Wis. Senate Bill 264


t660redrocket- get a grip. do you really think all the sled manufacturers would allow/support anything that might take money out of their pockets?? and even if they did,i'm sure you would take your 3 sleds and ride elsewhere at a much higher cost. like i said,its all about the money.
and I still dont have a problem with the bill. rather then lashing out at me,you should spend that time helping promote safe,moral snowmobiling. as in Randy Salerno's drinking and riding and the MORONS who ran over the deer. those 2 episodes have much to do with this type of legislation getting off the ground.
as for me being part of the community,you have no idea what I do to promote this sport we all enjoy. I'm done. sorry for the rant.


New member

That is the point. There isn't going to be anywhere to use our snowmobiles. Every locale is fighting the same battle on some level. if the battle is in our area, we need to fight it for those who come from out of town (say maybe Illinois or Iowa) to come use Wisconsin trails. To believe there will ALWAYS be somewhere to ride is a little shortsighted, and to think the snowmobile manufacturers have the pull to control it is ridiculous. Look at the tobacco industry. Billions of dollars larger and they are losing the battle left and right - less than 8 months and all bars in Wisconsin will be smoke frees?

You are right though, if you have a large enough lawn, you will always be able to ride somewhere at least.

I apologize for my rant, but most people don't appreciate what rights they have until someone takes them away from you.



New member
Rakins wrote: "me being a trail rider,I have no problem with it."

Sounds familiar from history..........
Hitler's killing the Jews........with me having blonde hair and blue eyes, I have no problem with it!

I've simplified it greatly, but that is basically how that great tragedy occured.

I have little trust in government bills that tell us they will be good for us.


New member
Bad Legislation being pushed through in a hurry before anyone notices. State Senator Jim Holperin D-Eagle River stated "Current law prohibits trespass by atvs,snowmobiles and off road vehicles on private land,but our statues are silent regarding public land" Wisconsin law just kind of assumes that public land is available for any kind of use including motorized vehicles.That wont be the case for long" Every business in Northern Wisconsin should remember Jim Holpern's name at the next election! This is alot worse than Meyers Bass/ Musky rule change from a cocktail party friend! Say goodbye to snowmobiling as people will go to the UP and ride wherever they please and spend their money!!! contact your state rep.why own state land if you cant use it?


yes,bars will be smoke free.along with other public places. but people still smoke. its the MONEY. alcohol causes sirosis of the liver. and yet there are still drunks. its the MONEY. there are places in state and federal parks where its posted "do not enter" or "no wheeled vehicles".
or very simply "stay on trail". just because its "public",doesnt mean everyone has all access all the time,no matter what. thats my point. and I still dont have a problem with it.
I'm a trail rider who stays on the trail. off trail areas being limited really doesnt bother me much. this kind of legislation will surely be abused by overzelous law enforcement officials. same as a few years back in Michigan with the helmet during operation stupidity. law enforcement decided you must wear a helmet when loading or unloading your machine from a trailer. or pulling up to a gas pump after waiting in line. simply because the law stated "when in operation".
my guess is you should thank everyone who went off trail where it is clearly marked to stay on trail. we've all seen the tracks. it's been said before,if we dont police ourselves,they will do it for us. and this is what happens.
for what it's worth I really hope it gets shot down.


Well-known member
I do mostly on trail riding but I do go off trail on unplowed fire roads which used to be legal. Not sure I could do that if this bill passes? I also ride plowed forest roads & unplowed fire roads to get to trail & don't know if that would be legal with this bill? I have been stopped by Vilas County Cops looked at my drivers liscense address & said have fun but if you did not live here I would issue a ticket for riding on plowed forest road. This could be a can of worms getting to the trail that I & others don't need in their lives.


t660redrocket: Well said!

yamalaris: remember this on election day? Come on, this is a state full people that keeps on re-electing Doyle the user fee pimp. On election day they they vote for whoever is giving out the free smokes!
I hope most of us realize that there are some local areas, private and public, that need to be off limits to what ever kind of use, may it be snowmobiles, ATV's, bicycles, horses, X/C skiers, even hikers. But to pass a blanket State Law, such as this, is just not the right thing to do. I hope the politicians get their act together before it is too late.
I've talked to my reps office about it... the local DNR official... the DNR officer at the snow show. They all are fine with it. Am I missing something here that these folks are seeing? The local Rep's office even had a local snowmobile club come in and say they support it. I'm not 100% sure I belive that guy anymore.


New member
This is a terrible bill. There is enough snow in Wi to ride off trail. Some of the best rides I have had in the last few years were off trail thanks to a local freind with VAST knowlege of the back trails. Besides riding just for fun, how about access to your favorite ice fishing spot that is in the back woods et cetera? Enforcement would be tough, just another reason for the state to raise the regisitration fees for your sleds. From a Wisconsin land owner and taxpayer; state land is for the people, and there are plenty of good considerate snomobilers in Wi.




Doyle is not running for the 2010 election. He realized that with all his deals and tax hikes that he is not popular anymore.
Fellow outdoor people. Of course the DNR, etc. are fine with this Wi. Senate bill 264. After reading Wi. Senate Bill 264, the explanation said it would make the Wardens jobs or whoever much easier, just ticket us all when we aren't on the right SPOT no matter what the sport.


New member
Well, all I can say is...welcome to the U.P. cheese heads....forest roads, okay, cut over forest lands with seedlings...keep off...otherwise enjoy!

Liberal government, gotcha again. Jist remember that when you vote party lines.<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> really does matter.
From my senator:
"Dear Mr. Parker,

Thank you for writing. Although Senate Bill 264 was originally on the
Senate's agenda for yesterday, the bill was sent back to a committee for
further amendments. While it's unclear what changes will be made to the
bill, I will keep your concerns in mind should the bill again be
scheduled for a vote in the Senate.


Alberta Darling
State Senator"

Just an FYI for all whom concerned.


New member
Good job techsledder, my senator never answered me! Hopefully somebody took a look at the whole blanket part of the bill and realized what they might make law!! Hopefully a whole lot more people contacted there senators.Thanks


New member
I will remind him next summer when hes kissing babys at Boulder Junctions Musky Days!