What's the skinny on the new AZ immigration law??


New member
The reason your stake doesn't cost $20/lbs is due to all the subsudies the cattle industry gets from the government. It has nothing to do with the cheap labor. That is why organic foods are so expensive, organic farmers get no subsidies from the govenment. Funny how that works, the gov. will give a company big $$$ for making unhealthy food... Don't kid yourselfs organic grass fed beef is the way god intended it to be. Not what big beef is putting out. I bet they give a lot of $$$ to campain funds...


Well-known member
I have no problem if the police pull me over and they want an id or passport. I think it would be better that we have an id citizen card and a voter card. Its no different from a DL. We have to stop all the fraud. If you have the right to vote you should have to prove who you are. We should have a id card the is your license, voters id and citizenship. It would make it much easier.


New member
But, everyone knows the illegals that we are all discussing are Mexicans. QUOTE]

Now just a minute there partner....some Hungarians, and a few Turks might be a try'n to get thru too...perhaps not on the border of Mexico...but how you gunna profile...I mean, tell if one of them boys is trying to get in here without the need of using proper channels???

I don't speak Hungarian, and wouldn't know one to save myself if one spoke out of turn and gave me a few words...

Oh, and I don't buy into $20 steak (as apposed to STAKE, which is what finally got Dracula...) if some of those illegals were actually kept out of the USA...some of these guys sitt'n on their butts and collect'n unemployment could be deployed down there in those spinach fields and do sumthin for a liven. Seems to me with all the fight'n for jobs around here, and some "help wanted...no expertise needed..." might just go a long way right now.

Say...how much they pay'n to pick spinach these days anyways...? Got a hankern to look up Nash and see if they really can fry eggs on the sidewalks down thataway!!


New member
Opps...Steak not stake...
One good thing about up north is that they still speak english. One thing I hate is going out and dealing with people that don't speak english, they just give you a blank look or say no speeky engliss...


New member
They still collect the social security check and food stamps... More people the 50% of us tax payers pay for...


Active member
Got a hankern to look up Nash and see if they really can fry eggs on the sidewalks down thataway!!
Nope, you can not fry eggs on the sidewalks (You might have better luck on the hood of your car)! Various of the local TV stations typically demonstrate that every year.

Of course the asphalt surface of the roads does get quite soft, as you can see by the appearance of the stop lines and crosswalk lines; when they're originally painted they run straight across the road, but with all the vehicles braking as they approach the intersections, the soft asphalt in the tire tracks gets pushed forward by the braking action, while outside the tire tracks it does not. Result: each stop line and crosswalk marker forms a prominent "sine wave" across the roadway. :)

P.S.: It looks like spring has sprung, the daily high temps in Phoenix will be headin' on up from the mid to high 90's by midweek. Normal highs for May run from 89-99, normal lows from 62-72.


Well, that was fun for today. I'm guessin' most of you guys were sports guys when you were growing up. I was not. Due to an uncannily bad set of eyes as a kid I couldn't get a bat on a ball or a ball in a hoop. So, I was a debater. I enjoy looking at complex problems and doing research to present my POV. Today was a slow day at the Inn, and this discussion kept me busy. Thanks for the spirited discussion, keeps my brain engaged.

Another thing to know about me is that my mother used to be Walter Mondale's secretary, so I was raised as a late 60's Minnesota Democrat. That, by the way, is different than a 2010 Democrat. What it means, though, is that I value individual liberties very highly, regardless of race, creed, religion, or sex. I really, sincerely do. The freedoms we enjoy as Americans are unique, and they are being threatened every day. Interestingly, in a Pew Research study I saw today said that 70% of Arizonans supported the new law, but 51% thought it would encourage racial profiling.

Other than that, there are a bunch of back and forth studies about economic impact of illegal immigration, and they range from the imminent demise of the restaurant industry to "no net impact." Interestingly, a couple of studies talked about the benefit of illegal immigration in that it provides a ready source of cheap labor on demand, that is, without waiting for the cumbersome federal bureaucracy to act. When the construction industry needs help for a boom, illegal immigration is a fast way to get producing.

I did see a study that defined the impact of replacing immigrant labor in the meat industry with "fair priced" labor. The author claimed it would cause a 10% rise in retail price. FYI, I also sold market research in my career, so I enjoy it. Although some of his assumptions were weak, overall I'm convinced my steaks won't cast $20/lb! And, since I am a big opponent of slogan screamers I guess I am guilty of it and I am busted!

Anyway, thanks for the discussion. Gonna finish my Mount Gay and Coke and watch the race.

Have a good evening!


New member
If the AZ law gets busted, maybe they could go after the employers! If there are no jobs for the illegals they won't have a reason to come here!


New member
Just so I can get up to speed!!We are having a Thread about "illegal aliens" RIGHTS?

why would they have rights???What RIGHTS do I have in Mexico as an American citizen?

If the govt needs me to carry a card that proves im an American then so be it.....



Well-known member
so glad to see that jon is allowing the discussion of current events,....a topic heading i inquired about and was then given the boot,...


Well-known member
over the past 15 to 20 years of boom times in the construction industry , I saw the ever increasing growth of mexican crews on jobsites.
My general comment on the matter to my fellow union carpenters was to say that these good times will not last forever,....but when things slow down , these illegal aliens would still be here undercutting our wages and sending america into third world status,.....that day is here.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I pulled this off of another site, the person who said this is a lawyer.

"The law does not say MEXICANS....it says ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. It could be a Russian fella, for instance. The law says that the person may be questioned about their immigration status AFTER a lawful stop. IOW...something OTHER than their immigration status must give the cop reasonable suspicion. And, reasonable suspiscion has been the standard in the US since 1968? So everyone can be stopped for any type of reasonable suspicion now, and it isn't ANY different with this law. The only thing the law does is allow cops to question immigration status AFTER a lawful encounter, where they were previously NOT allowed to do so. The law makes perfect sense for whats happening now. There is no way that a cop can walk up to anyone on the street and question their immigration status, or demand papers."


over the past 15 to 20 years of boom times in the construction industry , I saw the ever increasing growth of mexican crews on jobsites.
My general comment on the matter to my fellow union carpenters was to say that these good times will not last forever,....but when things slow down , these illegal aliens would still be here undercutting our wages and sending america into third world status,.....that day is here.

Well said. Not every illegal is a veggie picker. They are still here working for cash, unlicensed, uninsured, not well trained, doing work that is uninspected.

Personally I wish we would use preditor drones to control the desert border. Buzzards need to eat also. Today they carry drugs across the border, tommorrow dirty bombs. Maybe once that happens people will start to concern themselves. Until then its a joke that the rest of the country trys to tell AZ what they should do.
Maybe the rest of the country should tell us what to do. We can't seem to handle invasive species, asian carp, taxes, Great lakes water use rights, etc. Heck we tax the few companies left in WI so bad they need to leave to stay in business.

Its sad that so many "Americans" stand up for the rights of people that don't have American rights.
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Just so I can get up to speed!!We are having a Thread about "illegal aliens" RIGHTS?

why would they have rights???What RIGHTS do I have in Mexico as an American citizen?

If the govt needs me to carry a card that proves im an American then so be it.....


Simple, it is not the rights of the illegals that are at issue, it is the rights of the LEGALS. It is their country also. In AZ, 75% of illegal aliens are Mexican. In AZ 30% of the general, LEGAL population is of Hispanic descent. They both look alike. The law tells the cop that if it appears that the person is an illegal then the law applies. Since 30% of the legal population looks like 75% of the illegal population the fear is that the rights of the LEGAL citizens will be compromised by aggressive racial profiling to uncover the 75%. You can't tell them apart by looking at them.

All legal citizens have the same rights. This is our country, and like it or not the LEGAL Hispanic population of the state of AZ is also "us". They have the same rights as a white guy in the UP.


Active member
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I pulled this off of another site, the person who said this is a lawyer.

"The law does not say MEXICANS....it says ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. It could be a Russian fella, for instance. The law says that the person may be questioned about their immigration status AFTER a lawful stop. IOW...something OTHER than their immigration status must give the cop reasonable suspicion. And, reasonable suspiscion has been the standard in the US since 1968? So everyone can be stopped for any type of reasonable suspicion now, and it isn't ANY different with this law. The only thing the law does is allow cops to question immigration status AFTER a lawful encounter, where they were previously NOT allowed to do so. The law makes perfect sense for whats happening now. There is no way that a cop can walk up to anyone on the street and question their immigration status, or demand papers."

Very true and correct. But the issue of racial profiling is the nature of the detention. If the enforcement is uniform, no problem. But if cops stop Hispanics with cracked windshields as a device to check citizenship, and they don't equally stop whites with cracked windshields then that is racial profiling.

AZ has 6.6 million people. Nearly 2 million are legal citizens of Hispanic descent. Unfortunately, they look like the illegal aliens who are primarily Mexican. Are the cops going to unfairly target all Hispanics since the law is based on "appearance"?

I would not like it if a cop followed me around all day, every day just because I am white. In America ALL legal citizens have the right to move about freely without undue harassment, and yes, that applies to the 2 million legal citizens of Hispanic descent that live in AZ.
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Well said. Not every illegal is a veggie picker. They are still here working for cash, unlicensed, uninsured, not well trained, doing work that is uninspected.

Personally I wish we would use preditor drones to control the desert border. Buzzards need to eat also. Today they carry drugs across the border, tommorrow dirty bombs. Maybe once that happens people will start to concern themselves. Until then its a joke that the rest of the country trys to tell AZ what they should do.
Maybe the rest of the country should tell us what to do. We can't seem to handle invasive species, asian carp, taxes, Great lakes water use rights, etc. Heck we tax the few companies left in WI so bad they need to leave to stay in business.

Its sad that so many "Americans" stand up for the rights of people that don't have American rights.

It's not about the rights of the illegals dam*it! It's about the rights of the 2 million LEGAL Hispanic citizens of the State of AZ who will be subjected to undue search and detainment due the the discretionary nature of a poorly written law and the unfortunate fact that the LEGAL citizens look exactly like 75% of the illegals.


New member
It's not about the rights of the illegals dam*it! It's about the rights of the 2 million LEGAL Hispanic citizens of the State of AZ who will be subjected to undue search and detainment due the the discretionary nature of a poorly written law and the unfortunate fact that the LEGAL citizens look exactly like 75% of the illegals.

WOW...its about the rights of us AMERICANS who are sick of this crap......They are here sucking off our Country they pay no taxes and suck the money from our Economy!!

My Grandfather came here thru Ellis island, worked hard to get what he had....payed taxes and contributed to make a better home..


Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, then the 2 million legals do not have anyting to worry about then do they? I am sorry that there will be legals pulled over and asked to see there ID, or whatever, but, this influx of illegals has to stop somewhere, and actions have to be taken at some point to stop it. too many politicians afraid to do something like this because of the fear of not getting re-elected. Looks like the gov of AZ isn't worried about that. Props to her.