SART no more in Northern WI


Well-known member
I couldn't wait to see your responses!!! LOL (back to the kitchen to stir the pot)
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New member
I buy a footlong from subway. It says $5 on the menu, but I get charged $5.25................................................................................. :p

how did you get to subway??on some road that some one paid to pave!!you stoped at stop lights that some one payed to put up!!!!but then that 25 is a drop in the bucket!!!


If you think Scott Walker had anything to do with this ( I agree, it had to end), I have a 200 acre ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. Just sayin.

I'll take about 100 of that ocean front property because YES, I do think that.
The other idiot governor was all about taxing and feeing upon us, nothing more.


New member
I'm still sore from the trip I took last month to Ontario....13% tax on everything....and boy does that add up with gasoline over $5/gallon.

Welcome to the tea party!


Whatever happened to the rule about no politics on this board???

One of the many reasons I come to this site is to get away from all that BS.
Can't we discuss this - and any other site related topic - without going there?


New member
If you think Scott Walker had anything to do with this ( I agree, it had to end), I have a 200 acre ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. Just sayin.

if you think walker didn't have anything to do with it then who cut the funding? he said he would reign in the dnr and this is probably just the start.


New member
Whatever happened to the rule about no politics on this board???

One of the many reasons I come to this site is to get away from all that BS.
Can't we discuss this - and any other site related topic - without going there?

I think this may just go under the wire!! talking about who cut the budget of the DNR or one better the part of the DNR that does trail saturation is going to be ok on a sled site.....just sayin


I think this may just go under the wire!! talking about who cut the budget of the DNR or one better the part of the DNR that does trail saturation is going to be ok on a sled site.....just sayin

Sorry Firecatguy, I still disagree. If these statements aren't political, then I don't know what is:

Good - pretty much a waste of cash considering how many agents they had out there, sitting at trail intersections. Another good move by Scott Walker!

Another complete waste of money Walker put an end too. Good job.

With Scott Walker there is hope for WI. This guy has horse sense! Keep up the good work!

If you think Scott Walker had anything to do with this ( I agree, it had to end), I have a 200 acre ocean front property in Arizona to sell you. Just sayin.

Yep...It all starts at the top with a platform of no new WI taxes & this is part of the follow thru.

Just sayin...


Well-known member
Sounds to me like a lot of us like what Scott Walker is doing sticking to his platform about getting DNR costs under control. Getting rid of SART saves WI tax dollars plain & simple as that.:) Good job Scott. Handiman you also might want to research New Jersey budget woes as well see what they did last week. All good stuff to get spending under control at the state level. Gov. Chris Christy is the man & should run for president Scott Walker should be VP the type of men we need for our present era.


Handiman you also might want to research New Jersey budget woes as well see what they did last week. All good stuff to get spending under control at the state level. Gov. Chris Christy is the man & should run for president Scott Walker should be VP the type of men we need for our present era.

Ummm, no I don't want to. I'm so sick of politics I could puke!!!
I'd rather talk about the impacts of this from a snowmobiling point of view. Not political. Not what politician walks on water (oops, that could be taken as a religious item) or a is a crook.

That is my point. Lets keep the politics off the board per the rules that John set.


Well-known member
Handiman don't worry just a trend for now. Fusion was a little hard on ya but not that bad so don't get too distressed all is well.:)


Active member
Handiman, thanks for bumping this political thread. Oops, I just did it too!

Was not a political thread when I started it. The SART made a lot of people upset last year so when I saw it in the newspaper I decided to pass the info on, that was it...


New member
Maybe its time to add a political sect!!!!!just a thought.....if someone don't like it the don't need to go into that section as thi seems to happen alot!!!you would have those who steer clear and those who don't.........just what i noticed=sled site political sections seem to be a buzzz in the summer!!!!!sled stuff section=no buzzz....


Staff member
Maybe its time to add a political sect!!!!!just a thought.....if someone don't like it the don't need to go into that section as thi seems to happen alot!!!you would have those who steer clear and those who don't.........just what i noticed=sled site political sections seem to be a buzzz in the summer!!!!!sled stuff section=no buzzz....

Sorry Firecatguy, not going there. I have never been one to cave to peer pressure or any other kind of related pressure. If anything, I guess I need to start clamping down a bit more as folks seem to be taking advantage of the leniency a bit too much.

Handiman. To tell you the honest truth, I had not been following this threat at all. I will admit though that after reading through all of it just now, I did not see anything blatantly political. I mean if you did not know what political party Scott Walker belonged to, it would not be political at all. It would simply be folks saying they did not think SART was a good thing and like what Walker did. Not they like what he did because of his political affiliation. Just my opinion, but I guess my opinion is a rather large factor in if a thread gets pulled because of rules breakage.
