When does your boating season start?


New member
Already started for me. I'm a fishing guide from Indiana and our rivers have been fishable for a while now. Smallies are biting pretty good!!


This coming Saturday! Riding seems done around the Minneapolis area and the Mississippi river is calling my name!


New member
Anything before Memorial Day is a bonus.

I have been getting the bonus for years than! I just found out a slip smack in the Hardcore Party section next to the pool just came open. I am moving!!!!! Wohoo 2 boats over!!!!! I am always first out and last in at storage. April 15 is my "must be in" date. April 2nd is earliest in ever. Need water at least 40 degrees for the Geothermal heat pump to work.


New member
This coming Saturday! Riding seems done around the Minneapolis area and the Mississippi river is calling my name!

went out today on the old mighty mississippi, fishing was a little slow by lixville, going back out tommorow. hopefully it doesnt rain to hard
Should be just a few weeks for us, the walleye start to run here in the Western Basin of Lake Erie mid April. Big time fishing.


New member
When ever I get the powerhead put back on the lift for the pontoon and when I can be in the water without hyperventilating for the skiboat