Snowmobiler shoots a moose


Active member
With out knowing the entire story all is complete speculation.

What if they had some one dying and had to get them to a hospital. You just don't know. You can only hope they had a good reason. Sure it looks like there were other options. People do strange things when dealing with stressful situations.

The person who posted it should have included a back story.
Because they did not, people will make assumptions.

Lost Sheep

New member
With out knowing the entire story all is complete speculation.

What if they had some one dying and had to get them to a hospital. You just don't know. You can only hope they had a good reason. Sure it looks like there were other options. People do strange things when dealing with stressful situations.

The person who posted it should have included a back story.
Because they did not, people will make assumptions.

Exactly!!....Ive waited to reply on this & have seen this on several forums the past few days...yeah the guy had a few options ...however put yourself in his shoes....the moose was aggressive....i showed the video to several people at my office (95% city folk & non sledders) and not one person thought the shooter did the wrong thing....yeah it seemed that he just drove by & around the dying bovine but that is where the video guess is that his adrenaline was amped so much he probly wanted to get to a clearing to check his shorts & discuss it with his buddy behind him....yeah he was carrying Blah Blah Blah...I know a few guys that do....does anyone know where this happened??? sure some of you are pissed at this ...but once again put yourself in his shoes with the resources he had?!???! might think differently


Like justride , I have encountered a resting moose in the middle of the trail on a corner one morning. She was a full grown cow. When I drove around her, about 3 feet away, see was just starting to stand up. I stopped about 50 feet away from her because my wife was riding about 100 yards behind me. The Moose just walked off the trail like it was no big deal.

This video, although it would seem impossible to be staged, could be more then a chance encounter with a Moose. There is a brain worm parasite that has been infecting moose and it makes them act irrationally. This moose could have been harassing people in that area. It just seems like more than a coincidence that the guy had his camera on and a gun that handy.


Active member
Here is a little more description I read on this!

Ultimate Outdoor TV reports.....
"A man, age 51 with a life-threatening heart condition, while snowmobiling out West with his son, comes upon a moose in the wild. Concerned that an animal attack might be about to happen, the site-seeing experience goes bad when the moose, not wanting to be on camera, decides to charge. Coming over the snowmobile, the 1,000-pound bull attacks, kicking the dad in the chest; the moose's intentions were clear...

Please Contact Wyoming Game & Fish Department if you have any information related to this incident.
(307) 777-4600"

Sorry still don't think this guy handled it right?

- Question- If you have a life threatening heart condition and you are with you child why on earth would you put yourself in more danger and ride up on the moose and instigate a possible attack???????

- Now did he have a condition that acted up snowmobiling and he needed medical attention asap?? Not sure pretty vague description. This guy should let the whole story out and clear it up one way or another!


I have had many Moose on the Trail in front of me. They are a very dangerous Animal and if you think they are not I wish I could show you a Pic of a Pick up Truck that was all smashed in the Big Horns this summer.

They do not get off the Trail if they don't want to and Skylar my 4 stroke Grand Touring will not go thru the Trees around them unless my Phone works to call a Wrecker to get me out.

The simple answer is a Bear Banger and it will blow them off the Trail at 150 feet away. Everyone should carry one out west or in Canada. I think You can only buy them in Canada.

After the Animal attacked the shooting was self defense.


New member
I have been back and forth on both sides of this. Until I read one post that really made me think different..

would we be discussing this if it was a trapper checking his traps with a rifle on his back instead of a snowmobiler with a sidearm on his side??

I believe I would have reacted a little differently. But I also know in the middle of nowhere that the animal would have taken a shot before I would have taken a trample anyday.


Before anyone accuses me of being soft on this moron, in no way do I condone what he did, however I would make a couple points:

To those advocating backing up, look at that "path" again......really can't call that a trail......not sure there's many people on here could pull that one off.

Secondly, during the required education for a carry permit one of the points stressed is that there is no such thing as a "warning shot"'s simply a waste of ammunition you might have a crying need for later.......if you feel a compelling need to pull your weapon, you better be prepared to use it.


New member
With a heart condition and a small child it sounds like he had no business even being in the backcountry. A moose will charge at lights(sled was running) that's why they have the big signs out telling you "night danger" all over Canada... This guy was an idiot, a scared man that should have stayed in his house, If your not going to learn how to handle situations then you should limit your outdoor adventure to the zoo. I should post the video of a similar aged animal "charging" my buddy on a moose archery hunt in Canada and then licking at the arrow he had knocked in his bow, big scary moose.


X2 tilltheend...the guy saw the moose long before he got that close,......and to drive closer? Not where I come from sorry.


New member
Yeh, I don't buy this. He could have avoided the situation. He certainly could have just stayed back and kept his distance when he first saw the moose. No need to keep approaching. Could have at least made an effort to turn around rather than keep approaching. Sad deal, but I think the rider screwed up!


This person has very little commonsense and that's putting in nicely. It is quite disturbing to see ignorance cause the death of anything. This guy has made so many mistake it's mind boggling and yes there should be some consequences for such irresponsibility. The video says it all, shows all the guy did wrong and how he created a dangerous situation buy his lack of patients. In the beginning of the video where he first sees the moose he is clapping his hands, making vocal noises while moving forward towards the animal increasing himself as a threat, first mistake. Second mistake, he gives the animal 14 seconds and than approaches the animal. During the 14 seconds there was no threat and the animal had little to no interest in the sledder, that's obvious in the video. The guy during the first 14 seconds has already screwed up twice now. What could he have done? he could have just stayed in place and waited it out. Would the animal have attacked or would he have retreated? We don't know for sure but the fact is there was no threat at that point and that is obvious from the animals mannerisms. After 14 seconds the guy closes the distance by about half and that is not an exaggeration. So, by closing the gap, did the guy feel threatened? If so, why did he precede forward closer to the animal? If there is a threat you retreat or do nothing to provoke, threaten, aggravate,,etc,,,,,This moron does the opposite for some unknown reason and to assume he is hastily trying to get to the hospital or something similar is not reasonable and should not be enter the scenario. So now the man closes the distance severely,,,,, and from the mannerisms of the moose, the moose is threatened and warns the guy with a charge and turns away. So at the 30 second mark after the moose warns the guy, what does the guy do? He escalates the situation by moving forward africkengain,,,,,are you kidding me!

The moose shows strength with a charge but no attack and the man moves forward, animal comes back and attacks. At this point there is potential for a life threatening situation but this guy caused it all and that is where he felt the need to kill the animal,,,,,all for nothing. This whole situation is a real shame and I bet this man,,,if he didn't have a gun probably would have not approached the animal in the same way,,,but that is speculation yet a reasonable assumption which begs the question. \

Even more disturbing is just how many people on this thread see the same thing where the guy makes serious mistakes and presents himself as a danger to a large capable animal and is forced to kill it. The disturbing part is where this happens with people all the time such as Travon Martin and George Zimmerman yet I do not hear of the threat that GZ presented himself as. Most of us see human life as sacred and would reserve severs force as a last stand yet when carrying power one will present themselves as powerful when in reality a retreat will preserve life. It's a fine line to hold and requires wisdom, education, responsibility, common sense, patients,,,,etc,,,, where as none of these attributes are present with this guy killing the moose or GZ killing TM. It's a common occurrence and you bet your arse that this sort of irresponsibility only promotes more regulating and less freedom,,,bottom line,,ignorant people causes grief for all of us. Soon we will see more gun control because we force it upon ourselves with poor displays of irresponsibility.


Well-known member
o boy, get out the beer and pretzels, lol
how was the riding lenny? do you have some killer videos to post to make us all jealous?


In the beginning of the video where he first sees the moose he is clapping his hands, making vocal noises while moving forward towards the animal increasing himself as a threat, first mistake.

We don't know for sure that this is the "first he sees the moose." How long was he sitting there before he turned the cam on to record the encounter? One minute maybe 30? Without all the facts it's tough to rip him a new one. Perhaps we can only rip him a partial one based on what we saw!