Yes there is a lot of traffic in Vilas and that is because people know the grooming for the most part is top notch. Some areas are more prone to the dirt then others. Unfortunately the heavy wet snow never showed up. The wet heavy snow needs to show up early before they can open trails and the club can get a good solid base laid down. Most years that doesn't happen and the trails open up before there is a solid base and the dirt gets mixed in and once it does it normally stay mixed in for the season. The picture is from a very popular trail just north of Eagle River and Conover any one who has ridden that area probably recognize it. So there are years the trails are white

If you only ride the main route that everyone else does you will also find more brown mixed in.
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That sounds like a bucket list trip. I would love to take a couple of trips to Canada and also northern Maine. If you go you will have to take pictures and put them on here.