Season miles?

Pizza Man

New member
I sold my 08 Apex last spring and was going go buy a new Poo this year. Kept waiting of snow and finally gave up. Will try again next fall.


Active member
I sold my 08 Apex last spring and was going go buy a new Poo this year. Kept waiting of snow and finally gave up. Will try again next fall.

That's the first time I've heard of anyone beating mother nature at the games she plays with us. (snowmobilers) Congratulations, saved yourself a season of regrets (why did I buy this).
Be on a year newer sled when we do get snow next year.


New member
Around 300 miles for this season, all U.P. Miles in the twin lakes area back country.
It's not about the miles, it's about the smiles!


Well-known member
How many did you get?

I know some of you are still out pounding the trails in the UP, but it was a pretty good year if you chased the snow, as many of us know.

3322 miles was a good year in MN. One of my riding buds ended with 4400+ this season.

Good work, I only had 1,100.



Active member
50 in the January Thaw, 45 in the February Thaw, then 316 Sunday & Monday of this week so a big total of 411. Sad part is I drove the truck 2,700 miles to put those miles on the sled.

Just realized I had 4 days of riding this year and 4 days of trail clean-up too.

Oh well, that still meant I made 5 great trips to the UP between the trail clean-ups and riding this year!
160 miles here in SE MN in December, 500 on North shore and 700 in the UP, oh a few around the farm with family a few weeks back
so 1360 and a few.

Grant Hoar

New member
490 on a two day trip to Mercer area, and 370 on a 3 day trip to Black Hills. 860 total - pretty happy with that for only 5 days on the sled.


New member
1661 miles, lowest since 2002. (26 days of riding; 10 days from my back door in S. Wis; 4 days in Conover area; 4 days in Central Wis; 8 days in the U.P.) Not giving up yet..... Mileage was 1302 in Wis., and 359 in Mich.


Well-known member
Crapburgers this winter.

Two new sleds that will last a long time if this weather keeps going. They are each only around the 1 k mark miles for the season.


New member
We hit the Presidents weekend thaw and I logged a whopping 42 miles and used 5.3 gallons of fuel riding out of Dollar Bay!!!!


New member
geez guys..300? really or even none? why even log in? at $2 mile..i ate the **** buying another 800 in the middle of pissed off..1700 miles alone on that one saved me $3400 depreciation on the other 800 fire engine..which already logged cupl thou...

and im not a high mile rider


Well-known member
geez guys..300? really or even none? why even log in? at $2 mile..i ate the **** buying another 800 in the middle of pissed off..1700 miles alone on that one saved me $3400 depreciation on the other 800 fire engine..which already logged cupl thou...

and im not a high mile rider

I put on over 5000 truck miles with my rmk in tow to log on 350 sled miles. Like I said worst winter in the Midwest I've ever recalled. We have had some where at home it was poor but there was snow up north. This year, every time Valley riding got good it fricken rained and froze like cement. Actually 1 of my best weekends this year was riding with the breeze all weekend IN THE RAIN. Has there been rideable snow up there the past month? Yeah sort of but nothing I would take my rmk up there to go ride towards the end of the season when we should have stellar riding.