To TOOT or not to TOOT


New member
Whenever and wherever. Heck, I just let one fly now. Taco Tuesday for lunch today-it's inevitable. My dad use to always say there's more room out than in.:). He was a very wise man!!


New member
I challenge anyone to be around Huck when he's got it going on and not fear for their life!

There is something extra nasty about dog gas. My dog did not have it often, but when he did, it was like the smell you get when you step in a freshly dropped pile of dog doo.

As for myself, I'm usually a follower of the Shrek Doctrine: "Better out than in, I always say!" :) But I do at least try to be discrete in public. Not by holding it in, mind you, just by not making noise. My wife is amazed at two things about me, the odor I can generate, and the ability to do it silently pretty much at will. A lot harder to get blamed in a crowd when they can't hear it coming.:)


Well-known member
yep without a doubt i have never ever in my life smelled a human persons gas as bad as my dogs. you never here it but the stench is overwhelmeing.

believe it or not i have a fart app on my iphone. i got it for the kids to play yah.
There is something extra nasty about dog gas. My dog did not have it often, but when he did, it was like the smell you get when you step in a freshly dropped pile of dog doo.

As for myself, I'm usually a follower of the Shrek Doctrine: "Better out than in, I always say!" :) But I do at least try to be discrete in public. Not by holding it in, mind you, just by not making noise. My wife is amazed at two things about me, the odor I can generate, and the ability to do it silently pretty much at will. A lot harder to get blamed in a crowd when they can't hear it coming.:)


Well-known member
It's all fun and games till it gets warm and squishy.


yep without a doubt i have never ever in my life smelled a human persons gas as bad as my dogs. you never here it but the stench is overwhelmeing.

Not so with my hounds. Both are known to poot out loud but surprisingly, my female is far worse....of course, she's a senior citizen so maybe she's lost some muscle tone in her...ummm....well, you know. My male takes the prize for olfactory unpleasantness, though.


New member
Location, Location, Location is everything.....

As you age, the hair goes grey and the farts get wet .....

I used to tell the kids when they were young, " pull my finger " =:)


New member
....did ya ever have to take out the pocket knife and cut off your undies cause' they were just too messed up to take off the conventional way????? lol!!!!


Well-known member
We really need snow!! Waist deep, let one fly & see the snow poof out! A fluffy?! A freshy!? Nothing like some good clean fun! LOL :eek:-Mezz


New member
im laughing so hard reading all the posts -- my favorite one is the machine gunn crop duster and a extra push dont hurt in a extra full isle at wallmart it shure clears em out .. my dog can gag a magot within 20 paces sulfer smell holy cow and he is not shy to push eather takes after me l.o.l. my wife well if no one is in range she will squeek em out or in bed --after she drinks a few heck yaaa not shy at all !!


New member
My brother has a condition where he can not burp but can fart at will. I have seen him fart so long that he stops 1/2 way through and pants for air - then continues on with the release. He calls it test firing because his kids got him in trouble telling people how thier daddy can fart for so long. I say anywhere as long as you don't tick off the one you want to sleep with!!!