Three Ski Doo XP-Ss...Mercer, WI...a warning...


50MPH on a grad
A sled that was having issues
Not letting them pass
Then chasing them down
Sorry miked. Your the one who was out of line!
Why not let them pass???


Miked: Been there done that no good comes from chasing down marauders or trail confrontation. People like that don't want to hear it & could care less what you think. I don't get harassed very often from rear like that but if I did I would just pullover let them pass. Really what do I care??... Let Ricky learn the hard way seen that too 5 minutes up the trail wedged between trees not a What burns me is 2 Rickys racing 2 abreast on twisty trail head on in front of me ....I managed to tuck in on berm come to stop & all I saw was Polaris red jackets & 2 red Rushes flash by. Venturenorth not so lucky put him & old 2 stroke venture in the woods smashed up his sled the eventual end of the triple triple sled. Rickys didn't stop..didn't care just kept racing no idea who they were? I have confronted Ricky in the past words have been exchanged nothing changes & I was by myself so I knew I was out numbered by 5 & so did they. So over they years I decided screw it just let it go keep the fun factor going let Ricky learn the hard way...just hope he whacks himself no one else. In my experience Ricky does meet tree & hopefully learned something from wrecked sled.

It looks like whitedust may have had a premonition!!!! Here's a thread on DooTalk about some "hard-core, high-milage" riders...all on new XP-Ss...and a picture of the result of what happens when one of them finds the limit of his "skill...." Location: Mercer, WI. Coincidence? No. Karma? Yes.

According to the thread, the guy only took himself out (and his sled, lol) and wasn't badly hurt.


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Active member
It looks like whitedust may have had a premonition!!!! Here's a thread on DooTalk about some "hard-core, high-milage" riders...all on new XP-Ss...and a picture of the result of what happens when one of them finds the limit of his "skill...." Location: Mercer, WI. Coincidence? No. Karma? Yes.

According to the thread, the guy only took himself out (and his sled, lol) and wasn't badly hurt.

That's kind of cool. In an odd way, serves him right. We has a similar incident near wakefield mi back around Jan 10 ourselves. Couple of Doo long tracks, and a polaris, passing us and wanting to play bumper cars while doing it. We were moving fast, riding with 20 somethings on 13 and 14, 800 pro-s. And 15 800 assault. An hour or so later we came across the Poo in a ravine, 30+ feet down, half sunk in water. Missed the turn. Didnt realize it was one of the morons that had blown by us earlier. We all stopped to help out, as we always do, never leave someone stuck or broken. We got a path figured out and packed enough to get his sled up out of the ravine. About then his buddy's came back by looking for their lost comrade. Austin recognized them as the guys that had blown by us. He got out with only minor damage to his machine, broken plastic ect. After we were like "if we had known he was problem rider we may have left him, and let his friends find him and get him out"
Live to see tomorrow is always my goal when riding. No way would I become the aggressor and chase down these guys. Their day of reckoning (via a tree, or vehicle or some other obstacle) will come soon enough.



Well-known member
It looks like whitedust may have had a premonition!!!! Here's a thread on DooTalk about some "hard-core, high-milage" riders...all on new XP-Ss...and a picture of the result of what happens when one of them finds the limit of his "skill...." Location: Mercer, WI. Coincidence? No. Karma? Yes.

According to the thread, the guy only took himself out (and his sled, lol) and wasn't badly hurt.

u do know there are hundreds of these mc doo sleds out there and prolly a few have driven thru mercer.


New member
Geez I never knew

Geez I never knew what a small little world we're all a part of. I didn't know about any of this 'drama' when I posted about my friends crash on DooTalk, but now I'm seeing all this smack online.
Look we all love this sport & we all have complaints about 'etiquette' on the trail, but I think this right here proves what a small comunity it really is.
I wasn't there & unlike my friends I spend more time on forums than on the trail, but the fact that the OP was passed on the right (by 3 50 year old vets who put on 4,000 miles a year) on the widest trail in the Mercer/Hurley area speaks volumes.
Be safe out there guys
And if your group is going slower than guys who are trying to get around you (supposedly after 4 miles...) just let 'em pass