Snowmobiler shoots a moose

Attak man

New member
This will probably be controversial...but...the moose charged twice...and I don't think he could have turned around on that narrow trail...still...I don't think this helps snowmobiling...animal rights folks see this stuff..and it's "snowmobilers" do this ........etc...we get a bad rap...wether it's justifiable or debatable

Watch for yourself...I will reserve judgement...I am not sure how I would react in that situation??
Judge for yourself


Well-known member
Wholly crap, I bet Jesse jackstone and rev. sharpstone get in on this one!
Bet he is glad it fell off the trail.


New member
I cant fault the guy for shooting it when it came back again after he warned it by clapping and what not, it was a baby moose but still could do damage.....he was prolly pissed it jumped on his sled...

- - - Updated - - -

He shoulda shot one time in the air to see if it ran off tho on second thought.....


There are just some things that there are no reason to post on the web.......this video is there any possible good that could come out of posting this video on line? No I am not a tree huger no I am not saying it was right or wrong, but just why would a person post something like that. Looking for attention?? Like said above you know it is going to "stir the pot"


Well-known member
Yea, i'd probably keep that video underwraps...even sending it out to one other person and it can viral in minutes.

Attak man

New member
There are just some things that there are no reason to post on the web.......this video is there any possible good that could come out of posting this video on line? No I am not a tree huger no I am not saying it was right or wrong, but just why would a person post something like that. Looking for attention?? Like said above you know it is going to "stir the pot"

NO...I didn't post it to "stir the pot"..nor was I looking for attention...and I don't particularly like your it controversial? YES....Relevant??? YES....I am not sure how many of us will run into moose trail riding...but this video is out there....and believe was making it's rounds...long before I posted it here.


New member
I also hope they didnt just leave it there to waste away or be eaten by coyotes.....altho its prolly illegal to harvest it...tuff situation......

Attak man

New member
I also hope they didnt just leave it there to waste away or be eaten by coyotes.....altho its prolly illegal to harvest it...tuff situation......

I agree...not sure what I would do in that doesn't say where the video was taken..alaska??..Canada?? wyoming??


New member
No doubt I would have done the same. Problem for me is I don't carry my 40 on me while riding. Nor would I have it in a place that I could quickly draw it if I did. Definitely was threatening his life in my opinion.


Well-known member
NO...I didn't post it to "stir the pot"..nor was I looking for attention...and I don't particularly like your it controversial? YES....Relevant??? YES....I am not sure how many of us will run into moose trail riding...but this video is out there....and believe was making it's rounds...long before I posted it here.

I think you missed the point. The point was, the person who took the vid, should have put it in his pocket right next to his hand gun and left it there. I wouldn't post that vid ANYWHERE.


New member
NO...I didn't post it to "stir the pot"..nor was I looking for attention...and I don't particularly like your it controversial? YES....Relevant??? YES....I am not sure how many of us will run into moose trail riding...but this video is out there....and believe was making it's rounds...long before I posted it here.

I took scott_l's comment to mean the poster on, not as an attack against Attak man (pun intended).

I think the guy did wrong on the part of approaching it at all. However, once it charged and then started a 2nd charge, not much else to do but shoot it. He had at least one other sled behind him.

Anyone know where this took place? Canada? Alaska? Maine?


Active member
why does he just drive away once it is down, the least he could is put the thing out of misery and put one in the head!

I would have prob waited a little longer before driving up on it like he did and hope after a few minutes it would have walked off. But that is just me. And i also agree the guy is an idiot for putting this video out there for people to see. Nothing good can come out of this.


Staff member
I know I was not there, so it is hard to judge the person who shot it, but to me there seems to be quite a bit done wrong.

1) At the very beginning of the video, there is a way to the left. Perhaps it went no where, or just back around to the moose, but I am betting it was another way around the moose and to get to the lake.

2) When he first encounters it, how much time does he give the animal to access the situation and possibly flee? 2-3 seconds and then pulls forward. What's his rush, late for movie? He then rushes it again another few seconds later.

Again, it is easy to sit back and be the Monday morning quarterback, but those are the two mistakes I saw. As far as shooting it, if I were armed and it had rushed me once already. I would have, not sure if I would have done it as it was retreating as it was, or if I had waited for it to turn and charge again. Very hard call, sad thing. Wish he would have put it out, but then we do not know the rest of the story, as the video ended pretty shortly after the event.



New member
He could have avoided that situation,and it's evident in the video that when the moose retreated he moved forward in a chasing manner causing the second charge to occur....What was the rush? He could have waited a couple minutes to see if it went away on it's own.A complete moron in my opinion.....


Active member
Should not have been put online.

Moose are bada$$. They are the big dog in the bush. And ones that don't see humans, aren't afraid of humans. I would have had the gun sooner than he did. 2 warning shots, though if the moose hasn't heard guns before, it's isn't going to be afraid of it. I wouldn't want to come across a moose without a weapon. My father in law has had a moose attack him and his buddy in a boat near shore.

Small moose, probably eastern canada.


New member
I think he could've either turned around (reverse) or waited until it left...instead of revving the motor and getting closer to it. But hey it's easy to say that not having been there so I can't say what I would've done.

I know one thing I would've thrown that thing on the back of the sled and had a heck of a BBQ!


Active member
Watched it again.

He shouldn't have "challenged" the moose in the first place. He clearly saw it well before the camera did. He should have stopped and gotten off his sled and crouched down beside it.

But in the same breath, if he had maybe his daughter or something with him, he might have been a little more jumpy about making sure she was not harmed.

Either way, STUPID to put this vid on the web.


New member
Should have waited. The moose appeared to be minding it's own business until the snowmobile operator advanced his position.