Answering Questions


Active member
This is not fair! I have no knowledge, I would never be able to post anything.

I have no knowledge either! I killed most of my brain cells already but, only the weak ones!
I still post, provide no real usefull information and still, somehow, haven't gotten banned! But I do like to ride and soak as much as a dry sponge can from this site and have met a lot of great people! Just keep with it, you'll make it! I have, so far...


New member
Darn songs stick in your head is the only problem. Kinda like John Jacob Jingleheimersmidt, or the "Song that never ends".

Now I will never sleep knowing a smiley face will not make things ok, and Indy might start DATING, Darn, who has a young gal that uses sea and snow in the area?


New member
scary isn't it?

Not if its not your own! HAPPY B-DAY. Some how he will be ok, not sure how? 51 mmmmm. Bucket List time? INDY, You do not want Junk in your trunk? Why ride p, not going there. trfggty6. Cat walked across the keyboard, she wants a date. LOL she did not kidding. All I can figure is its FRIDAY
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Active member
Poor Happy wades into the JD posting pool and his thread gets hi-jacked by a bunch of smart allecks roaming through and then posting you-tube videos!?!? :) It takes guts to post an opinion with this lot of hooligans in here?! :eek: (I have L'dmao tho!)

dc - I was on vaca in the UP with no 'net - and look what I come back to? Some doozies about trail permit price increases and someone even added to the Union Thug thread! I thought PR1 put that bad boy to bed?? Looks like some of these threads could have used a few more smiley faces!!

Happy, ya gotta ignore the posts that have nothing to do with, with, whatever?! I get what you're saying...but 9/10, folks in here are not mean and not trying to be disrespectful. IMO, there's just a lot of ADD'ers in here who forget what the original post was really about. :confused: Within that Mommotorsports post you were talking about, the question got answered with useful info, Indy increased his post total, some smart allecks weighed in and, all in all, everyone was just being themselves.

Just like real life, ya'v got some (very few, imo) jerks who never have anything nice to say (and i just ignore them - mostly!) You have nice people who have some tone issues because they don't use smiley faces or punctuation. You have some kids that need some discussion board raising! (some adults too!) You have some smart allecks...OK, a LOT of smart allecks! But it's a warm and fuzzy disfuntional family that, when push comes to shove, would answer any question you post to the best of their ability. I was just about in tears when I read the thread of the JD'er who was asking for help and advice from this family here about his brother.

Just sayin' :eek:


Well-known member
WTG, funny you should mention dysfunctional.....when somebody used that term to describe a club to which I belong, one of the members quipped, "yeah, but we put the fun in dysfunctional!".

Seems to apply here as well!


New member
Poor Happy wades into the JD posting pool and his thread gets hi-jacked by a bunch of smart allecks roaming through and then posting you-tube videos!?!? :) It takes guts to post an opinion with this lot of hooligans in here?! :eek: (I have L'dmao tho!)

dc - I was on vaca in the UP with no 'net - and look what I come back to? Some doozies about trail permit price increases and someone even added to the Union Thug thread! I thought PR1 put that bad boy to bed?? Looks like some of these threads could have used a few more smiley faces!!

Happy, ya gotta ignore the posts that have nothing to do with, with, whatever?! I get what you're saying...but 9/10, folks in here are not mean and not trying to be disrespectful. IMO, there's just a lot of ADD'ers in here who forget what the original post was really about. :confused: Within that Mommotorsports post you were talking about, the question got answered with useful info, Indy increased his post total, some smart allecks weighed in and, all in all, everyone was just being themselves.

Just like real life, ya'v got some (very few, imo) jerks who never have anything nice to say (and i just ignore them - mostly!) You have nice people who have some tone issues because they don't use smiley faces or punctuation. You have some kids that need some discussion board raising! (some adults too!) You have some smart allecks...OK, a LOT of smart allecks! But it's a warm and fuzzy disfuntional family that, when push comes to shove, would answer any question you post to the best of their ability. I was just about in tears when I read the thread of the JD'er who was asking for help and advice from this family here about his brother.

Just sayin' :eek:

i feel you summed that up pretty well and i think that is what happy ment to say


New member

then show me the post where they asked it today because i believe this is what this entire thread is about. and this is why top poster is not a good thing and i am not jealous of you because I do have a girlfriend and something better to do with my life than have 4700 plus posts