will you still go???

will you still purchess a trail pass?

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Well-known member
When are you buying the Yamaha so I can pay the MI trail pass dues?

Never! :p I prefer sleds that aren't 10 years behind in suspension tech :)

Now I'm getting off topic, gee, i've never done that before! Where were we? carry on


Well-known member
Notice I have stayed out of this red hot mess of a thread :eek: ...but I DO have a question...

NOT because I'm looking to be illegal or anything. I will buy my permits. We now have a house there...I use the trail system and am happy to purchase AT LEAST (4) $45 permits - although I didn't vote 4 times and I also didn't put in a vote for the other 2 sleds that "reside" at our UP house. Xsledder - although I like that you are posting the totals - they may be a little off in the end for the simple fact that folks like me purchase multiple permits.

That said...my question is what is the fine for NOT having a trial permit? That would weigh in for someone who is thinking of "taking their chances," yes? Let's say WI has some good snow for the year and one decided to ride from Boulder Jct, WI up to White Pine for some fine bowling at the Konteka...if one knows the ticket IF one gets caught is $50, one may go ahead and take their chances. If it's $150, one may not be as likely to do so. If someone has multiple sleds in their family, a $50 ticket/sled wouldn't be worth it to "get caught" either and this would weigh in on one's decision whether to purchase the permit or not.

I'm sure I could look it up but am figuring someone knows the figure off the top of their heads??

WTG -- You say you're not looking to be illegal, and I for one appreciate that. I know there are people who don't like the increase, and that's fine. None of us like paying more, but in my humble opinion if they don't want to buy a sticker (for whatever reason) then they should do the honorable thing and stay off the trail. To do otherwise is cheating the system and takes advantage of those of us who do buy it and contribute to the system we're using.


New member
Did you think Obama was really going to have transparency? I voted no so I won't be paying the fee.

Oh i see.......For a minute there i thought you were calling for more taxes....I must have read your post wrong..... As far as Oh bummer goes i knew what we were in for with him and that's why i didn't vote for him.


Active member
Russ, it was just something I threw out there as a question out of curiosity. I'm not saying I've NEVER done anyting illegal but buying a trail pass isn't something I've ever cut corners on. I use it, I pay for it. After all I've read here, I'm even more than willing to do so - and not just to be legal or some silly reason like that - but because the funds are going where they should and cannot be taken for something they were not intended.


New member
Oh i see.......For a minute there i thought you were calling for more taxes....I must have read your post wrong..... As far as Oh bummer goes i knew what we were in for with him and that's why i didn't vote for him.

That is good. I think I said something about maybe they could tax some of the hotels, gas, casinos and some other things because somebody suggested it.

I agree with you that I think fees are the way to go my only issue was they have increased 80% over the last two years.

If I would go to the UP more than 2 times a year I propably wouldn't have an issue paying more but when I only go 1 or 2 times a year then I will just go somewhere else.

I like the UP and maybe they will come out with the $10 weekend pass and sell more of them but until then I can live with Northern WI riding and resorts.


Well-known member
Russ, it was just something I threw out there as a question out of curiosity. I'm not saying I've NEVER done anyting illegal but buying a trail pass isn't something I've ever cut corners on. I use it, I pay for it. After all I've read here, I'm even more than willing to do so - and not just to be legal or some silly reason like that - but because the funds are going where they should and cannot be taken for something they were not intended.

I know it was a hypothetical question you asked....I wasn't trying in any way to insinuate otherwise. And I do appreciate you not cutting corners on purchasing permits. :)


New member
I rode somewhere in the area of 1200 miles this year. So at 35.00 a year it cost me 3 cents a mile to ride my sled on a groomed trail and then at 45.00 a year it would have been almost 4 cents a mile to have ridden the same distance.

The rise in the cost of diesel fuel alone justifies the increase. How about the cost of equipment. Insurance. Propane for the shop to work on them? All those costs have gone up too. (Do not get me started on the cost of propane!!!)

The clubs are all non profit and not looking to make a buck on us. They just need the proper funds in order to cover thier costs to groom our trails to the standards we want.

Yes, I live in Michigan and I ride in Michigan. I belong to MSA and will pay the 45 w/o even thinking about it. Heck this past winter we stopped the groomer during a late night run and took up a collection in our group and tipped the driver! Its money well spent.


New member
Never been up there in the first place! That is why I didn't vote, I couldn't say No because I never bought one before, and couldn't say Yes because I've never bought one before. It is also why I've completly stayed out of this thread, and hid in the corner before people get jealous again about me being top poster.

Indy, enough of it all ready.


New member
I rode somewhere in the area of 1200 miles this year. So at 35.00 a year it cost me 3 cents a mile to ride my sled on a groomed trail and then at 45.00 a year it would have been almost 4 cents a mile to have ridden the same distance.

The rise in the cost of diesel fuel alone justifies the increase. How about the cost of equipment. Insurance. Propane for the shop to work on them? All those costs have gone up too. (Do not get me started on the cost of propane!!!)

The clubs are all non profit and not looking to make a buck on us. They just need the proper funds in order to cover thier costs to groom our trails to the standards we want.

Yes, I live in Michigan and I ride in Michigan. I belong to MSA and will pay the 45 w/o even thinking about it. Heck this past winter we stopped the groomer during a late night run and took up a collection in our group and tipped the driver! Its money well spent.

Thank you Saber, we simply need more guys like you on the trails!


New member
I had a long response just about ready to post and lost it. Hate it when that happens. I'll keep it shorter now. Let's get serious here. I'd like to see names attached to the poll to see how many of the "no's" stay that way when the snow flies. It's the same story every time there's a trail pass increase no matter where it is. If you bought a pass this year, you obviously thought the price was worth it. If not, your vote doesn't matter since it wasn't worth it anyhow. So, then all we're talking about is a DIFFERENCE of $10 for next year. The last trip my brother and I took a few weeks ago cost us $580, without food. Truck gas = $202, sled gas = $164, motel = $214. You really think an extra $20 would have made a difference? Driving home against a strong wind could have added that much to the truck fuel cost. If an extra $10 is really going to make the difference for you or you don't think you should help pay for the rising cost to provide for your fun, then you probably shouldn't be riding anyhow.


Staff member
I'd like to see names attached to the poll to see how many of the "no's" stay that way when the snow flies.

You can! Just click on the number just to the right of the bar chart showing the results and the profile names of those who voted yes or no will appear.

I completely agree with you on this point though and is why I though there should be a third category called: Will go if MI is the only place with snow.

Still an interesting poll.



New member
While we're at it why aren't we considering any NEW people visiting MI? I personally brought 5 people to the U.P. last winter who had never been there before and WILL be back..........Hmmmmm that changes the numbers too doesn't it....


New member
I will give them another 10 And will give the weatherman some bucks if it would just have a good heavy snow winter
We have some of the best trails.