Three Ski Doo XP-Ss...Mercer, WI...a warning...


New member
If this was related AT ALL to the slow speed my group was travelling, rest assured, I wouldn't be posting. As I said, we are all experienced riders, we are all cognizant that there are faster riders out there, and, had these three guys wanted/needed to get around, I have no doubt whatsoever that we'd have surely pulled over. The thing is...they didn't even give us a chance to recognize that they were there...just blew through stop signs and then blew through our group at 80+. We rode 300 miles this weekend, and those were the only sleds that passed us.

Again...this isn't a whining post...I do realize that there are people like this on the trail. I just want others to know that these particular guys are out there.

no I wasn't referring to your group specifically, and I completely agree with your statements regarding the 3 doo riders - the 1%ers can really wreck a good day for many riders


As stated above this is the new norm.....gets worse every year. Unfortunately we have to deal with it or give up the sport of which im not ready to do. I believe these things work themselves out eventually.....


Well-known member
This is unrelated to the experience of the original poster of this string.

My ride last week between Watersmeet and Copper Harbor on a Monday and Tuesday (low traffic) is interesting also as I was the faster rider who hits 75-80 on all railroad grades when they are smooth and cold temps made them awesome.
-Passed about 30 sleds over 335 miles.
-Most hog the entire trail and ride in the center and some are like ping pong balls bouncing from one side of the trail to the other.
-Most are riding between 30 and 55 mph.
-Most do not look back mid-trail even if they have mirrors.
-Most do not look back at the stop signs.
With this said, that limits the opportunity to pass due to snow dust, riders hogging the trail and general safety at 30-55 mph. That leaves limited opportunities for when the speed slows (like when you enter a corner or at a stop sign) to pass. I am not saying it is pleasant for those being passed but this is safest time to pass when speed slows.

We have to share the damn trails and respect each other.

P.S. to those ping pong riders, fix your gall-darn sled you are unsafe to yourself and everyone around you. My first sled 40 years ago handled better than yours!



Well-known member
Lol...not at ALL the type of person to let something like that harsh my buzz...we rode another 100 miles that afternoon/evening and had a great time.

For the record, I am it's not a case of "I'm older and slower these days, punk kids are just gonna ride fast." All these guys were in their 40s as well...not punk kids.

I have to observe in all your posts so far, your general feeling is that you and your group were going "fast enough" to NOT get passed and I think you actually resented these guys passing your group.

From your description of this ordeal it also sounds like your group was spread out because you said the after "CHASING" one of the passers you "caught up" to the leader in your group.

You also said that you first saw these 3 as you left a stop sign....At that point why didn't you pull over assess the situation (number of guys in the passing group) and then play it safe and let them GO!

Do you know how long they were tailing your group waiting to pass?

I'm not worried about these 3 guys at all.

If I am leading, especially on a grade,...I regroup at stop signs on busy weekends to make sure no one is waiting to pass or mixed into our group trying to get by.

It happens ....Best to never assume you are "going fast enough".


I don't ride slowly either, OK, maybe sometimes I do. But last time up I got passed by 2 guys west of Sayner heading west - ON A ROAD, just as I had stopped at a sign and looked both ways, as I was crossing.
Crossing a county road. It was like - what the hail? You can't wait 30 seconds to pass on the trail? That was a first, I had never seen that before and I've been riding since '92
I tried following them for a few miles to see how they were riding and it was insanely fast - way to fast for safety and control IMO.
I finally caught them sitting at a Y in the trail just south of Boulder and they took off as I came up.
That was the same weekend I had two encounters with sleds over the center points of the trail, one that was close to an accident. (documented previously - rider on my side of the trail, blocking in corner)

I am standing and applauding you for confronting these morons. If I was in a group like that, I would have done the same thing. I used to ride that area so I know exactly where you were and can picture it.
You'd like to think they would learn something from the confrontation, but hammer-heads like this, I wouldn't hold my breath.

WD and many others have it right - don't ride Christmas to New Years, Derby Week or weekends, if you can avoid it. JMO - sorry Groomer.


Well-known member
I have to observe in all your posts so far, your general feeling is that you and your group were going "fast enough" to NOT get passed and I think you actually resented these guys passing your group.

From your description of this ordeal it also sounds like your group was spread out because you said the after "CHASING" one of the passers you "caught up" to the leader in your group.

You also said that you first saw these 3 as you left a stop sign....At that point why didn't you pull over assess the situation (number of guys in the passing group) and then play it safe and let them GO!

Do you know how long they were tailing your group waiting to pass?

I'm not worried about these 3 guys at all.

If I am leading, especially on a grade,...I regroup at stop signs on busy weekends to make sure no one is waiting to pass or mixed into our group trying to get by.

It happens ....Best to never assume you are "going fast enough".

Good point and right on.
I ride 75-80 mph on grades and get passed sporadically; generally by some guy with a "can" that scares the **** out of me.



Well-known member
Sounds like you were passed in a bad spot, fusion, but you know this as well as I that more often than not some guys won't pull over and let you by
even after you let them know at a stop sign that you caught up and may have been waiting patiently for miles....I see this all the time.


Well-known member
I don't ride slowly either, OK, maybe sometimes I do. But last time up I got passed by 2 guys west of Sayner heading west - ON A ROAD, just as I had stopped at a sign and looked both ways, as I was crossing.
Crossing a county road. It was like - what the hail? You can't wait 30 seconds to pass on the trail? That was a first, I had never seen that before and I've been riding since '92
I tried following them for a few miles to see how they were riding and it was insanely fast - way to fast for safety and control IMO.
I finally caught them sitting at a Y in the trail just south of Boulder and they took off as I came up.
That was the same weekend I had two encounters with sleds over the center points of the trail, one that was close to an accident. (documented previously - rider on my side of the trail, blocking in corner)

I am standing and applauding you for confronting these morons. If I was in a group like that, I would have done the same thing. I used to ride that area so I know exactly where you were and can picture it.
You'd like to think they would learn something from the confrontation, but hammer-heads like this, I wouldn't hold my breath.

WD and many others have it right - don't ride Christmas to New Years, Derby Week or weekends, if you can avoid it. JMO - sorry Groomer.

I think the confronting is too scary to do in 2015. Guys are carrying guns on sleds now with the concealed carry law in WI changed. I would not mess with too many guys anymore as I do not carry. Believe it or not though, when I am home I feel more safe as my wife carrys and will use it.



Well-known member
Someone said avoid weekends, especially busy ones with festivities etc; that is the BEST ADVICE ONE CAN GET. I have not riddenin years on the weekend unless;
1. It is early season, first week of December.
2. Christmas eve and day are slow, if it is a weekend I would ride.
3. If the trails are open from Copper Harbor down to Indiana, through Illinois, Iowa and back into Minnesota than I would ride.
Currently only Northern WI and the U.P. has snow and every idiot in a 5 state area is there. No way! Heck I would not even ride on a Thursday or Friday right now.



Well-known member
"I stopped for a stop sign, and as I started off again, I turned back to see if my buddy was behind me on his Cat Turbo. Instead, I see a red and orange XP-S blowing THROUGH the sign passing my friend. I accelerated up to about 60, and I could feel that this guy was trying to pass me (on bumps with poor visibility)."



Sounds like you were passed in a bad spot, fusion, but you know this as well as I that more often than not some guys won't pull over and let you by
even after you let them know at a stop sign that you caught up and may have been waiting patiently for miles....I see this all the time.

Yeah I get your point, but they were not behind me just prior to the sign. I am not one that ignores what's behind me, even when riding alone. No chance I held them up.
They were just in a big hurry being dinks to pass on a county highway. Whatever.... I guess I shouldn't be shocked many are OK with what Mike took issue with.
And Fuji, you are right, I meant to mention that about concealed carry in my post. Probably no longer the best idea to confront people in the bush.
But they were in town on HWY 51 - I know where he was. Lot's of witnesses, but prob not worth the risk of getting shot.
Sometimes discretion takes a back seat to valor.


New member
Out of curiosity, what is the legal speed limit on these grades everyone is referring to in the UP? I know in MN, even on grades the daytime speed limit is 50mph, and the sheriffs and DNR will occasionally radar the grades and fine for going over the speed limit.

To me it might sound more like the sheriffs and DNR need to get involved if there is a speed limit that is being broken here and radar the trails and fine people for speeding. That might help keep a few of those rickys in check. It won't get them all, but it might help slow a few groups down.


Holy S@@T!!

I didnt say anything before but, a buddy and I along with my 8yr old son were up there on 12-25 thru 12-27, we were staying in Ironwood and riding in the UP towards Wakefield and Watersmeet. We met this group 3 times that weekend....No regard for speed limits in town or other sleds on the trail, you wanna talk about pissed off, we were off to the side at an intersection (with a stop sign) they came blowing by at 60+, they were the biggest clowns Ive ever saw on the trails!! Never slowed down or moved over


I respect your interpretation, but it really isn't too accurate... you weren't there. There is no point bench racing on a keyboard, and you are totally within your rights in assuming that we weren't going fast enough for these guys (or for your own abilities). My point is not limited to a contention of speed, rather, passing on the inside of a right hand turn and pushing a guy off his line, and blowing stop signs. When I say BLOWING...I mean 30-40mph...not just rolling. Your posting indicates that you are one **** of a fast sledder...and if you are...more power to you. I'm fast as well...I have the ability to ride MUCH faster than I was going...but I did not, as I was taking in to consideration the conditions, the locale, and the fact that there were a LOT of riders out that day...including more families than I have ever seen.

My only point is to warn about these three riders. Over on HCS, it seems that somebody knows exactly of whom I speak. I asked where they were from, not to find them, but to AVOID them.

- - - Updated - - -

I didnt say anything before but, a buddy and I along with my 8yr old son were up there on 12-25 thru 12-27, we were staying in Ironwood and riding in the UP towards Wakefield and Watersmeet. We met this group 3 times that weekend....No regard for speed limits in town or other sleds on the trail, you wanna talk about pissed off, we were off to the side at an intersection (with a stop sign) they came blowing by at 60+, they were the biggest clowns Ive ever saw on the trails!! Never slowed down or moved over

And BOOM. Thank you.

THIS is the reason I posted.

Thumbs up.


Mike - cool out a bit and reread the thread. I WAS AGREEING with you and what you did/said in your original post.

The reply you copied above was relating to Snobuilder's response to my events between Christmas and NY and did not relate to your incident.
Sorry to hi-jack your thread, but I thought my experience was relevant to this discussion.


Mike - cool out a bit and reread the thread. I WAS AGREEING with you and what you did/said in your original post.

The reply you copied above was relating to Snobuilder's response to my events between Christmas and NY and did not relate to your incident.
Sorry to hi-jack your thread, but I thought my experience was relevant to this discussion.

Yeah...sorry dude...I hit the wrong post when I went to quote! My bad!


Well-known member
MIKED it was just my observation of your initial post. As I read it and reread it, I kept seeing red flags of things
I personally wouldn't do.

You mention the 2 up getting passed on the right yet at the time you decided to keep the first guy behind you by "accelerating to 60" you didn't know that occured.
So how far to the left was the 2 upper that the guy had to pass on the right?

As far as me being a fast rider????...were did that come across? My post was about being observant and lettin the fast guys move along.

I think you are a good sledder....better than the guys who passed you but I doubt your confrontation will slow them down
only the law or a tree will do that.


MIKED it was just my observation of your initial post. As I read it and reread it, I kept seeing red flags of things
I personally wouldn't do.

You mention the 2 up getting passed on the right yet at the time you decided to keep the first guy behind you by "accelerating to 60" you didn't know that occured.
So how far to the left was the 2 upper that the guy had to pass on the right?

As far as me being a fast rider????...were did that come across? My post was about being observant and lettin the fast guys move along.

I think you are a good sledder....better than the guys who passed you but I doubt your confrontation will slow them down
only the law or a tree will do that.

On the order of events...I stopped, and initially saw the first rider in their group only after I had started again and turned back to see if our last guy was there. When I saw we were being overtaken, I accelerated to the next stop sign (maybe 1/3 mile?) in order to warn my wife that we were being overtaken. After the first XPS passed her (and flipped me off), I gave chase (like I said...bad idea on my part). It was THEN that I watched the first guy pass the two-up on the right, and then blow the next stop sign just before the Great Northern Lodge.

Again...I know I was in the wrong and really proved nothing through the entire intention with this post is to utilize a little social media to create awareness. Who knows...maybe be karma will kick in somewhere down the trail for these guys.

- - - Updated - - -

Surprised this thread has gone on this long. It got locked over on Doo-Talk, and with good reason!!!!!!

Must've been a different situation? I haven't posted at all on Doo-Talk.


Well-known member
Yur right I wasn't there....and I understand you want to warn others but lets say I am of the same mindset as you and want
to set these guys straight.
If I see a random 3 McDoos together should I ....stay ahead?...give chase?...block the trail?,...wait til they blow up and LOL as I ride by??