People are getting tired of this lockdown, the economic suffering is immeasurable. I agree, it's time to rethink this, but this is what I just don't understand.
Our leadership is wrestling with when, how to open. It would seem that one of the criteria would be behavior of the citizens. But I see all these pictures of people protesting with no masks and no distancing. Wouldn't it make more sense to prove to the governor that we can act like adults and do a simple thing like put on a mask?
There are two things a citizen can do in public to help out. First, stay 6 feet apart. Second, wear a mask. That's it. Neither one of these activities infringes on your rights. There is minimal inconvenience. Putting on a mask does not require you to give up your guns or your god. Putting on a mask does not allow caravans of Hondurans to crash our borders. It will not require you to drive a 4 stroke or vote for Biden. Quite simply, a mask protects me from you, and you from me. It is a courteous and caring thing to do.
I am not asking you to wear a mask when you cut the grass, or when you are at home. But when you go to Walmart in Houghton grab a mask on the way out of your house. When you get to the store put it on. Be respectful of others and their health.
Now, some of you will tell me it is ineffective. OK, fine, let's say it is. How were you harmed?
What rights were taken away?
I always wear a mask in public here in San Diego, nearly everyone else is too. It doesn't hurt, I'm not inconvenienced.
I just don't understand why people won't do two simple things with no downside.
Our leadership is wrestling with when, how to open. It would seem that one of the criteria would be behavior of the citizens. But I see all these pictures of people protesting with no masks and no distancing. Wouldn't it make more sense to prove to the governor that we can act like adults and do a simple thing like put on a mask?
There are two things a citizen can do in public to help out. First, stay 6 feet apart. Second, wear a mask. That's it. Neither one of these activities infringes on your rights. There is minimal inconvenience. Putting on a mask does not require you to give up your guns or your god. Putting on a mask does not allow caravans of Hondurans to crash our borders. It will not require you to drive a 4 stroke or vote for Biden. Quite simply, a mask protects me from you, and you from me. It is a courteous and caring thing to do.
I am not asking you to wear a mask when you cut the grass, or when you are at home. But when you go to Walmart in Houghton grab a mask on the way out of your house. When you get to the store put it on. Be respectful of others and their health.
Now, some of you will tell me it is ineffective. OK, fine, let's say it is. How were you harmed?
What rights were taken away?
I always wear a mask in public here in San Diego, nearly everyone else is too. It doesn't hurt, I'm not inconvenienced.
I just don't understand why people won't do two simple things with no downside.