why would those who are here legaly have a problem with so called "profiling" unless there game is to bring others in illegaly?
Most ALL of those immigrants that went through the long pathway to legal citizenship hate the fact that the CHEATERS are SNEAKING in.
So, who is it you are cont. defending,...or are you simply making debate?
These people aren't immigrants! In the mid 1800's there was no Arizona! It was Mexico! These 2 million Mexican Americans are the descendants of the of the indigenous peoples that have lived here for generations. Their great grandfathers lived there before your great grandfather got on the boat to America. After a series of battles that Mexico lost, the land called Arizona became a territory, and along with it all the people living in it became American citizens. These people are from here.
Why would people have a problem with racial profiling? For the same reason you would! Racial profiling is not like airport profiling, it is a systematic shift in police enforcement that targets a group of people not because of their actions, but because of their race. It is unconstitutional. You cannot enforce laws based upon race, sex, or creed. Laws are enforced based upon actions. It is not subtle. It is harassment, and the sheriff of Maricopa County AZ has received much criticism over how the Latino community is targeted. Note, I am talking about the legal citizens, descendants of legal citizens, not illegal immigrants. Would you like it if the police made consistent high profile sweeps through only white neighborhoods that resulted in the continued harassment of your wife, children, and friends? Day after day after day?
I can't believe how many of you scream like stuck pigs over the WI DNR targeting snowmobile registrations in St. Germain in a sting operation to get DUIs issued (legal contact, reasonable suspicion, like the AZ immigration law), or the MI DNR targeting stop signs in Bergland for the same reason, but you refuse to accept that in AZ there are 2 million legal citizens with full constitutional rights whose families have been there for generations who have now had "open season" declared on them by the legislature.
Why "open season"? Because of the way the law is written. The law allows policeman to require proof of citizenship (not drivers license) based upon reasonable suspicion. OK, no big deal. You pull me over for speeding I gotta show a passport (which in itself appears wrong since the Feds control immigration, not the states). The problem with the law is the "legal contact" action by the police. In order to get more proof of citizenship I must initiate more legal contact. If I stop more people, I get more proof. 75% of the illegal aliens in AZ are Mexican. If I want to get more illegal aliens I gotta stop more people that fit the profile more often. Unfortunately, since illegal alien is not an action (like speeding) that is visible to the officer, it is a state of being that is unobservable. There is only one primary identifier among most illegal aliens in AZ...they are Mexican. Unfortunately, so is 31% of the population...2 million people, all legal, been here for generations.
So, back to the police question. If I know that increasing "legal contact" allows me to initiate the "reasonable suspicion" clause I will direct my officers to increase legal contact within the group whose profile matches the offenders profile. Unfortunately, the only identifier in this case is race (illegal alien is not an action, it is a state of being), that race is Mexican. So to initiate more citizenship verifications I stop more Mexican-Americans. Not whites, not blacks or Asians because that won't get me anywhere, but legal citizens of America of Mexican descent (like legal citizens of Minnesota of Irish descent).
Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County has many innovative crime fighting tactics and punishments that appeal to voters, including myself. However, his operation is very suspect when it comes to the issue of racial profiling and harassment of the 2 million legal citizens that are of Mexican descent.
The reason I am so uncomfortable is that Sheriff Joe's interpretation could be "Boys, we got the right to ask for papers for any reasonable suspicion. But ya gotta have a legal contact before you can do it. I want these illegals outta here, and they are Mexicans. So boys, initiate legal contact with every f***in Mexican you see! Every day, all day. Cracked windshield, broken taillight, 1 mile over, lane change violation, no seatbelt, I don't care. Boys, round 'em up!"
Only time will tell if that will happen. But if you list places where it is likely to happen then Sheriff Joe in Maricopa County is near or at the top of this list.
Our country went through this with the systematic racial profiling of Blacks in the South during the 50's and 60's, and we responded with legislation that prohibits it. And that legislation still stands.
Time will tell.
Thanks, been fun, let's see what happens.