Social Sec going from 4.2 to 6.2


New member
Can anyone give me any info on all of changes going on? I don’t know much about it besides my check is roughly $40 lower


This year you have the social security tax rise in your check followed by next years 3% tax for Obamacare. So your basically losing 5% more in take home pay, plus whatever crazy scheme the government comes up with this year.

But as the president says, "we don't have a spending problem!" All I can say is,my A$$! I wish I could blow 40% more than I take in and never worry about paying it back!

Just remember, there isn't another country or bunch of countries that can bail out the US! When we go down, everyone goes down. Buy lots of ammo, because it will be here sooner than you think. The PIGS of Europe will be a picnic compared to what will happen here.

Just my 2¢

Now back to our regular scheduled programming


Active member
Can anyone give me any info on all of changes going on? I don’t know much about it besides my check is roughly $40 lower

Two years ago your social security went down from 6.2 to 4.2 for a "tax holiday". Not sure if our wonderful elected officials called it a tax cut so they could take credit for that, but anyway, now that "holiday" expired so your rate reverted to it's standard rate. That's why those same officials are quick to point out this is not a tax hike, but you are actually now just paying what the standard rate has always been.

Funny, when they debated about the "temporary" Bush tax cuts expiring, they referred to the increase as a "tax hike". I don't see the difference. In both cases there was a standard rate, then there was a temporary measure put in place that lowered the rate, that measure expired so taxes went back to the old rate. Why is one a "tax hike" and the other is not?

The question I've never seen answered is if SS is going broke, what effect did this 33% decrease in revenue for 2 years do to it's stability?


The question I've never seen answered is if SS is going broke, what effect did this 33% decrease in revenue for 2 years do to it's stability?

The real problem with SS, Is that the government can't keep there freakin hand out of the cookie jar! SS would be "overfunded" if they would stop borrowing and taking from it!

Has anyone ever noticed at the bottom of the statement you get from SS, there is an asterisk next to the number they give you at retirement age. Mine, being that I'm only 40, states that I will probably only receive 75%, of that number when I go to retire. What a crime! I have been putting into that since I was 16 and to receive only a portion of what I put in.

I ran the numbers for my last 10 years on employment, with the bad recession, I would have still made twice, if not three times that amount if I would have invested the last 10 years myself. As much everyone hates or hated Bush, for those who cared about their own future, he had the right idea for letting people invest their own money.

Problem being, to many knuckleheads out there would have just blown it, instead of investing in their future.

Now they want to run my health Care?!
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New member
What happened you ask?Obama got re-elected by 51% of the popular vote believing they were gonna stick it to the top 2%.Hope your happy now.Oh yea one more thing.Nancy pig has has said they're not done yet!!!!!!! go figure.


Active member
Can anyone give me any info on all of changes going on? I don’t know much about it besides my check is roughly $40 lower

Since you stated your only 27, you really have to start paying attention to everything going on and understand all the little code words like fairness, sacrifice, social justice, and sustainability. They don't mean what you think they mean. This forty dollars coming out of your paycheck is fairness, sacrifice, social justice, and sustainability; the true definition of these words. There's no such thing as a free lunch and you just realized your paying for someone else's lunch. That forty dollars didn't go into a nice little account waiting for you to spend it in the future, it went to some retiree who paid a lot less into the system than you and is getting much more out of it then you might. And if you do get the money back in the way of Social Security, it is taxed again (what a racket).

Just think of the forty dollars today. If losing it doesn't really affect you and is no big deal; then what's another twenty dollars tomorrow, and another twenty dollars the next day, and another twenty dollars the next day. Suddenly forty dollars becomes a hundred dollars really quick. This increlmentalism has been going on for decades and it won't stop anytime soon with Obama (remember, it is not fair for someone to make all that money. He's admitted to wanting to spread the wealth (social justice) to Joe the Plumber. Wall Street can sacrifice a little more. And, he wants a sustainable economy). Your generation is next; and if forty dollars got your attention, then you guys need to do something other than voting in politician like him to stop it (and most of the voters your age voted him in). If not, you get what you vote for (and enjoy a smaller paycheck).

Pay is not increasing like it use too so these tax increases (anytime a tax rates go up even after a holiday (I understand what was said in a previous thread) is an increase to me) really affect your take home pay, and that is what everyone is truely concerned about is their take home pay (net pay). I'm lossing over $66 a paycheck because of this increase; while $66 a check doesn't seem like much, $1,742 a year starts to be some real money that I myself could put to better use; like towards my 401k, my kids' college fund, or a new car for my wife (see, invest it myself in the private sector).

But hey, it is your choice and future so get yourself informed.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Yup, mine is smaller too. Looks like I'll be about a thousand lighter in the wallet by next year
and l'm no where near that 2% that Nancy P and her Libs are talking about.

Makes you ask yourself why you came to work today, doesn't it?


Well-known member
I guess we forgot Mitty & Paul Ryan wanted to give you a choice regarding SS & the USA voted with crushing no vote & don't mess with SS & Obama Care. So now we all will pay for that vote because that is what was voted in bigger goverment & higher tax to pay for gov. services & healthcare. Remember this in 4 years!


New member
It's costing me $95 every two weeks for a total of $2470 a year. I would have over $76,000 when I retire if I take that same $2470 and put it in a safe investment option that pays ONLY 4%. (8% would get me $122,000).

How much of that do I expect to see - $0.00

Thanks Obama - don't do me any more favors.......


New member
wow, a pay check, what a novel idea. I have not a clue what anything is costing me except for that gallon of Poo oil I bought yesterday. Let's buy more guns and shoot our neighbor because we are so pissed at the government. I am getting a bomb shelter like those cool ones on TV, just waiting on permits! and Miss dig to mark out where I can dig a hole.


Well-known member
Our current administration got SOME of what they wanted, and made it sound like a compromise. That compromise, was to push back the debt ceiling discussions, push back the entitlement overhaul (Which should be CUT entitlements, but that is a whole different discussion), and push back further tax discussions/increases.

The problem is, our president has already publicly stated, he wants MORE taxes, MORE debt ceiling, and NO entitlement discussions (Actually MORE entitlements) than what he just got!

This "compromise" is not being reported by the liberal media, and we are all being brain washed that somehow the administration gave something. The only thing they gave was more time, to get what they really want.

And if you think this is hitting your wallet now, just wait until they get what they want in 2-3 months.......

51% voted for this guy, but I'll be willing to bet, 75% of that 51% really doesn't know what they voted for. Well, this is it, enjoy.


Active member
Our current administration got SOME of what they wanted, and made it sound like a compromise. That compromise, was to push back the debt ceiling discussions, push back the entitlement overhaul (Which should be CUT entitlements, but that is a whole different discussion), and push back further tax discussions/increases.

The problem is, our president has already publicly stated, he wants MORE taxes, MORE debt ceiling, and NO entitlement discussions (Actually MORE entitlements) than what he just got!

This "compromise" is not being reported by the liberal media, and we are all being brain washed that somehow the administration gave something. The only thing they gave was more time, to get what they really want.

And if you think this is hitting your wallet now, just wait until they get what they want in 2-3 months.......

51% voted for this guy, but I'll be willing to bet, 75% of that 51% really doesn't know what they voted for. Well, this is it, enjoy.

BINGO. No compromise. Debt ceiling still an issue, and Libs compromise was to delay those talks / negotiations once again.


New member
Just got my first paycheck for 2013.
With all the counties "added" costs of doing business,...
along with the feds,....
I now will be taking home $97 LESS per check.
Glad I have a job,... but man,... thats going to add up!!!
Oh well.


New member
So? I am going from 8.4% to 12.4% since I am self employed and have to pay my entire SS amount. wow and I thought you guys with a paycheck had it rough. That is like a $4000 a year increase for me. Ya I am getting irritated now. life goes on.

Deleted member 10829

Me pay?

I find it funny how people were ok with someone else having to pay it, but now that they see it coming out of their checks too, it's unfair! I will tell you what unfair is, it's the top 2% paying the majority of the taxes in this country. There should be a flat tax and EVERYONE pays in. If you get a pay check, you pay taxes.

I heard where the latest figures available show that if you make less than $40,000 per year, you can do just as well on government programs!


Active member
The monthly increase to me is enough for fuel in the truck to the UP and back with some change to spare. (Royally chaps my arse!!) I know we're not supposed to talk Politics, but I reeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly don't like what happened this last election.