Three Ski Doo XP-Ss...Mercer, WI...a warning...


Well-known member
On the order of events...I stopped, and initially saw the first rider in their group only after I had started again and turned back to see if our last guy was there. When I saw we were being overtaken, I accelerated to the next stop sign (maybe 1/3 mile?) in order to warn my wife that we were being overtaken. After the first XPS passed her (and flipped me off), I gave chase (like I said...bad idea on my part). It was THEN that I watched the first guy pass the two-up on the right, and then blow the next stop sign just before the Great Northern Lodge.

Again...I know I was in the wrong and really proved nothing through the entire intention with this post is to utilize a little social media to create awareness. Who knows...maybe be karma will kick in somewhere down the trail for these guys.

- - - Updated - - -

Must've been a different situation? I haven't posted at all on Doo-Talk.

Somebody saw it on HCS and re-posted it on DooTalk.


Yur right I wasn't there....and I understand you want to warn others but lets say I am of the same mindset as you and want
to set these guys straight.
If I see a random 3 McDoos together should I ....stay ahead?...give chase?...block the trail,...wait til they blow up and LOL as I ride by??

Maybe with this bit of'll be smarter than me and just let them go. THEN, when you pass them after they blow up or hit a tree, you have my full permission to LOL.
Out of curiosity, what is the legal speed limit on these grades everyone is referring to in the UP? I know in MN, even on grades the daytime speed limit is 50mph, and the sheriffs and DNR will occasionally radar the grades and fine for going over the speed limit.

To me it might sound more like the sheriffs and DNR need to get involved if there is a speed limit that is being broken here and radar the trails and fine people for speeding. That might help keep a few of those rickys in check. It won't get them all, but it might help slow a few groups down.

Wisconsin has a 55 mph speed limit at night. No speed limit during the day unless posted. I think Michigan has no speed limit unless posted. You MN folks got screwed with the 55 mph speed limit.


New member
When one of these punks meet their fate (and they's just a matter of time), hopefully it's 1 on 1 with a tree and not taking
out an innocent rider who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Karma is a b@%*^!


Active member
I call them Rev Racers and they are a plague. I have found most snowmobile mirrors to be basically useless. My group uses wrist mirrors. 8 bucks and they are awesome. We also have communicators so once they pass the rear sled the rest of us are warned.


Active member
I call them Rev Racers and they are a plague. I have found most snowmobile mirrors to be basically useless. My group uses wrist mirrors. 8 bucks and they are awesome. We also have communicators so once they pass the rear sled the rest of us are warned.
I've seen those comm. Sets but never priced them, how much do those setups run. Easy to install?


I've seen those comm. Sets but never priced them, how much do those setups run. Easy to install?

We all run wrist mirrors...WAAAAAY more effective than a mirror on a sled. My wife and I have communicators as well, and we ride with a group that has them on occasion. They work...but mine seem to be only partially effective. I have had to return one headset to Collett twice, and now it seems to be acting up again. The microphone doesn't want to work much of the time...they are kinda sensitive to airflow (so if you don't have it set right, air rushing by opens the channel and everybody gets a nice WHOOOOOOSH through their speakers). Set up correctly...they are an AWESOME tool for exactly the reason stated...the rearward person can contact the front of the pack in addition to the obvious frontrunner calling out obstacles or sharp turns for those behind. Price is right around $300.


Well-known member
Out of curiosity, what is the legal speed limit on these grades everyone is referring to in the UP? I know in MN, even on grades the daytime speed limit is 50mph, and the sheriffs and DNR will occasionally radar the grades and fine for going over the speed limit.

To me it might sound more like the sheriffs and DNR need to get involved if there is a speed limit that is being broken here and radar the trails and fine people for speeding. That might help keep a few of those rickys in check. It won't get them all, but it might help slow a few groups down.

Wow, 50 mph during daylight hours in MN..that is ridiculous. I would be probably get out of the sport. What is next, low alcohol beer? Oh yeah, you already have that. Frickin government, hate their guts. Ever read the book 1984, many of those predictions are coming true, sad.



Well-known member
Wow, 50 mph during daylight hours in MN..that is ridiculous. I would be probably get out of the sport. What is next, low alcohol beer? Oh yeah, you already have that. Frickin government, hate their guts. Ever read the book 1984, many of those predictions are coming true, sad.


i find it impossible to believe that people in minnesota follow a 50 mph during the day. like you said i'd either be out of the sport or would have a lot of tix.


Well-known member
i find it impossible to believe that people in minnesota follow a 50 mph during the day. like you said i'd either be out of the sport or would have a lot of tix.

That would not even get into the powerband. I could get by with a 600 ACE.



I think the wife and I are at least average riders. Was not surprised at all when a group of 6 to 8 ski-doos passed us on a plowed road north of Hulbert civilized. One at a time without gunning it right next to you and catching you of gaurd, and the last one gave us the fist and let us know he was the last of his group. I think most off us (at least me) will get out of the way for faster riders. But there allways seems to be the jack-offs out there.


New member
O man i had some Illinois buddys up 2 years ago and they rode like mad, crazy fast, tight turns and it didnt end at night time either. We stopped for a beverage and i said "Man you guys are the kind of riders that people that complain about on Johndee !" They're like "really" I also said yeah they call'em Ricky Racers and they joke around that they are usually stand up riding on Ski-Doo's with back packs. (which they were) They laughed. I love to rip but i need to make it home to see my kids. Yeah i guess it's best to move to the side and let them buy.


Well-known member
Sounds like a bunch of pee pants whiners. rather watch the state of the Union nonsense then read this crap.

That is really a scathing contrast. I would rather be on a trail riding at 20 mph following a pack of 20 slow sledders than watching Obama do anything. At least for a few miles anyway.



If you really want to hear a bunch of pee pants poopy whiners, keep bringing up speed limits. Lets face it, the only real solution to this recurring problem is having speed limits. Until then, the fast riders ain't going to slow down, and the slower riders will never be able to get out of the way fast enough.