Post pictures of your pets


Team Elkhorn

Don't know if we've done this before. But lets see some pictures and tell us about your pets. Dogs, cats, whatever.
Ill start. This is Scooter and Nena. Brother and sister Mini Poodles. In the past Ive always preferred larger dogs, but these little guys are pretty great! Hes a Mama's boy and shes my little Daddy's girl. They are pesky little brats and very affectionate, and what personalities! They fight like brother and sister, but they've got each others back if another dog tries to mess with them. (They've been banned from the local dog park for fighting with an aggressive larger dog).:rolleyes: We got Mini Poodles because a few of our grand kids have allergies, (poodles don't shed and are hypoallergenic). And we needed smaller dogs because we're empty nesters and travel a lot. Our dogs travel everywhere with us. They are the first ones in the truck when we leave on a snowmobile trip!

P S, I should also add, they are quite the little hunters. Scooter flushes them and Nena catches them, (shes the fast one). We find dead chipmunks, field mice, birds etc, at our back door all the time. My wife had to release a baby rabbit that wandered into the yard one day, and was getting the death shake from Nena's death grip. The more it screamed, the more she shook it. Yeah, she looks all sweetness and curls but.... :eek:

Lets see your pets, (we need to practice posting pics on the new board anyway).:)

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New member
Those are the cutest little dogs. I love the expression of the dog with the pink collar, Nena I'm assuming.


Well-known member
084.jpg 071.jpg 093.jpg 1789.jpg bacon is the black and gray he is about 2 we have had him for about 1 yr we got him fro a rescue in Nebrasks great personality prob best personality of any dog I have had.
the black one is beanie we got him from about 9 Mo ago he was in a high kill shelter in MO mars pulled him out on his last day he was in a foster in MO and got no good leads so MARS trucked him up to MN we were going to foster him but could not give him up so he has found his forever home .
big orange iz IZZY she is 16 we have had her for about 15yrs she was running the streets of ST Paul when we found her.
the Scotti in the pick on the boat is Ernie we lost him last yr to lymphoma he was 7

and oh yeah Bacon has a web page with more followers than I can imagine like 490"his moms thing people like to read his daily diaries lol'
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Team Elkhorn

ezra, good on you for fostering doggies. My son helped out at a pet rescue, so we fostered a few dogs rescued from puppy mills. Our dogs sort of taught them how to act around people. It breaks your heart to give them up, but you hope they found a good home. Not a day goes by that you dont think about them, and wonder how they are doing.


Active member
My Rescue Dogs Skye and Danny Boy


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Team Elkhorn

Great pictures everyone, thanks. You can tell everyone loves their furry kids.
The poodles want to come watch the games with Packer, looks like he knows how to throw a party. Is that egg rolls with sweet and sour sauce? The poodles are jealous. :cool:
Great pictures everyone, thanks. You can tell everyone loves their furry kids.
The poodles want to come watch the games with Packer, looks like he knows how to throw a party. Is that egg rolls with sweet and sour sauce? The poodles are jealous. :cool:

Yep thats egg rolls, and Packer is always throwing partys for the game. Your pups look like they could be long lost cousins. My wife gave a big aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwww when she seen them. Cool thread!


New member
Chelsea on the left, Chloe on rt. Unfortunately, Chelsea's no longer with us. :((


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any one else on this thread just a bit happy Vick got hurt and may be out Carma is a bitch


Well-known member
We see a lot of this at our house. You'd think they never, ever got a treat.

Pictured: Ella - The rat terrier mix doing her flying nun inpersonation, Winne - Our serene Sheltie, and Chu Chu - The Pomeranian puppy personally delivered by the devil himself.


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