This is what I just don't understand...


People are getting tired of this lockdown, the economic suffering is immeasurable. I agree, it's time to rethink this, but this is what I just don't understand.

Our leadership is wrestling with when, how to open. It would seem that one of the criteria would be behavior of the citizens. But I see all these pictures of people protesting with no masks and no distancing. Wouldn't it make more sense to prove to the governor that we can act like adults and do a simple thing like put on a mask?

There are two things a citizen can do in public to help out. First, stay 6 feet apart. Second, wear a mask. That's it. Neither one of these activities infringes on your rights. There is minimal inconvenience. Putting on a mask does not require you to give up your guns or your god. Putting on a mask does not allow caravans of Hondurans to crash our borders. It will not require you to drive a 4 stroke or vote for Biden. Quite simply, a mask protects me from you, and you from me. It is a courteous and caring thing to do.

I am not asking you to wear a mask when you cut the grass, or when you are at home. But when you go to Walmart in Houghton grab a mask on the way out of your house. When you get to the store put it on. Be respectful of others and their health.

Now, some of you will tell me it is ineffective. OK, fine, let's say it is. How were you harmed?
What rights were taken away?

I always wear a mask in public here in San Diego, nearly everyone else is too. It doesn't hurt, I'm not inconvenienced.

I just don't understand why people won't do two simple things with no downside.


Well-known member
My son works at Target, they mandated masks for the employees as of yesterday. His boss has been wearing one for the last 3-4 weeks, but she pulls it down when she wants to talk to someone. :cower:


Active member
"There are two things a citizen can do in public to help out. First, stay 6 feet apart. Second, wear a mask. That's it. Neither one of these activities infringes on your rights. There is minimal inconvenience. Putting on a mask does not require you to give up your guns or your god. Putting on a mask does not allow caravans of Hondurans to crash our borders. It will not require you to drive a 4 stroke or vote for Biden. Quite simply, a mask protects me from you, and you from me. It is a courteous and caring thing to do."

100% agree!


Well-known member
I agree, your either part of the solution or part of the problem

I never get how any of thee marches do anything but , make a show for the media
and I never get how so many can do so many things wrong and not get in trouble either
you look back at the million illegals that marched??
all admitting there criminals(being here illegally makes them such)
and yet NONE really got arrested
a whole march of criminals and well?? what did it really do minus make for some media news??
didn;t solve anything I know of, or get rid of any criminals?

ON the masks though, I do find it some what inconveniencing to wear one(i have breathing issue's, down to one lung and have asthma and other issue's) and well just trying to FIND a mask to wear , is not easy, there sold out every where, and many of them selling them on line, are way over priced
and heck, many are all made in CHINA??
so, maybe questionable to wear them one's LOL< of without washing first!
Making one isn;t that hard, but does require some time LOL
and here in PA< its a state wide rule you HAVE to wear one, stores won't let you in without one!


Well-known member
Dcsnoman and frnash are 2 of the guys I respect the most on this discussion board. DC, your post is spot on, couldn't agree with you more. There is a thread with guys arguing with frnash. . I just laugh at guys arguing with what is probably the smartest guy on this board. This covid19 thing is a no win either way. But , I can't help but laugh at those that know it all and have no sense of thinking but that they are right. It's my way or it's no way. We have some interesting times ahead. I pray for you all.


Active member
A N95 mask when fitted properly is "suppose" to filter out 95% of airborne particles 0.3 microns (300 nm) or larger (source Honeywell). The coronavirus size is 120 nm (source Britannica), or half the size of the requirements for the N95 mask. You can come to your own conclusion, but if you do, explain to me how something is going to stop particles that are half the size of what it was designed to stop?


Dcsnoman and frnash are 2 of the guys I respect the most on this discussion board. DC, your post is spot on, couldn't agree with you more. There is a thread with guys arguing with frnash. . I just laugh at guys arguing with what is probably the smartest guy on this board. This covid19 thing is a no win either way. But , I can't help but laugh at those that know it all and have no sense of thinking but that they are right. It's my way or it's no way. We have some interesting times ahead. I pray for you all.

Pray up a storm. Let me know how that works out.


Well-known member
I must add gary in neenah and Administrator as ones that I respect here.

If you you don't believe in the power of prayer, then I pray for you that much more, you need it.


Active member
Dcsnoman and frnash are 2 of the guys I respect the most on this discussion board. DC, your post is spot on, couldn't agree with you more. There is a thread with guys arguing with frnash. . I just laugh at guys arguing with what is probably the smartest guy on this board. …

Whooo, me.JPG

Whoo, me? :redface-new: ( :blush: ) Whadd'I do ta deserve dat, eh? But tanks fer dat, jr37.

I must add gary in neenah and Administrator as ones that I respect here. …
I can concur with that, and Dcsnoman as well!


Way back when this used to be a snowmobile website. It no longer is. Now it is just a place where really old guys go to vent.

I'm not REALLY old, I'm kinda old!
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A N95 mask when fitted properly is "suppose" to filter out 95% of airborne particles 0.3 microns (300 nm) or larger (source Honeywell). The coronavirus size is 120 nm (source Britannica), or half the size of the requirements for the N95 mask. You can come to your own conclusion, but if you do, explain to me how something is going to stop particles that are half the size of what it was designed to stop?

So what?
Put on a mask. You will experience no downside. Nothing bad will happen to you if you do.


New member
Wait till it’s 90 degrees and with 90 percent humidity, let’s see how long you want to wear your mask outside then! How can I drink my beer at the bar?


So what?
Put on a mask. You will experience no downside. Nothing bad will happen to you if you do.

This sounds just like the argument for gun control. "You don't really need your guns. Just hand them over; nothing bad will happen to you if you do. If it saves just one life, it's all worth it. Even if it's ineffective, at least we did something that made us feel like we tried, and made us feel safer (even though we weren't)".


A N95 mask when fitted properly is "suppose" to filter out 95% of airborne particles 0.3 microns (300 nm) or larger (source Honeywell). The coronavirus size is 120 nm (source Britannica), or half the size of the requirements for the N95 mask. You can come to your own conclusion, but if you do, explain to me how something is going to stop particles that are half the size of what it was designed to stop?

There is a lot more to filtration than particle size.


Staff member
A N95 mask when fitted properly is "suppose" to filter out 95% of airborne particles 0.3 microns (300 nm) or larger (source Honeywell). The coronavirus size is 120 nm (source Britannica), or half the size of the requirements for the N95 mask. You can come to your own conclusion, but if you do, explain to me how something is going to stop particles that are half the size of what it was designed to stop?

That is the size of the virus itself. When it leaves an infected persons body, it is attached to something, usually a liquid particle from their airway system. Those are much larger than the filter size of an N95.


There was a comment above regarding the protests being ineffective and nothing more than a show for the media. I’m not offering opinion on right/wrong for the protests but don’t you think the message of the protest would be severely discounted if everyone was 6ft apart and wearing masks?

Braaaap! There now this post has some snowmobile content! Damn I’m bored....


Well-known member
There was a comment above regarding the protests being ineffective and nothing more than a show for the media. I’m not offering opinion on right/wrong for the protests but don’t you think the message of the protest would be severely discounted if everyone was 6ft apart and wearing masks?

Braaaap! There now this post has some snowmobile content! Damn I’m bored....

And a protest that is nothing more than a show for the media is different than what other protests we have had to endure where people shut down freeways?

Its amazing to me, in these times, that a protest for people that WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK is so discounted as a "media stunt"...…

Meanwhile, one of if not the largest health care provider in MN is laying off doctors and nurses, and cutting pay by 10% for those they are keeping. Stupid.

(And yes, I thought it was appropriate for a thread titled as this one is, because "This is what I just don't understand".)
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