Congress, not the President, controls spending. Spending is a legislative problem, not an administrative problem.
true and unfortunately there are only a small hand full of people in the house that are trying to change the direction of spending.
we are on a fast train to disaster.
but It is best to just mock the few people trying to slow this disaster down.
the government admits if things dont change we are looking at 80% tax rates with in 20 yrs .
and that is with out Obumer care that alone is going to add over 700billion in DEBT in the next 10 yrs.
not my numbers the CBO numbers.
but hey your kids deserve nothing but the best for there life's outlook .
and BTW the president sets the agenda and did the first 2 yrs unopposed.
the president by law is to present a budget every yr and has not done that yet.
Oh yeah Harry we deff need to increase the debt ceiling a extra 1trillon yeah that should work out just fine
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Keep in mind GWB had 9/11 to deal with and all the costs that went along with the aftermath of that and making sure our country was properly protected.
The reason cigar boy did well is Congress was controlled by the other party and he actually worked with them to get things done.
Never make excuses for GB he was a big government progressive with a awful track record of spending and presenting the worst piece of legislation to that date. the patriot act we can see haw that POS is playing out .
but hey the patriot act will be very helpful to the death panels when it comes to life and death decisions about they health care