Tick Paralysis - Sad day


Active member
I really do not know what to say but this just plain sux. I do know she be joining the other pets we have all lost and not be suffering anymore...


Active member
Haven"t been on a a few days...so sorry about the loss of your beloved dog. It's brutal with the kids but mine seemed to bounce back a lot faster than I did.
So sorry for you and the family!



New member
So very sorry for your loss! GOD BLESS you and your family. Juneau and Socksie are up in Pet Heaven they along with all the other beloved pets will welcome Lola with wagging tails and tongues!

The Campbell Clan
Julie, Jim, Dylan and Dustin


Active member
Sorry to hear this Chris, There are alot of us on here that know how much pain you and your family are feeling.


Active member
Aw crap, I'm almost speechless! I just can't find words to express my feelings for your family at such a sad time, Chris. I sure was hoping for her recovery!


Well, on an overall tough nite we asked the boys what is the one thing they'd like to get. They both said a pool. So off to wally world we went and bought a pool. We set it up and started filling with water.

My wife just called me and the boys are playing and having fun in it.

Thanks again for all the kind words.



New member
So sorry to hear of your loss

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We've been there before and know what a difficult time it is for the whole family.

I just got home from taking my pup to the dog park to play for the first time in weeks when I read this. It's a hot and muggy day but I'm sure glad we went.


Active member
Sorry to hear. Never easy loosing your pooch. Kinda crazy when you think about it.... how attached we can become to another species of animal! Even going so far as to invite it into our home and make it part of our family. I guess thats the kind of stuff that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.


Active member
Sorry for your loss, you did everything you could to help her. Loosing a pet is one of the hardest things I've been thru.


New member
Sad story and sad situation for sure. Sorry to hear of your loss and hopefully you guys are doing well and starting to heal and move on. I have a 14 month old son and I know that someday in the future we will be in the same situation when our dog King is no longer with us.

Jacoby and King are like best friends although sometimes you have to remind Jacoby that you need to be nice to your friends. He will be petting King and then all the sudden he's doing the bowling ball hold using King's nostrils as finger holes, or he's stretching King's jowls out like a set of wings, or poking Kings eye, or etc etc etc. All the while King will sit and do nothing, occaisonally looking at my wife and I as if to say "Seriously, again?" as we get Jacoby to stop.

King isn't the easiest dog in the world and there have been times when I swear I could have strangled him but he is always beyond excited to see me and get some attention from me or my wife. Watching how he handles my son's "attacks" reminds me that in the end he is a great dog and is definitely part of the family.