1st Annual John Dee Bigfoot Expedition and Evidence Gathering Event


Staff member
The ball is rolling now! Don't let it stop.

I think some IR headgear will be needed.

Who....er I mean, what should we use as bait?


Well-known member
I vote for maybe a 55 gallon drum of some HARD apple cider, that should be enough to get one drunk I would think??
Just might to make sure we keep tracker out of the bait pile LOL

BUT< MAYBE if we can get one drunk, then its RADAR for electronic's will be not working so well and make it easier to get some evidence, or catch one??


Active member
Would it offend the group if I were to say that your chances of finding Jimmy Hoffa ALIVE are greater than finding a Bigfoot?


Well-known member
i have treasurer experience and would be happy to inventory and report all membership dues once established.


Staff member
Would it offend the group if I were to say that your chances of finding Jimmy Hoffa ALIVE are greater than finding a Bigfoot?

I think it is safe to say that all members of this group cannot be offended. Either too dumb or too smart. Not sure which. :topsy_turvy:


Super Moderator
Staff member
I will keep an eye out every time I am out on Red 5, if I see said Bigfoot, I will communicate with him. Bigfoots are a distant cousin of my Ewok family.

old abe

Well-known member
cuzzinolaf, please show restraint if it comes to bombing BigFoot. He very well may be a Putin agent???


Active member
Wow, lots of progress with the organization so far. We have some good nominees and in definite need of our President, Mr. Tracker. I don't have his contact information, but have to assume he's on the hunt and will be posting sometime soon.

Mr. Ezra sounds like he’d be a good secretary; we’ll need to review his CV to determine if he’s qualified. I predict this group will grow rather quickly, funds will be pouring in, and he’s going to have a full plate. Hopefully he can keep up with the workload; he might need an assistant as well.

Mr. Frnash’s English and Interpretation skills are second to none on this site, so he’s sort of nominated himself. When Mr. Bigfoot decides to come forward, he could be iatrical in communicating with him/her.

Mr. Snobuilder’s skills will need to be seen. We can setup a mock encounter and see what he’s got. If he’s tagged to take Bannon’s or Nunes’s place, we have little room to negotiate, at least on salary requirements. That said, saying you’re the lead investigator of JDBC, the organization that brought Mr. Bigfoot to reality could have astronomical rewards and only Mr. Snobuilder can decide if we’re worth it. He volunteered for Treasurer, but he might be better as lead investigator, with a seat on the board and the ability to nominate a treasurer.

Mr. Skylar’s vast knowledge of southern Houghton County might be the perfect nominee to lead the Houghton County – Troll (under the bridge) Chapter.

I had a Bigfoot Research sticker on my old sled until the group went underground. There are many dormant members still in the area and on the site. These member’s names will not be divulged, for their own security. They’ll be working behind the scenes, reporting directly into Mr. Tracker, and keeping the group kosher. We can’t have our reputation ruined because of few gun slingers looking to get famous.

This site has always been great, but forming the JDBC can only make it better, untouchable, and secure Mr. Dee’s future for years to come. He’ll have so much money he won’t know what to do with it. My work here is minimal and my only desire is to invite Mr. Bigfoot home for Thanksgiving, trail clean ups, and to have him perfect his snow dance so that every season will be of epic proportions.

As for Mr. Bigfoot being a Russian agent, we just don’t know. Anything is possible at this point, but until we establish contact, figure out their network, one shouldn’t assume. We don’t want to get Mr. Bigfoot killed because of some fake news.


Active member
I, being from North Dakota where a recent video on these pages showed a squatch was on the loose, would love to join this club, I could go to the sighting area in late October during pheasant hunting season to look for said squatch, I have a dog that would help me track him and there would be many other people out in the field at that time who may scare him up. Although I have never came across one I do have experience wrestling bears so I think I could try to wrestle him to the ground if I came across him


Active member
I, being from North Dakota where a recent video on these pages showed a squatch was on the loose, would love to join this club, I could go to the sighting area in late October during pheasant hunting season to look for said squatch, I have a dog that would help me track him and there would be many other people out in the field at that time who may scare him up. Although I have never came across one I do have experience wrestling bears so I think I could try to wrestle him to the ground if I came across him

Would you like to be President of the North Dakota chapter? You definitely seem to have the skills required and the bear wrestling experience could be helpful if we ever get close. Are you willing to travel to wherever the hunt takes us if your wrestling skills are needed?


Active member
Would you like to be President of the North Dakota chapter? You definitely seem to have the skills required and the bear wrestling experience could be helpful if we ever get close. Are you willing to travel to wherever the hunt takes us if your wrestling skills are needed?

Just let me know when and where I am needed.


hahaha.....hey cuz...looks like ya was sittin' on da couch all winter eh? some of ya's is really bored after ya sold ya sleds....I want you old pucks to google.....100mph MOBILITY CHAIR YOUTUBE....it will give you some ideas for next winter...LMAO...carry on

Despite the ongoing research, there is no convincing explanation for the phenomenon. However, there are numerous working hypotheses and even more speculations.


Active member
hahaha.....hey cuz...looks like ya was sittin' on da couch all winter eh? some of ya's is really bored after ya sold ya sleds....I want you old pucks to google.....100mph MOBILITY CHAIR YOUTUBE....it will give you some ideas for next winter...LMAO...carry on

Despite the ongoing research, there is no convincing explanation for the phenomenon. However, there are numerous working hypotheses and even more speculations.

I bought another sled and got in four trips this year. I already know I'm doing a wrap on my sled with the club name, logo, and slogan which we need to determine still. What are your thoughts on the various positions, setting up hunt dates, and the future of the club. You're not as excited as I would have hoped and our future depends on your expertise.


Active member
Does anyone have a good slogan idea? Also, we might need to rethink the name of our organization. I think the name, John Dee's Bigfoot Club sounds too elementary and we need to change out the word Club. This is a serious business and Organization or something else might be better. How does JDBO sound? I think we need something catchy to make membership appealing.


um guys...this is like 2017....the Paulding lights and that list at the end of the wiki page that frnash supplied...all those lights...deemed railroad ghosts....are now known....as I have stated in the past....are the leylines of the earth and the electromagnetism of the earths field similar to aurora...its natural...same as bigfoot...its a creature

In 2016, Norwegian scientist Christian Opdal Eid published an article evaluating superposition of cosmic EM waves, or collisions of cosmic ray particles, as the source of the phenomena.[18]


See also[edit]
Hessdalen light
Gurdon Light
Marfa lights
The Spooklight
Brown Mountain Lights
St. Elmo's fire
St. Louis Light