Three Ski Doo XP-Ss...Mercer, WI...a warning...


If you really want to hear a bunch of pee pants poopy whiners, keep bringing up speed limits. Lets face it, the only real solution to this recurring problem is having speed limits. Until then, the fast riders ain't going to slow down, and the slower riders will never be able to get out of the way fast enough.

My only thoughts to this would be these type of guys won't follow speed limits or any other type of rules. If they are willing to blow stop signs at 40 mph or so, I don't think a speed limit will bring them within the law. What are the chances these boys are going 55 or under at night? My bet is slim to none. So then all the speed limit does is restrict the speed for the law abiding citizens and the not so smart guys, does nothing. My $0.02.


Very simple solution. Just pull over and let them pass. They will be out of your vision and mind in no time. People ride at different paces. When I ride with my kids I always pull to the side and let faster groups by. No need to get in a mess and ruin your day. Riding is supposed to be fun. Dont let a few jag bags mess it up for you.


It would be nice if, when I pull over, that I wouldn't get roosted though.


New member
Threads like this are my favorite to read because they bring so much amusement to my day. Everybody seems to know the solutions to things, or claim they will never ride trails again because of everything that is going on (I'm not bashing anybody here, I've made the same comments in this thread about a possible help to the problem so I am just as guilty as the next).

As I read how upset people are and what they are claiming they are going to do, I can't help but wonder how many of us (including me), after cooling down from a situation like the one that started the thread, find themselves wanting to get back on the snowmobile at some point after BECAUSE WE LOVE THE SPORT.

Let's face it, snowmobiles these days are a lot more powerful than they used to be, and as long as there is the ability to go fast and drive reckless, people are going to do it. I enjoy racing through the trails when I know it is safe as much as the next guy. We just need to adapt to the evolving sport and understand there are going to be people out there that piss you off by how they ride. Because somebody tailgates you on the highway doesn't mean you are going to quit driving and only take public transportation from now on does it? We all just need to take a step back (myself included) and remind ourselves why we love to ride snowmobiles. Just because there are some bad apples out there doesn't mean I am going to hang up my coat to the thing I enjoy doing most during the winter. If I gave up doing something forever because of bad experiences, I would end up never leaving my house.

If your solution is to never ride on weekends, or only ride off-trail, that is up to you. I love riding both trails and off-trail and I'm not going to let a few bad experiences ruin or restrict my love for the sport.


Well-known member
If you really want to hear a bunch of pee pants poopy whiners, keep bringing up speed limits. Lets face it, the only real solution to this recurring problem is having speed limits. Until then, the fast riders ain't going to slow down, and the slower riders will never be able to get out of the way fast enough.

On the WLUK television news last night in Green Bay they reported on two sled deaths; both on lakes at night and involved alcohol. The story showed a bunch of local rednecks on pre-2000 artic cats doing burnouts in a non-trail situation. Anyway, it clearly was a campaign to show that snowmobiliers are a bit reckless. They also said "snowmobiles accelerate from zero to? in ?" essentially saying that sleds are frickin fast while showing guys do wheelies over berms or jumping small hills. Total propoganda to the non-snowmobiler public.


New member
On the WLUK television news last night in Green Bay they reported on two sled deaths; both on lakes at night and involved alcohol. The story showed a bunch of local rednecks on pre-2000 artic cats doing burnouts in a non-trail situation. Anyway, it clearly was a campaign to show that snowmobiliers are a bit reckless. They also said "snowmobiles accelerate from zero to? in ?" essentially saying that sleds are frickin fast while showing guys do wheelies over berms or jumping small hills. Total propoganda to the non-snowmobiler public.

while they tell u how great the weather is at 40 degrees in january


Well-known member
while they tell u how great the weather is at 40 degrees in january

Right on bro.
It is supposed to be 37 degrees on both Friday and Saturday, with any sun it will be 40 like last weekend.

It was sad to see in the video of these guys spinning around on 2 inches of snow, each burnout brought grass clippings and dirt.

I always say that if the trails in Green Bay are not open by Super Bowl, they waill not open.



That is really a scathing contrast. I would rather be on a trail riding at 20 mph following a pack of 20 slow sledders than watching Obama do anything. At least for a few miles anyway.


Post of the WEEK right there Frank!


Well-known member
Miked: Been there done that no good comes from chasing down marauders or trail confrontation. People like that don't want to hear it & could care less what you think. I don't get harassed very often from rear like that but if I did I would just pullover let them pass. Really what do I care??... Let Ricky learn the hard way seen that too 5 minutes up the trail wedged between trees not a What burns me is 2 Rickys racing 2 abreast on twisty trail head on in front of me ....I managed to tuck in on berm come to stop & all I saw was Polaris red jackets & 2 red Rushes flash by. Venturenorth not so lucky put him & old 2 stroke venture in the woods smashed up his sled the eventual end of the triple triple sled. Rickys didn't stop..didn't care just kept racing no idea who they were? I have confronted Ricky in the past words have been exchanged nothing changes & I was by myself so I knew I was out numbered by 5 & so did they. So over they years I decided screw it just let it go keep the fun factor going let Ricky learn the hard way...just hope he whacks himself no one else. In my experience Ricky does meet tree & hopefully learned something from wrecked sled.


I stopped for a stop sign, and as I started off again, I turned back to see if my buddy was behind me on his Cat Turbo. Instead, I see a red and orange XP-S blowing THROUGH the sign passing my friend. I accelerated up to about 60,

Obviously, I wasn't there, but when I read the above, I put the responsibility for the incident on you, and your group. Not the group trying to pass you.

Why on earth would you not let them pass when you first turned around to see them passing your buddy behind you?

I'm an average speed rider who's almost 50, and certainly find your type of group much more plentiful and much more "hazardous" on the trails then the group of ricky racers trying to get by.


Obviously, I wasn't there, but when I read the above, I put the responsibility for the incident on you, and your group. Not the group trying to pass you.

Why on earth would you not let them pass when you first turned around to see them passing your buddy behind you?

I'm an average speed rider who's almost 50, and certainly find your type of group much more plentiful and much more "hazardous" on the trails then the group of ricky racers trying to get by.

I was accelerating up to the next stop sign (about 200 yds ahead) to warn my wife that another group was coming through. I am a faster-than-average rider that just turned 40. If you feel that I was at fault for doing this, so be it. But if YOU saw a guy coming up behind you and blowing a stop sign at 40 WHILE HEADING INTO A CROWDED AREA/TOWN, would you not be a little piqued/concerned? I have said repeatedly on this thread that my reaction was wrong (chasing the guys and putting others at risk), because that is not the kind of rider I am. So...please read the WHOLE thread and try to comprehend the OP before attempting to lay blame on me with a false interpretation. Trust group was NOT the one causing the hazard. We pay attention to what is behind us, and generally move fast enough that it is not a concern. There is no point in keyboard racing and trying to tell people how fast I am, or my group is, because it is a moot point. Had these guys been stuck behind us for MILES, I could understand their reaction - I've been there/done that and I know how frustrating it can be...but that did NOT happen, as we were only ON the grade for about 2 miles (and moving 60mph when we were). Had we purposely blocked them, I could understand the reaction...THAT did not happen. They ran through our group and through the stop signs AND through the town without lifting the thumb off the flipper...ZERO respect for other riders. Their reaction when confronted...the general "f-you, these are OUR trails, GO HOME" attitude...confirmed that lack of respect.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion that I was in the wrong (the law, which states that groups BEING PASSED -regardless of their speed- have the right-of-way, would agree), but the combined sledding experience of about 90 years of snowmobiling between the five sleds in our group had NEVER encountered anything so blatantly I am inclined to think that my intimation that these guys ride like jags is the correct one.

Regardless of "blame," this thread has served its purpose...letting people know that THIS specific group of guys is out there. In the current world of social media, if you are going to ride like a jag, you'd be better off doing it in a less recognizable fashion...or people are going to know.
Very simple solution. Just pull over and let them pass. They will be out of your vision and mind in no time. People ride at different paces. When I ride with my kids I always pull to the side and let faster groups by. No need to get in a mess and ruin your day. Riding is supposed to be fun. Dont let a few jag bags mess it up for you.

Well stated. This is the solution. Just let 'em pass. No need to try and "catch" them and put yourself at risk of crashing.....

- - - Updated - - -

Regardless of "blame," this thread has served its purpose...letting people know that THIS specific group of guys is out there. In the current world of social media, if you are going to ride like a jag, you'd be better off doing it in a less recognizable fashion...or people are going to know.

I hope you aren't talking about my 1981 Jag 4000!:cool:
Let's face it, snowmobiles these days are a lot more powerful than they used to be, and as long as there is the ability to go fast and drive reckless, people are going to do it. I enjoy racing through the trails when I know it is safe as much as the next guy. We just need to adapt to the evolving sport and understand there are going to be people out there that piss you off by how they ride. Because somebody tailgates you on the highway doesn't mean you are going to quit driving and only take public transportation from now on does it? We all just need to take a step back (myself included) and remind ourselves why we love to ride snowmobiles. Just because there are some bad apples out there doesn't mean I am going to hang up my coat to the thing I enjoy doing most during the winter. If I gave up doing something forever because of bad experiences, I would end up never leaving my house.

If your solution is to never ride on weekends, or only ride off-trail, that is up to you. I love riding both trails and off-trail and I'm not going to let a few bad experiences ruin or restrict my love for the sport.

I have four words for a solution - "leaf springs" and "bogie wheels"


New member
hey! that was me! i thought you wanted to race...if i wood've known you were gunna get so upset that im faster, i wood have let you win sorry about any hard feelings ;-)


Yeah, everyone's a comedian.....Come on!
Don't quit your day job.


New member
I'm not going to read all 77 replies to this thread, I read the first ten or so and it looks like a lot of repeat opinions.

Our group would handle it like this at the next stop. Doug would say "we'll see them son of a #$%^^es wrapped around a tree somewhere". Then Bill would say "All I saw was a blue streak", then I would say "I could've knocked the last one off his sled if I would've stuck my arm out" and that would be the end of it until someone at the next stop mentioned Ricky then we would tell the story all over again. I'm not sure chasing someone down is the best course of action, but you know what they say about opinions.

It's really no different than drivers education when we were in school. Drive defensively you can't control someone else's actions.