Three Ski Doo XP-Ss...Mercer, WI...a warning...


I've seen many-a-post on various forums dealing with the subject of poor or inconsiderate riders, and I realize that a certain percentage of them can simply be chalked up to whining and one persons' word vs. anothers' in description of the account...none of which can be helped or solved in any way by banging away on a keyboard. This post might sound just like one of those to some people, but I just want everyone to understand that I am posting it with that knowledge in mind. My intention is not to complain, but rather to WARN other riders...and to let people know that these guys are out there so that if and when they DO wreck themselves or kill someone else...there will be a record of their pattern of behavior so it is not dismissed as an isolated incident. I'm posting here and in the WI section of, and hoping that it reaches a decent audience.

On Saturday, January 17th, myself, my wife, and three other sleds (one of which was riding 2-up), were on the grade heading north into Mercer at about 2:30 in the afternoon. We were going to S & S Arctic Cat, as the 2-up sled had a suspected broken secondary spring, and we were going to try to ascertain the exact problem before heading back to St. Germain. The grade was crowded, and extremely bumpy, and a slight mist was in the air, which required frequent wiping of visors/goggles. On the last open stretch before town, I looked down, and we were running about 55-60 mph. I stopped for a stop sign, and as I started off again, I turned back to see if my buddy was behind me on his Cat Turbo. Instead, I see a red and orange XP-S blowing THROUGH the sign passing my friend. I accelerated up to about 60, and I could feel that this guy was trying to pass me (on bumps with poor visibility). The next stop sign was right ahead, and my wife was stopped there. The XP-S rider pulled in behind her, and I pulled to his right and gave him a ***? gesture. He responded by flipping me off, and then riding around my unsuspecting wife. I took off after him, and as I was giving chase, I turn around and yet ANOTHER XP-S is trying to get around me. The first guy has caught up to the two-up at this point, and passes him on the RIGHT side just as the trail turns and doglegs outside of town. Had there been oncoming traffic, my buddy would likely have been pushed into it. I took advantage of the short straight, and passed my buddy on the left, still chasing, and still with the other XP-S on my *** trying to pass ME. The three of us went past the leader in my group just as we hit the slow zone at the Great Northern Lodge, and the first XP-S pinned it. I stayed with him, and the other XP-S AGAIN tried to come around me... At this point, we were just about at S & S, the second guy finally passed me, and I just gave up...when the rest of my group shows up, and a THIRD XP-S is in the middle of it racing through. I turned to go into the dealer, when my buddy on the Cat Turbo catches up, waves at me, and takes off down the trail in a continued chase of these idiots. My wife and the leader of our group also gave chase into downtown Mercer, while the two-up (which was the hurt sled) stayed behind. Sure the stop sign just past the main intersection in town, sat the last of the XP-Ss...this one had underglow on it. The rider was standing and talking on his communicator, trying to find his compatriots, who had basically ditched him in their attempt to get away from us. My buddy on the Turbo lit into the guy, who pled his case by saying it wasn't HIM that did the passing and blowing of the stop was the other two. Technically, this was true, and after telling the guy that the two he was riding with were the biggest (obscenity-deleted) I had ever encountered in 30 years of riding, I had had enough, and, with my wife, turned to go back to S & S. My buddy on the Turbo followed, but my OTHER friend, the one that had been leading our group, decided to investigate further. One left turn and two blocks down the street at the gas station...he found the other two guys. He rode up to them and told them they were riding like which they responded..."There are three of us and one of might want to just move along." So he did...right back to S & S, where he told myself and the Turbo guy, so all three of us went BACK over to the station. Much yelling ensued...and one of the riders decided to get in my face...not surprising since I am 5'7" and 170 and the other two guys were 6'+ and 270. I pushed him out of my face repeatedly, and he eventually walked away. Their attitude was COMPLETELY arrogant...THEY asked US if WE felt we owned the trails or something??? We said what were we doing wrong? We weren't blocking the trail, were were riding fast and safe in a single-file line...THEY felt the need to blow stop signs and pass in an unsafe manner. We asked them what if there had been a kid on a sled? They just responded that there wasn't, so who cared. We left them, thankful that they were going north and we were going south.

I have never encountered a group like this before...the recklessness accompanied by the attitude of nonchalance when it came to their response to an OBVIOUS what-if question regarding other trail users -especially considering how crowded the trails were this weekend.

So, please take this as a warning should you encounter these three. I know that there will always be an "anonymous" aspect to sledding, what with everyone looking the same with riding gear on and sleds not being the biggest identifying feature I could provide would be that it was THREE red and yellow XP-Ss all together (which can't be that common), all the riders were in black Klim gear with BVS helmets, and communicators, and at least one of them had "Cross Country Riders" embroidered on the back of his jacket. All of them were middle-aged...probably in their 40s.

Best of luck to anyone else who has the misfortune of dealing with these guys. I am just glad nobody ended up getting hurt.


New member
They were just mad because they couldn't find a McDonald's! I hate those colors and I ride a Doo.


New member
I would have called 911 with the location and told them to send an ambulance because somebody will be needing to go to a hospital.....and it probably would have been me. IDC....I would have gone postal for as long as I could have. Let the judge figure out who the guilty party was.

Snowmobilers are our own worst enemy.


I think I ran across the same 3 guys in the UP over newyears near Watersmeet. We had 2 newbies in our group and overall were going pretty slow on the grade - maybe 50-60 mph. So at every stop sign, we would stop to make sure we allowed people to pass. I was riding behind my wife, making sure she is safe and correcting any mistakes she makes (very new to riding). I see the guy coming with my mirrors and hold him off until the next stop sign a 1/4 mile up. He passes me, but his buddies are further behind. They all blew the next stop sign so they could pass me -at about 40 mph. If there was a car coming, more than likely we all would have been hurt. I caught up to them at the next stop sign and asked why the drive so reckless - no responce. I said I simply must have more to live for then them.
Very simple solution. Just pull over and let them pass. They will be out of your vision and mind in no time. People ride at different paces. When I ride with my kids I always pull to the side and let faster groups by. No need to get in a mess and ruin your day. Riding is supposed to be fun. Dont let a few jag bags mess it up for you.


IMO this is the new normal. As the older folks and families trickle out of the sport, and noobies try it once and move on because of instances like this, these are the riders that will be left out on the trails.


I would have called 911 with the location and told them to send an ambulance because somebody will be needing to go to a hospital.....and it probably would have been me. IDC....I would have gone postal for as long as I could have. Let the judge figure out who the guilty party was.

Snowmobilers are our own worst enemy.

My buddy on the Turbo...(Yamaha 40th on here) is a VERY laid-back individual. I've known him for over 10 years, and I have NEVER seen him so pissed off.

Scoot...if this is the "new normal" where you ride, please let us all know, so we can avoid it.

As for just moving over and letting them pass...if the circumstances were different with regards to location, I'm certain we'd have never seen them again. But because we (and they) were just going into a town...things worked out the way they did.

We are NOT a slow-moving group, and everybody in the group has been riding for many wife being the least experienced with 8 years... We saw a LOT of slow-moving groups this weekend, and passed a lot of them, but ALWAYS safely and courteously.


why even chase them?
what you gonna do give them a ticket?

20-20 hindsight...wasn't the best idea. But giving them the earful that we did, felt pretty good. I am glad it didn't escalate physically, but it was very close.


New member
IMO this is the new normal. As the older folks and families trickle out of the sport, and noobies try it once and move on because of instances like this, these are the riders that will be left out on the trails.

There won't be any trails to ride on because most volunteers like me WILL NOT maintain them for jagazz's like them. Remember...the trails don't just "happen".

We snowmobilers are our own worst enemy.

- - - Updated - - -

20-20 hindsight...wasn't the best idea. But giving them the earful that we did, felt pretty good. I am glad it didn't escalate physically, but it was very close.

Yea timo is right. What good will it do? Dang this sheet po's me off!


Well-known member
Ahh yes, the typical "Wannabee Ricky Racers". I'm awfully surprised it's taken you 30 years to discover jack wagons like these, they are nothing new. I've also learned that they are not worth your time, it just accelerates an already bad situation. In my 35 years of riding, I've met the worst & I've met the best, fortunately, more of the best.-Mezz

Pizza Man

New member
Probably wouldn't make much difference but-
You could have written down their registration numbers and turned them into the state.
It would be on record if they ever had an accident.
I would have pulled over and let them pass.


When our group was younger we were the passers. Now we are the pass-ees. I usually run tail end and don't have mirrors. There is no substitute for actually turning around and having a good look see from time to time. If somebody is coming up hard on us I simply pull over and let them go. The others in our group also pay attention to what is going on behind them and do the same. Let the Rickys go. More than once we have ridden up on a group that passed us that have run off trail and are in some sort of a fix because they were going too fast. Confrontations are not something to get into. As soon as you see them pull over and let them go. Holding them up serves no purpose. This is just a fact of life.


Most of us on here are courteous riders I would like to think. The douches described above exist, but luckily I haven't come across many of them.

Stop signs and intersections are great places to let these people by (or anyone in a group that has faster people behind them.) Let the faster people through and hopefully avoid a situation like the one above.

Let's all agree to use hand signals, and ride smart. If you want to haul *** in safe spots, go for it. The lake, straightaways are great places to do this. Coming into a blind turn, not so much.

A little common sense goes a long way. If you're coming into a slow group, please be a little patient, they will wave you by soon enough. If not, maybe don't blow by them at a 100, ease around them so they know you are passing before you punch it.

Be safe all, use your heads and have fun.


New member
When our group was younger we were the passers. Now we are the pass-ees. I usually run tail end and don't have mirrors. There is no substitute for actually turning around and having a good look see from time to time. If somebody is coming up hard on us I simply pull over and let them go. The others in our group also pay attention to what is going on behind them and do the same. Let the Rickys go. More than once we have ridden up on a group that passed us that have run off trail and are in some sort of a fix because they were going too fast. Confrontations are not something to get into. As soon as you see them pull over and let them go. Holding them up serves no purpose. This is just a fact of life.

ya I agree to an extent -pull over at stop signs and let groups go ahead but unless everyone in your group has a big mirror you may not know someone is behind you -and if you ride off trial alot the mirror will not last long! if you are in the middle and hear a sled you would assume it's a person from your group-I don't know if it is safe or realistic to be constantly looking back for faster groups, but maybe if you are a slow group, you just agree to pull over every 5 miles or so for a check if you are on a long stretch


ya I agree to an extent -pull over at stop signs and let groups go ahead but unless everyone in your group has a big mirror you may not know someone is behind you -and if you ride off trial alot the mirror will not last long! if you are in the middle and hear a sled you would assume it's a person from your group-I don't know if it is safe or realistic to be constantly looking back for faster groups, but maybe if you are a slow group, you just agree to pull over every 5 miles or so for a check if you are on a long stretch

If this was related AT ALL to the slow speed my group was travelling, rest assured, I wouldn't be posting. As I said, we are all experienced riders, we are all cognizant that there are faster riders out there, and, had these three guys wanted/needed to get around, I have no doubt whatsoever that we'd have surely pulled over. The thing is...they didn't even give us a chance to recognize that they were there...just blew through stop signs and then blew through our group at 80+. We rode 300 miles this weekend, and those were the only sleds that passed us.

Again...this isn't a whining post...I do realize that there are people like this on the trail. I just want others to know that these particular guys are out there.


Natural places to look back are actually quite frequent and safe. Any left hand turn it is easy to look back on where you have just been. Also at the end of a long straight or lake just before you are getting ready to navigate slower terrain. A lake or long straight is where a lot of folks will get caught up on in a hurry. And of course stop signs. When I was a trail racer the thing that would make me mad was when you came up on a group that was doing 50 for 2 miles and never looking back and when you started passing them they would speed up. Same as when you try to pass a 50 mph car on a 2 lane road and they speed up when they notice you are trying to pass. Just bad driving. When it comes right down to it Ricky has just as much of a right on the trail as anybody else. Also he is generally younger with better reflexes and eyes than a 60 year old. Plus he is used to going 85 and at 50 things are happening pretty slow for him. Not sticking up for inconsiderate Holes but different people have different abilities. Also keep in mind that the last thing Ricky wants to do is bend his jammed up high buck scooter. Just move over. Better for all concerned.


New member
I like some have got a little older and definitely don't feel the need to see how fast I can go any longer. That being said my group wouldn't be considered slow riders either. There's always going to be someone on the trail wanting to ride faster than us I usually bring up the rear in our group and I am on the lookout for sleds running up on me. If I see someone ride up when possible I get to the right as far as possible to let them safely pass. Don't take it that I'm saying what you did was wrong you did what you thought you had to but I realize I'm going slower than some people wish to ride so I try to give them the space I need to go at the pace they want. My only hope is that as they fly past me is I don't find them run up against a tree. And as far as blowing stop signs unfortunately I see this all to often once again just hope I don't see them broadsided by a semi. Are they idiots for blowing the stop sign well I certainly think so but figure I do what I think is right and let them worry about themselves. I do agree their behavior does put others at risk besides themselves but in everything in life you're going to encounter these type of people. Trying to reason with them does no good as they see nothing wrong with their actions only ruins your day. I go sledding to have fun so try not to let the actions of a few bad riders ruin my fun.


Lol...not at ALL the type of person to let something like that harsh my buzz...we rode another 100 miles that afternoon/evening and had a great time.

For the record, I am it's not a case of "I'm older and slower these days, punk kids are just gonna ride fast." All these guys were in their 40s as well...not punk kids.


New member
Good thing no punches were thrown! Miked.
Should have taken out the I-phone and took some photos of the sleds,...
That would have made them at least wonder?
Good responses!
Glad the rest of the trip went well.

Happy Trails!