This is what I just don't understand...


Well-known member
There will be no vaccine. No vaccine has ever been developed for any other coronavirus. It will be no different this time. So just forget that angle. The vast majority of the people that have died are either old or fragile with pre existing conditions. There is nothing to see here. Just nature at work. Open everything up. Let Nature happen.

Nailed it! You win a years supply of TP!


Well-known member
There will be no vaccine. No vaccine has ever been developed for any other coronavirus. It will be no different this time. So just forget that angle. The vast majority of the people that have died are either old or fragile with pre existing conditions. There is nothing to see here. Just nature at work. Open everything up. Let Nature happen.

Exactly!! at best the "vaccine" we have for the virus that returns year after year curbs its effects at best, hundreds of thousands world wide still die with a "vaccine", let this thin run its course, we cant stop it and its not going away.


Well-known member
It’s time to end the economic shut down and reopen the shuttered businesses ASAP! With little to no entertainment competition on the Fox River in WI Waterford area was a zoo. Pontoons loaded with people and drinks in hand waving , greeting , pulling along side to chat was the norm. NO ONE WAS WEARING A MASK. It’s difficult to drink your cocktail with a mask on. Lol. More and more people each day are done with the quarantine ready to take their chances and see what happens. Those that are terrorized by Covid 19 should stay home as their right to do so. Also those that are ready to normalize their lives and move around freely should also be able to do so. I’m a firm believer Covid 19 will run its course and the USA is prepared to deal with the disease. Covid 19 is NOT going away so we need to face up to reality to move on without a panacea we just need to do the best we can and choose your personal precautions.


If you are older or have some condition that cannot have a new condition piled on top of it then by all means stay home. Self isolate and stay away from everybody. Forever. Because that is how long the latest coronavirus will be with us. My plan for myself and my family is to GET IT, GET OVER IT AND GET ON WITH IT.


Well-known member
If you are older or have some condition that cannot have a new condition piled on top of it then by all means stay home. Self isolate and stay away from everybody. Forever. Because that is how long the latest coronavirus will be with us. My plan for myself and my family is to GET IT, GET OVER IT AND GET ON WITH IT.

And know, that just because you have it once, doesn't mean you won't catch it again. If you believe what 'they' are telling us.

So as your post states, how long are people willing to stay home, and only go to the grocery and big box stores where they will probably run into someone who has it eventually? This is simply crazy what we are doing.

I want to ask this question again: What kind of precedent are we setting here? What happens next fall when it circulates through the community again? And again, and again???


Well-known member
And know, that just because you have it once, doesn't mean you won't catch it again. If you believe what 'they' are telling us.

So as your post states, how long are people willing to stay home, and only go to the grocery and big box stores where they will probably run into someone who has it eventually? This is simply crazy what we are doing.

I want to ask this question again: What kind of precedent are we setting here? What happens next fall when it circulates through the community again? And again, and again???

I've been asking the same question, We cannot ever do this again or continue with it but you are right are we setting a new precedent? I certainly hope not!! but.... if we don't.... then this was clearly an if's and's or butts about it. This was definitely an overreaction on a ridiculous scale and we have done so much damage, who knows how long it will take to recover or the real effects. But again if this social distancing is working then why not do all of this economic damage again if we can take the 500,000 on average the other "virus" kills each and every year, over and over and over again and reduce it by half... wouldn't it be worth it? the answer is NO and if we don't do it then why did we do it this time? answer... we never should have to this extent. we will be encountering new disease, new germs and new viruses as long as we occupy this earth and we have no control over it!


Let's see...I have all these health experts from all around the world with their education and all their accumulated knowledge vs a guy on a snowmobile site declaring their cumulative knowledge is null and void. And, what they are asking me to do is a simple act with no downside.

I'm thinking I'm going with the scientists on this one. It's only a mask.

- - - Updated - - -

It's only a mask, not a constitutional issue.

First of all, nobody said that the cumulative knowledge of experts is "null and void". Are you really that bad at reading comprehension, or are you simply dishonest? The Supreme Court stated that all laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. Since the order to close private businesses and stay at home are clearly unconstitutional, they are in fact, null and void.


Active member
Kinda being melodramatic, aren't you?

Look, you're pushing a different message than I am. You want to push a political agenda, I do not. If you reread my post I am trying to come up with an idea to move the governor along to open the state so my friends with small businesses don't go bankrupt.

There is a process to negotiation and rubbing the other guys nose in dog crap is not a recommended method.

Now, if you want an ineffective media show continue on. It makes for good TV and does nothing to open the state.

I haven't a clue how you figure Im pushing any agenda other than our rights are being taken away. Thats the constitution, not a left vs right issue.
Your "idea" has us bow down and beg. Maybe thats the kind of "permissions" you feel a FREE country deserves.
But I dont.


The 'experts' can't agree either. Some say wear a mask some say don't bother. Some say you develop antibodies and others don't know. The 'experts' don't know any more than we lowly sheep. It is their time in the sun now because they studied bugs and the rest of us majored in other things. Over 1/5 of US coronavirus deaths were residents of long term care facilities. Look it up. Now I am no 'EXPERT' but people that live in long term care facilities are not the healthiest folks around.
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Well-known member
The 'experts' can't agree either. Some say wear a mask some say don't bother. Some say you develop antibodies and others don't know. The 'experts' don't know any more than we lowly sheep. It is their time in the sun now because they studied bugs and the rest of us majored in other things. Over 1/5 of US coronavirus deaths were residents of long care facilities. Look it up. Now I am no 'EXPERT' but people that live in long care facilities are not the healthiest folks around.

I was told this is the term, from an expert: Comorbidity.


Well-known member
because things are not slowing down every where?

so why STOP wearing the mask if it helps??

it could only help more folks NOT get things ? no>?

this thing is NOT over every where or slowing down every where
so till it is, I think wearing a mask us a small price to pay till then,
like I said, either part of the solution or part of the problem, as again, there are many folks that have this and DON"T Know it
so them running about NO mask, there not helping STOP.slow things down, and since its proven, it can take off into larger numbers pretty fast, why take a place with low numbers and risk it going the other way, I guess just don't see how wearing a mask for a little longer is such a big deal!
but this is MY opinion!

OBTW.....001% of your states population died from c-19....easily one of the least deadly events in your state in the past 3 months.


First of all, nobody said that the cumulative knowledge of experts is "null and void". Are you really that bad at reading comprehension, or are you simply dishonest? The Supreme Court stated that all laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. Since the order to close private businesses and stay at home are clearly unconstitutional, they are in fact, null and void.

Wow! That's pretty good, got to 86 posts before it got personal!

Just for the record eye ken reed purty good sumtime and eyme reelie hunest . I got me a edumacation and ebryting.


Active member
The 'experts' can't agree either. Some say wear a mask some say don't bother. Some say you develop antibodies and others don't know. The 'experts' don't know any more than we lowly sheep. …
But at least our self-designated "very stable genus", all knowing, all seeing expert-physician-virologist-in chief, Jim Jones, (er… What's-his-name?), has prescribed the cure that has eluded all of the other "ex-spurts". So, welcome to Jonestown, 2020.
Drink the Kool-Aid ( actually it was "Flavor Aid" ), or inject the Lysol, and then sing along:

From 1959 Tom Lehrer, (click →) "We Will All Go Together When We Go". (YootToob video, 3min. + 26 sec.)
A different time, a different threat, but it seems so appropriate!

Then, after all the dust settles, the few hundred 'mericans that's left can all migrate to da nort' woods and go back to homesteading and living off the land.

The air will be clearer, the polar ice sheets will stop melting, and all will "Live Happily Ever After" (Or until the next time.) :devilish:


Wow! That's pretty good, got to 86 posts before it got personal!

Just for the record eye ken reed purty good sumtime and eyme reelie hunest . I got me a edumacation and ebryting.

That post wasn't "personal". It was a legitimate question, since you twisted words around and claimed something was said that absolutely WAS NOT SAID. And now, we still don't know the answer, since rather than apologizing for your misleading post with bogus quote, you are doubling down on it.


The 'experts' can't agree either. Some say wear a mask some say don't bother. Some say you develop antibodies and others don't know. The 'experts' don't know any more than we lowly sheep. It is their time in the sun now because they studied bugs and the rest of us majored in other things. Over 1/5 of US coronavirus deaths were residents of long term care facilities. Look it up. Now I am no 'EXPERT' but people that live in long term care facilities are not the healthiest folks around.

There are zero "experts" saying that we don't develop any antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The debate is over how long the antibodies will stay in our system, and if they will be enough to prevent a second infection. For the first SARS from 2003, they found low levels of antibodies at the 2 year mark, and nearly zero at 3 years. So we might get a few months or possibly a year or two of protection, at best (SARS 2 is very similar, sharing over 90% of it's genome with the first SARS). Slowing the spread might actually allow people to be infected a second time, rather than letting it run and building some herd immunity (even if it's short-lived).


The physical nature of a virus is to attach itself to things as quickly as it can. Think of it as a ball with 100's of small suction cups on it. It is pretty rare for a virus particle to be just floating around on it's own. It will even attach itself to dust particles (invisible to the naked eye) when airborne. In your scenario, the virus would attach itself to the outside of the mask material and stay there. So it may be just millimeters from your mouth and nose, but not inside and that is all that is needed.

There is a lot of debate as to if this virus can truly become an aerisol. That is a completely different physical state. They have done extensive testing of the air in hospital rooms that covid-19 patients were in and none of the air samples contained the virus. There was virus particles on a multitude of the surfaces, including the air scrubbing filters, but they have yet to find it in the air an aerisol.

Measles is a virus that can aerisolise, that is why is is one of the most contagious diseases out there. Usually resulting in at least a dozen new cases for each single existing case.

If this current bug were able to aerisolise easily under regular conditions, the numbers of those infected would be incredibly higher than they are. Anyone being in the vicinity of an infected person, or an inside location where an infected person was in the past 2-3 hours would likely catch it.

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it's airborne. For example, the choir practice near Seattle, where a person infected 47 of the 60 other attendees, without any direct contact and while practicing social distancing.

Also, going back to to SARS-CoV-1, it was definitely airborne, and as we all know, this virus is very similar. I'll bet that SARS-CoV-2 even came from SARS-CoV-1, and mutated in the lab in Wuhan (but we will probably never know the truth).

Its predecessor, SARS-CoV-1, did spread in the air. This was reported in several studies and retrospectively explained the pathway of transmission in Hong Kong’s Prince of Wales Hospital (Li et al., 2005, Xiao et al., 2017;12., Yu et al., 2005), as well as in health care facilities in Toronto, Canada (Booth et al. 2005), and in aircraft (Olsen et al. 2003). These studies concluded that airborne transmission was the main transmission route in the indoor cases studied.


Diamond Princess. The most controlled experiment to date. 3000 ish people on the ship. 700 got it. 8 died. This among a population of cruise ship geezers. It is not super contagious. It is not a death sentence. I always thought of a pandemic as something that would wipe out half the population. This is not even close.