Wis. Senate Bill 264


New member
All of the Senators have to vote, hopefully in our favor. So, I'm glad that you wrote your SE Senator. We have to try and stay involved.


New member
I like riding in wisconsin but if they do pass this law I will not spend as much money in Wi That hurts all of us. I can see in sum places up in Bayfield where they just platted trees, but they have a sign that said that and no trespassing. If we can just keep the fire lanes open that would be a big plus.
The Wis. Senate passed Wis. Senate Bill 264. I receiverd a cordial letter from Senator Holperin explaining their thoughts, but the bottom line is the bill gives the DNR or any other authority more power to use their discretion to say whether I am tresspassing or not with my motorized vehicle on off trail public lands. Some individuals might deserve such restrictions, but not all of us. And I don't know where that line is. The bill is now in an Assembly Committee.


New member
I called washburn county in Wisconsin today and they said that might be for federal land only not county, so I hope we still good to go on the fire lines.
Sorry, the Senate bill covers Fed, State, County, and Municipal public property. We are really going to have to know where we can ride.


Well-known member
campfire42:You got it right there will be tickets & you could get a ticket for dragging your deer out with anything that has a motor & access to trapping lines & ice fishing. Land is supposed to be posted no off trail but we know that can't happen too much land to do that so the enforcement is key word "discretion". Boondocking in WI is gone so head for UPMI. Sorry Ma & Pa but the WI senate screwed your biz.


New member
It passed by a wide margin.Too bad sleds had to be included with atv, off road vehicles,unlicensed dirt bikes etc. Must be alot more people running rampant through the woods tearing up the terrain,trees and bogs than I thought! Just another thing that I can tell my grandkids that we used to be able to do.What good is State Land if you cant use it? I guess it was bound to happpen as there are less trees to hug and less deer cause they cant hide anymore!Next they will have you paint your sled blaze orange like your deer blind so they can find you!


Interesting discussion, and I have something relevant to add. I've been heading north to ride for many years, and Eagle River area, Vilas Cty. for the last 6 - 7. My young son, he's 12 now rides a 90 CC Yam dirt bike around my property, in the ditches and occasionally would run down to the snow trail, with me on a mountain bike. Then eventually he started running down to the trail by himself. I never thought much of it, and never dreamed this could be some violation, until one day last summer when he was escorted home, in a county squad car, this is an 11 yr. old kid at the time mind you. Cop was a real jerk, like the kid was some renegade dirt biker tearing up the land. Left the dirt bike on the trail about a mile away, would not let the kid ride it home, and made me run down with the trailer to get the bike. Times are changing in northern WI and I would not be surprised if some time soon our trail access will be severly diminished or threatened completely. Completely ridiculous that it has come to this, and just wait until all the resorts and businesses that have to close in the winter start going belly-up because they can't make enough money in the 4 - 5 month summer to survive. Strange times, but then again it could be alot of people tearing up land with 4-wheelers and sleds are wearing patience of property owners, very thin.


I would hope that comment was "tongue in cheek" because I bristle at sheeyat like that. We're talking about a 90 CC, unlicensed for the road, vehicle. Good luck writing a ticket and getting it to stick. I'd be inclined to literally TEAR something like that up if handed to me. I walked back in the house rather than listen to this clown finish his lecture. When I was a kid we rode dirt bikes all the time through fields, woods ect and never had problems with cops unless we were riding like maniacs through the subdivision, right down the road. (Did happen) I'm looking for land in Manitoba, all I need is to sell the wife.


Well-known member
Fusion: There are people in Vilas County that would have hung your son on the spot caught on a snowmobile trail with anything but a snowmobile is a VERY serious matter for about a year now. Recent DNR study killed all hope of ATV trails in Vilas County & stated due to all the possible environmental destruction they won't consider any trails for motorized vehicles in the future. Nothing... no discussion.. nada... the Gods have spoken. Now they are tightening the screws on snowmobiles. Generally Eastern Vilas County more friendly towards off road motorized vehicle trail use including Eagle River for obvious reasons. Northwest Vilas County VERY HOSTILE wants you only to look a state land not use it for anything. Things have been getting very restrictive in the last 5 years & 264 makes it even worse.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">fusion:
"… all I need is to sell the wife."</font>
Asking price?
Maybe you'll get enough to buy the land in Manitoba?


Whitedust, yeah it makes sense now about this being recent change in sentiment. I've been on the trails with pedal mountain bike and kid on dirt bike and seen cops with no repercussion. But that little incident changed all that and was an eye opener. Last place I expected to have a problem was Vilas Cty, and that's the reason I brought the bike up there and wouldn't let him ride in Waukesha cty. Might as well sell the dirt bike.

You say northwest Vilas Cty is highly negative about this? You're talking wide open spaces around Presque Isle, Winchester, Boulder ect. Oh now I get it, probably all FIB transplants that want it to be like Chicago suburbs.

Just wait, next on the hit list will be snowmobiles and I'm not kidding. They will limit riding to corridor trails and make you trailer to designated drop points to access, plus charge you to park your trailer at park and ride. That idiot Jim Doyle is the reason for the statewide FEE h-e-i-l. Pray to god we get Scott Walker in there.

Give it 10 years and watch these tax payers cut their own throats by limiting winter sports. Unreal the socialist, liberal climate change that's sweeping this country.


Well-known member
Well said Fusion. You have the Vilas County correct negative target zones IDED on map. I have the same concerns about ditch banging to the trail with 264. You me & ubee should go to Presque Isle, Winchester & Boulder Junction with all our motorized toys including chainsaws & start them up & watch all the naysayers take our pictures for poluting their peaceful environmemt. I read a Vilas County News editoral about some woman that was pissed because someone started up a leaf blower. I was like are you kidding me take a flying leap lady!


Active member
All a guy can do is go the wisconsin government site find the number for you assembly men and senators, put those numbers on your cell phone and call them and let them know your feelings on these bills and let them know your watching.