)

I didn't attach a pic of the cattle as I don't consider them pets, more like dinner lol.



Oscar seated and speaking up about his dislike of the Packers and Harley on the ground looking up.


Active member
Riley.jpg This is Riley. A 1 year old male GR we picked up from "Retrieve a Golden of MN" last week. (Prior to adopting him, they had him neutered and chipped.) He was an abandoned stray. We're surprised by that, as he's all we could want in a "rescue". He's house trained, gentle around the kids, playful, lives for fetch "in and out of water", doesn't chew on anything "yet" except for his toys and bones, doesn't care about the 2 cats, and sticks around without being on a leash. If anyone else is interested in adopting a GR, I'd highly recommend this agency. THey have a strict process of interviewing you before allowing you to adopt one of their pooches. THey will assess your home, family, and surroundings before giving you options of the different dogs that would fit into your home environment.
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View attachment 25021 View attachment 25022 View attachment 25023 View attachment 25024 View attachment 25025

What a good idea for a thread!

The first is our Boxer, Chevy - almost 2 years old
Our Australian Shepherd - Alli - 7 years old
Jasper (chestnut ((or brown as most non-horse people would say ;))) Arabian) & Auri (palomino ((or yellow) half Arabian) - both 2 years old
4th titled - "Hey lady, you gonna feed us?", hehe always makes me giggle
5th Stanley - Half Arabian 9 years old (recently sold)

I didn't attach a pic of the cattle as I don't consider them pets, more like dinner lol.

I didn't post pics of my hubby's "pet chickens" either.


Active member
View attachment 25052 This is Riley. A 1 year old male GR we picked up from "Retrieve a Golden of MN" last week. (Prior to adopting him, they had him neutered and chipped.) He was an abandoned stray. We're surprised by that, as he's all we could want in a "rescue". He's house trained, gentle around the kids, playful, lives for fetch "in and out of water", doesn't chew on anything "yet" except for his toys and bones, doesn't care about the 2 cats, and sticks around without being on a leash. If anyone else is interested in adopting a GR, I'd highly recommend this agency. THey have a strict process of interviewing you before allowing you to adopt one of their pooches. THey will assess your home, family, and surroundings before giving you options of the different dogs that would fit into your home environment.

Yea for Riley!!!! Both ours are rescues ( Danny Boy is part Golden/Setter, looking more like a Golden now) and we went thru the same adopting process. Luckily one of my good friends volunteers for the rescue (MN Dobe Rescue) and at that time I just got done dogsitting for her rescue Dobe for 11 days so no problem with a home visit. Our motto is
Good luck with your new boy, you may have some surprises with him, but it's all good.
Yes ,it's hard to believe he was a stray and noone claimed him. People sometimes just let their pets loose if they can't keep them. They are too ashamed to take them to the pound or call a rescue. SAD for them, but it's the right thing to do and these people understand.
And it is unbelievable the adoption price which includes Spay/neuter and chipped and housetrained too.
The best part is you gave them a second chance!!


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Here is our boy Rocky aka "ghost face killer". He is a boxer and will be 12 in January. I dread the day he crosses the bridge. He is my first dog as an adult out on my own.

AAWWW what a cutie. You are lucky he has lived so long as you know Boxers and Dobes usually have shorter live spands. My past Reba made it 2 months shy of her 12th Birthday. That was a sad day :(


New member
Thank you Lovemydobe!
I just rescued a 5month old male shepard.
Pick him up tommorrow and am overly excited.
Will never replace Dekx, but will be a great new addition for me!


New member
Here's some pics of our dogs, Cody (tan) & Cookie (black/white). Cody is our 15 yr old boy that we've had since he was a puppy and who we think is an American Dingo/Carolina. Cookie is our 5 yr old girl who just joined our family last weekend. While it is highly unlikely, we think she might be a Canaan Dog. They are getting to know each other but I think will be good friends very soon.


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Team Elkhorn

ilindy, congrats on the new family member, nice looking doggies.


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Here's our pups, Both are Alaskan Klee Kias(miniture Husky's), Khuno is the white 1 and weighs 12 lbs. and Khio is the black & white 1 and weighs 7 lbs. They are 3 and 3 1/2 yrs old.


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