Lenny for president
like we didn't see this coming!!!!!
When I was a kid I remember restaurants designating areas of the place to non-smoking which was usually a joke, not always but often. Than we saw better ventilation which was a fair improvement and initiated by the owner to accommodate the masses, the minority was the smoker (20%.)
I tend to believe that % is indicative of smokers to non-smokers in bars and restaurants. Seeing that smoking is addicting, I tend to believe a smokers addiction robs them of some basic social behaviors. For example, I often see cigarette butts flying out the window, now compare that to other items flying out the window and you'll see smokers don't take responsibility for their own habit, they don't want their butts in their own car so they go out the window. It's clear smokers are the largest litterers on the road or in public. A fair majority of smokers throw the butts on the ground and out the window, it's easy. Just as they light up, directed by the addiction, they throw the butts out in the same way. Where they smoke is a similar concept. The addiction leads them to smoke when ever they crave a toke thus giving up the consideration to others around them, and remember, smokers make up 20% so the other 80% are making decisions to sniff or not to sniff. If the majority of smokers had been considerate of others than we would not be dealing with this ban. I understand not all smokers are the same and many are responsible for their habit. I know a few that do a good job being considerate and see others post on here that say the same but in general most are ruled by the addiction and smoke when and where they want with little or no thought to others. The majority of smokers brought this upon society as a result of their actions.
Here's my point, smokers could have avoided this imposing mandate if the addiction didn't rob them of a considerate notion to respect the person next to them. I disagree with much of big bro's involvement in our lives but I give them a big thumbs up for this one. I hear so much of we as citizens loosing our rights but that is backwards thinking, we give it away because we are lazy people and don't take responsibility for how we interact in society.
Same thing with pot, the revenue will take precedence over the result of the behavior. I was a pot head for 6 years, got high morning, noon and night. I know exactly what happens to a person who smokes dope and the last thing we need is a society of high people, loosing ambition, not relating to their own families who don't get high. People in different frames of mind don't associate well and families will suffers along with the individuals getting high, along with other residual affects. It's a bad idea driven by $ signs.
Should we have public drunkenness, public sexual conduct, public vulgarity, etc,,,,, NO. There are social behaviors that are imposed on society and when society fights back someone wins. You can see it for what it is or pass the buck and blame someone else, become paranoid and spread propaganda, fight against the majority of society and demand other to suffer due to lack of respect. Fitting in society means compromising to a degree just as a husband and wife do in a marriage.
Smokers brought this to the table and now it has been taken away. I have friends that are smokers and have no ill feelings towards them for smoking, they are good people just like most people. They are family, friends and neighbors, they simply have a habit that brought this consequence
I realize this thread is based on seeing the result of the ban. With that said, there are going to be some who hate the ban and will not go out. I see it somewhat comical how we speculate that this ban is responsible for the decline in business, especially in a depressed economy which throws a lot of elements of uncertainty into the mix. I personally asked 1 local bar here in Greenland and find the answer to be "not much had changed."