Team Hennessey Trailer and sleds stolen


Super Moderator
Staff member
Please keep your eyes and ears open for my brothers trailer and sleds!
It was stolen out of his driveway in Woodbury mn on friday between 7am and 2:30pm!
Its a 2 place enclosed Loadmaster trailer with team Arctic cat and Team Hennessey stickers that prob go yanked off already!
Also his sons arctic cat 120 red in color-with front springs are a different colors!
Also a buddies Sabercat 500 green also!

This is a pic of my trailer but it looks almost the same! i'll post pics of the trailer and sleds soon!

Thanks Scottiking OUT


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Well-known member
Nothing worse then your sleds being stolen right after the UP gets hammered. Hope for the best for your brother!


Super Moderator
Staff member

here are more pics

This is the actual pic of Johns trailer! but the better pics above are of mine to show alittle better idea of how it looks!
His tires are different tho! *' i beleive and one looks like a radial and the othr is that regular flat type tread!


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New member
You've got to be kidding? All eyes here will be on the watch. Really sorry to hear this, hope your insured. Go figure 2' plus of snow and your not here!!! Or riding!!! Best of luck to both of you.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for any help with this!

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Super Moderator
Staff member
sure would like to get that smile back on Adams face!

Uncle Scottiking OUT

Thanks for any help with this!

<V:p</V:p<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shape style="WIDTH: 480pt; HEIGHT: 5in" id=Picture_x0020_1 alt="" type="#_x0000_t75" o:spid="_x0000_i1025"><v:imagedata o:href="cid:image001.jpg@01CBAF69.3B7B8A10" src="file:///C:\Users\SCOTTH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.jpg"></v:imagedata></v:shape>


Active member
sure would like to get that smile back on Adams face!

Uncle Scottiking OUT
Sorry to hear Scotti! Can't believe these "tools" are so bold to back right up the driveway, and hook it up in broad daylight! Woodbury's a bunch of neighborhoods right? Any neighbors see anything?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Its just east of St Paul! My Bro must of just missed them too! when he got home the tracks were fresh and it was snowning and blowing and there was no snow on the tracks!
The foot prints were small too! not sure what size but John said small!

no neighbors seemed to see anything!

Scottiking OUT

Kris ya gettin stoked to go west or what? wish I was going!

Sorry to hear Scotti! Can't believe these "tools" are so bold to back right up the driveway, and hook it up in broad daylight! Woodbury's a bunch of neighborhoods right? Any neighbors see anything?


Well-known member
It's Woodbury for crying out loud!!! Everybody leaves their trailers in the driveway.

I'm thinking this is locals because it had to be scouted out by someone who knew the pattern. You don't just drive by and say "hey, let's take that trailer". It's surprising how often this is a case where the culprits live in the area. Unfortunately, even if the neighbors had seen something they probably would have chalked it up as someone who knew the owner and wouldn't have paid much attention.

Hindsight is 20/20 but a wheel clamp (or two) would be a pretty good deterrent for the future.

This website has a pretty impressive following and if the trailer resurfaces in public, hopefully someone will see something.


Well-known member
Did he have any type of ball lock on the trailer? I get nervous with my trailer sitting out and with a lock on it like this.


Sorry to hear, Scotty.


Well-known member
not to be a db but why wont people insure there toys my trailer and 2 sleds boat and boat trailer less than 400 a yr


New member
that sucks time to keep eyes open on craigslist and ebay for parts

that or a local scrapper to good luck with trying to find them also becareful not telling too many people where your going these days on line crooks just love to find where you are and bam your things are gone including being on facebook and twitter to just a thought!!!!!!