Social Sec going from 4.2 to 6.2


New member
I personally think you should not be able to vote until age 25. unless you've served in the military. if you have not been in the real world to have reality smack you in the face then you will fall for all the lies politicians spew and all the media has to vomit.


New member
I personally think you should not be able to vote until age 25. unless you've served in the military. if you have not been in the real world to have reality smack you in the face then you will fall for all the lies politicians spew and all the media has to vomit.

unless they are saying the stuff you agree with???? then it is good. Get over it guys, how do you think the debt is going to get paid and ss is to survive? It wouldn't be so bad if we could see some actual value for the money they take.


Well-known member
I say go way back and reinstate u cant vote unless u own real estate.
if not invested no vote


Well-known member
unless they are saying the stuff you agree with???? then it is good. Get over it guys, how do you think the debt is going to get paid and ss is to survive? It wouldn't be so bad if we could see some actual value for the money they take.
UMMMM bankruptcy on count 1 and the bankruptcy will take care of #2
U are dreaming if u think this is going to end any other way.
start saving gold silver and bullets will be the only worthwhile currency at some point in our younger gen life.


Active member
I don't want to open a can of worms but I have 1 question, is this increase happening to everybody because my checks are the same...?

Indy I could be wrong here but I would think your check should have been affected. The way to tell is look at your FICA withholding. Since your checks vary, you'll need to figure the % withheld last calender year and the % withheld now. The FICA amount withheld in December should have been 4.2% and now it should be 6.2.

As far as what everyone else is telling you, I think most, if not all of it is true, but their comments are related to your federal tax rate not your social security tax.

Your check may have been the same because you had an extra hour or something, look into the actual rate.


2600 for me. I'll still go to work until it becomes more profitable to stay home

Well it's gotten to the point that a good amount of people figured that out already. There are still a lot of good, hard working people in this country busting their *** for $25K/yr. When you add up all the programs, you'd realize they'd be better off sucking off the other workers' (your) efforts.


Inflation is the biggest tax of all. We already have a lot of food inflation and we will have even more as the dollar continues to be devalued. Also the drought in the central US will continue the escalation of food prices in the near future most notably in beef products. The only reason the bottom hasn't already fallen out is that the EU is sucking worse than us. Gas prices are falling for the wrong reasons. There is diminished demand which translates into less activity. A slowdown in the economy. Although you won't hear the talking heads say that. Everything is good and getting better according to them.


Inflation is the biggest tax of all.

Gas prices are falling for the wrong reasons. There is diminished demand which translates into less activity. A slowdown in the economy. Although you won't hear the talking heads say that. Everything is good and getting better according to them.

You would think people would start putting 2 and 2 together. If the economy was getting better the cost of gas would go up! When are people going to realize that the were in REAL financial trouble.

People say gold and silver, I say, bullets and know how to grow your own food. You can't eat gold and silver.


Well-known member
My hours vary due but i work anywhere from 15-30 hours/week @ $8.50 an hr. I am a student in high school so I'm not sure how it works but my last check $81.43 of it was taxes which is rather dissapointing LOL

this will show up in 2013 check stubs under the FICA deduction. do a comparo between paychecks with the same hours/pay per hour between '12 and '13 to see the diff.
For example;
$8.50 x 25hrs. = $212.50 x 4.2% = $8.92 2012 FICA deduction

$8.50 x 25hrs. = $212.50 x 6.2% = $13.18 2013 FICA deduction or a 48% INCREASE


Well-known member
this will show up in 2013 check stubs under the FICA deduction. do a comparo between paychecks with the same hours/pay per hour between '12 and '13 to see the diff.
For example;
$8.50 x 25hrs. = $212.50 x 4.2% = $8.92 2012 FICA deduction

$8.50 x 25hrs. = $212.50 x 6.2% = $13.18 2013 FICA deduction or a 48% INCREASE

Well that's a dissapointment LOL thanks for the info


Super Moderator
Staff member
With Indy being a full time student, can't he claim exempt from taxes? I believe that is on the W4.


New member
With Indy being a full time student, can't he claim exempt from taxes? I believe that is on the W4.

You work, you pay. His parents can claim him as a dependent still. My first job at 12 they took out only SS. At 16 they took at all taxes. I think it is based on how much you make, hit that mark and you pay back to your first dollar of that year.


Active member
With Indy being a full time student, can't he claim exempt from taxes? I believe that is on the W4.

I could be wrong, but I believe "exempt" only gets you out of federal and state taxes, not FICA. At least that's the way it was 34 years ago when I was able to do it :)


Well-known member
With Indy being a full time student, can't he claim exempt from taxes? I believe that is on the W4.

not sure, my parents screwed something up on my sisters taxes last year and this year we're taking it somewhere. All I know is, I didn't receive anything or have to pay anything back last year.


New member
Awh heck I should just apply for unemployment! LOL NOT happening don't even know how those people can sleep at night...
What do you mean indy?No really what do you mean?I'm not on unemployment but this kinda strikes a nerve with me.What do you know about it?A BOY with no kids or family to support.Some people really need it.


Well-known member
What do you mean indy?No really what do you mean?I'm not on unemployment but this kinda strikes a nerve with me.What do you know about it?A BOY with no kids or family to support.Some people really need it.

I wasn't serious about it if that's what your asking?


New member
I'm trying not to start a pissing match i'm probably a little grumpy from not having a smoke in a couple weeks.But you need to watch what you say.Because I know a huge number of snowmobilers are construction workers,seasonal workers. Now how do you think all those guys get though the winter?


Super Moderator
Staff member
I'm trying not to start a pissing match i'm probably a little grumpy from not having a smoke in a couple weeks.But you need to watch what you say.Because I know a huge number of snowmobilers are construction workers,seasonal workers. Now how do you think all those guys get though the winter?

I think Indy was referring to people who try to stay on unemployment as long as they can, its called milking the system. When the company I worked for closed in 2011, I heard A LOT of people say, well, I guess I will just milk unemployment for as long as possible, then go get a job. Some of those people are now out of unemployment, and can't get a job. I do not feel sorry for them one bit.