Snowmobiler shoots a moose


NO...I didn't post it to "stir the pot"..nor was I looking for attention...and I don't particularly like your it controversial? YES....Relevant??? YES....I am not sure how many of us will run into moose trail riding...but this video is out there....and believe was making it's rounds...long before I posted it here.

hey hey slow comments were not directed towards you personally (unless you where the one that did take the video and first post it on line). I have no problem with you posting the link. No harm meant Attak man.....yes I did just get a laugh that I have to clarify myself to "Attak man"


Super Moderator
Staff member
He could have easily went right, down through the trees, or he could have waited until the moose moved on. Just my opinion based on the video presented.


Well-known member
IMO, this one should be pulled from here asap, nothing good can come from this.:(-Mezz


New member
This should disappear. This video, no matter the story is ammo for anti sledders and tree huggers and anti gun people. As a avid hunter, sledder and gun owner this video is good for no one. It would sadden me very much to have had to do that myself, but you gotta do what you gotta do. But many people wont view it that way and use it to make us look bad.

Oh and a true sportsman makes sure that animal is dead quickly and cleanly with no suffering, not 3 poor gut shots and ride off. I suspect this guy had other options.


Well-known member
oh ferkryzake do you actually think this site is the center of the universe?....LOL
this vid mighta been around the world 12 times by now.


New member
oh ferkryzake do you actually think this site is the center of the universe?....LOL
this vid mighta been around the world 12 times by now.

Im sure its out there. But I wouldn't want it being associated with my site. But that's just me and this isn't my site. I just don't believe in furthering any of the anti's causes (guns, hunting, sledders) plenty of folks out there that hate us already anyway.


Staff member
I guess the way I look at it is that yes, it is already out there. For how long, how many other locations? I don't know. But if it ended up here, then there is a very good chance that it has been seen by those that would try and use it as a tool against us.

I am not one to run, hide or cower from my adversaries (unless they are really big and strong! :) ) and if someone wants to make a fool of themselves by blaming all of this on snowmobiling, there really is nothing we can do to stop it. But we can show the rest of world that might happen upon this site that we think what happened was a sad thing and that we also believe there were potential avenues to take to try and avoid the confrontation.



Active member
I guess the way I look at it is that yes, it is already out there. For how long, how many other locations? I don't know. But if it ended up here, then there is a very good chance that it has been seen by those that would try and use it as a tool against us.

I am not one to run, hide or cower from my adversaries (unless they are really big and strong! :) ) and if someone wants to make a fool of themselves by blaming all of this on snowmobiling, there really is nothing we can do to stop it. But we can show the rest of world that might happen upon this site that we think what happened was a sad thing and that we also believe there were potential avenues to take to try and avoid the confrontation.


Well said, I could not agree more!
This guy is a POS. he created the situation by driving closer to probably the most dangerous animal in North America. He deserves the courts to throw the book at him. I'm a big game hunter not a bunny hugger and I'm disgusted.


Well-known member
Don't think it's in Canada, handguns are verboten there.

First thing I thought when I saw it is "why is he moving closer?" Maybe he was hoping to scare it off the trail. Hard to say. Not a situation I would want to be in but if I were, I'm not sure I would put it out there for the world to see.


New member
Only reason he had to shoot was because he was riding a wimpy ski-doo. If he'd been on a yammy with a four stroke he could have charged it and won the collision. Yammy's weigh at least twice as much as a moose eh! :D

Just kidding in case you couldn't tell.

Good call on the probably not in Canada due to it being a handgun...

Deleted member 10829

I agree, the guy is a POS!!!!! It would have been one thing to shoot when it was almost on top of him but it was TOTALLY uncalled for as the moose was moving away from him. He gave no warning shots over his back as the shots were one after another. He never gave the moose chance. This is why us snowmobilers get a bad rap, and it this case, it's deserved!

I can almost guarantee you he would have never acted like that without the GoPro and the thought he would post it on the internet. This really ticks me off! He should have done everthing possible to avoid doing that, and he over reacted in a big way IMO. I will leave it at that before I get really nasty! :(


Well-known member
why does he just drive away once it is down, the least he could is put the thing out of misery and put one in the head!

I would have prob waited a little longer before driving up on it like he did and hope after a few minutes it would have walked off. But that is just me. And i also agree the guy is an idiot for putting this video out there for people to see. Nothing good can come out of this.

Exactly....was he in a hurry to continue his ride?? there was plenty of room originally. Even if he had to sit there for 20 minutes or what? I don't get it. In my opinion the guy in a small way provoked the moose. You can see him moving closer and closer to the moose. Shouldn't have happened and agree...Why post on the internet if you don't want attention?


Well-known member
I agree, the guy is a POS!!!!! It would have been one thing to shoot when it was almost on top of him but it was TOTALLY uncalled for as the moose was moving away from him. He gave no warning shots over his back as the shots were one after another. He never gave the moose chance. This is why us snowmobilers get a bad rap, and it this case, it's deserved!

I can almost guarantee you he would have never acted like that without the GoPro and the thought he would post it on the internet. This really ticks me off! He should have done everthing possible to avoid doing that, and he over reacted in a big way IMO. I will leave it at that before I get really nasty! :(

I agree 100%. Seems like he provoked it so he could shoot it. Too many duma$$es with guns and/or snowmobiles out there


Well-known member
Yea!!! That pup shoulda been allowed to grow alot bigger into a high priced trophy before some dumb human was allowed to unload on it...gawd dang IT!


Have come across an adult moose on the trail in northern Minnesota once, and I just stopped, and gave him some space and didn't make any dumb noises to make it feel threatened. It stood there for a little bit and then walked away from me up the trail for about a half mile before it got off the trail into the woods and vanished. They're not an aggressive animal unless threatened, it's not like they're hiding in the bush to attack you. Don't be in such a hurry and enjoy the experience, I've
ridden many miles up north over the years, including Canada, and this was only the one time I've encountered a moose.