Crooked DNR


New member
Had my real first run in with WI DNR last Friday during gun deer season. I was sitting in my stand and noticed two guys in orange walking to me. Then I noticed it was the DNR. They get to the stand and wanted to see my back tags. I said no problem, and asked if I saw anything. I said nope nothing all season. Which this was my second day out. Asked a bunch of questions and I replied to my best. I told him I got a nice buck last year in these woods and thought I would try this year again. Then the warden proceeds to tell me that he pictures of someone baiting in this woods and I am the first to catch in the stand. GREAT!

Well first of this a public hunting and I don't know how or who is baiting in this woods. I hunt in Portage County, which is a "No Bait" county. Then looks at my gun writes down the serial number on my rifle looks at my shells. (Then I start thinking I'm screwed. But I haven't done anything wrong so chill out.) Then he asked if that was my truck out by the road and I said yes. So he said why don't you gather your things and meet me at your truck. He took my back tag and walked back to his truck and drove over to mine.

After talking to him in his truck he said he has been watching these woods for several years and I'm the first he caught in the stand. And then showed me his pictures of the bait piles of corn and carrots. From the last couple of years and to me it looked like during bow season. I flat out told I'm not baiting any deer or have anytime put bait out in these woods. The warden said I can fine you for baiting and take your head from last for killing a deer over a bait pile. I have only been these woods two other times and this is my cousin’s stand that he gave up to me to hunt. Then he wanted to know if my cousin was baiting. I said no way he was because he hunts somewhere else now. And I now he doesn't for a fact. The warden said somebody is and if nobody comes forwards you are getting a fine.

I told him that I have no clue that there was any bait piles in this woods. He didn't believe that I didn't notice them. They were 30 yards from the stand. Any hunter I talk says they know everything that is around there stand, whatever. I live over an hour away from here and don't have the time to bait. I didn't even buy a bow license this year. After awhile he gave me back my tags and said I could go back and hunt. Which I said that I am pissed off right now and there is no way I'm going back in those woods now. So I went home and put my hunting stuff away for the year. Only after hunting two days. Fricking jerks.

Now I got the call today that seeing no one is coming forward that I am getting a fine for hunting over a bait and killing a deer over a bait pile. They are going to confiscate the stand and the deer. And the paperwork is in the mail. Call me if you any questions. He left me a voicemail. So I called him back and said I have talked to a lawyer and before this proceeds any futher that you will be hearing from him.

He doesn't have any proof it was me putting out the bait piles just picture after the fact and me in the stand. Sorry for being long winded but I stewing and pissed off. Why can't the DNR get the real law breakers out there? I have a long list of numbers that I will be calling on monday. I am not backing down or rolling over on this. It may cost me more in the long run, but I feel I am innocent.
Take all your huntin stuff to a trusted friend or relative. Get it out of your house. Play stupid with him. If he shows up and asks for it. Tell him it got stolen. Least try to avoid loosin your gear.


New member
I was listening to the Jerry Baiter (?) Talk Show on AM 1330 / AM 1360 last week and the topic of the DNR was the subject of the day. He wanted to know if you would help the DNR to report a person(s) who was breaking the law - texting. Bottom line, should of heard the people call in and trash the DNR and they will NEVER assist them in anything. The stories people told on how the DNR have screwed them as well.

One guy was hunting out in another state and the DNR was part of their conversation and when they heard his stories, they knew they lived in Wisconsin. Evedently they have quite a reputation in this state for being nasty to everybody...


Well-known member
It must have been a slow day for them, and you must have been an easy target.

Stick to your story, and GOOD LUCK!

They make enough money off of the stupid criminals, they don't need to make things up to ruin a good mans reputation.


New member
Between 6 - 10 years my husband was hunting in WI which is where we lived at the time and he shot at a deer. It was quite a long shot and didn't think he hit it but he actually did. Anyway not knowing he hit it he went down and walked all around the area and didn't find it. As he was going back to his stand he saw another one and shot it and killed it. He tagged it and brought it home. Took it in and registered it. He was done hunting for the year. A couple days later the game warden showed up at the house and said she had a complaint of him shooting too many deer. He told her the story and how he never found the 1st deer and so he didn't think he hit it. She said somebody had seen him shoot and watched him look for the deer and then when he didn't find it saw him shoot the 2nd one. All this time the person who reported him had seen where the first deer laid down and died and wouldn't tell him. She said she could write him a ticket for not taking the first deer he shot and for shooting a 2nd deer. Husband didn't believe her when she said she could get him a picture of the dead deer laying in the woods. He said I would like to see it. She did bring it over and he asked her where he could find the deer in the woods where he was hunting and she told him. He went and looked sure enough there it laid. My husband said if that would have been him watching somebody looking for a deer and couldn't find and saw where it was he would of told the hunter where to look. Anyway a few days later he did receive about 3 -4 citations in the mail. I can't remember what they all for. (1) For shooting too many deer. (2) Not looking for a deer he shot. I can't remember what the other 1 or 2 were. One she wrote was felony. He was irrate. He got ahold of an attorney right away at a cost of about $1,500.00. He called the DA who was assigned the case a was told that he told the DNR officer she could not issue a felony charge. She did anyway. He and his attorney had a meeting with the DA and the DA laughed at the DNR officer which she never showed up and said first I am dropping the felony charge because when she told me what she wanted to do I told her no way she could do that. Then as the meeting went on and heard the story from my husband and read the officers report then he laughed and told my husband I find it hard to charge you with anything beings they can't find dumping places for the ones they are killing to test for CWD. (at that time they were killing deer to check for CWD and were having a hard time finding places to put them.) The DA dropped all charges and then he told my husband if that would happen again don't tell them anything. Make them come up with the proof. (pictures with you in them commiting the crime.) What ever you tell them they take it back to the office and make their own report on what you said. He said the DNR can't prove anything unless they have pictures of you in the act. All charges were dropped.

Keep up the fight. Unless the things have changed in the last 10 years I would make sure they have solid proof of you baiting and shooting. (Pictures)

Sounds to me like they are trying to get money out of an innocent person.

Good luck and please keep us posted on what happens.
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Had my real first run in with WI DNR last Friday during gun deer season. I was sitting in my stand and noticed two guys in orange walking to me. Then I noticed it was the DNR. They get to the stand and wanted to see my back tags. I said no problem, and asked if I saw anything. I said nope nothing all season. Which this was my second day out. Asked a bunch of questions and I replied to my best. I told him I got a nice buck last year in these woods and thought I would try this year again. Then the warden proceeds to tell me that he pictures of someone baiting in this woods and I am the first to catch in the stand. GREAT!

Well first of this a public hunting and I don't know how or who is baiting in this woods. I hunt in Portage County, which is a "No Bait" county. Then looks at my gun writes down the serial number on my rifle looks at my shells. (Then I start thinking I'm screwed. But I haven't done anything wrong so chill out.) Then he asked if that was my truck out by the road and I said yes. So he said why don't you gather your things and meet me at your truck. He took my back tag and walked back to his truck and drove over to mine.

After talking to him in his truck he said he has been watching these woods for several years and I'm the first he caught in the stand. And then showed me his pictures of the bait piles of corn and carrots. From the last couple of years and to me it looked like during bow season. I flat out told I'm not baiting any deer or have anytime put bait out in these woods. The warden said I can fine you for baiting and take your head from last for killing a deer over a bait pile. I have only been these woods two other times and this is my cousin’s stand that he gave up to me to hunt. Then he wanted to know if my cousin was baiting. I said no way he was because he hunts somewhere else now. And I now he doesn't for a fact. The warden said somebody is and if nobody comes forwards you are getting a fine.

I told him that I have no clue that there was any bait piles in this woods. He didn't believe that I didn't notice them. They were 30 yards from the stand. Any hunter I talk says they know everything that is around there stand, whatever. I live over an hour away from here and don't have the time to bait. I didn't even buy a bow license this year. After awhile he gave me back my tags and said I could go back and hunt. Which I said that I am pissed off right now and there is no way I'm going back in those woods now. So I went home and put my hunting stuff away for the year. Only after hunting two days. Fricking jerks.

Now I got the call today that seeing no one is coming forward that I am getting a fine for hunting over a bait and killing a deer over a bait pile. They are going to confiscate the stand and the deer. And the paperwork is in the mail. Call me if you any questions. He left me a voicemail. So I called him back and said I have talked to a lawyer and before this proceeds any futher that you will be hearing from him.

He doesn't have any proof it was me putting out the bait piles just picture after the fact and me in the stand. Sorry for being long winded but I stewing and pissed off. Why can't the DNR get the real law breakers out there? I have a long list of numbers that I will be calling on monday. I am not backing down or rolling over on this. It may cost me more in the long run, but I feel I am innocent.

I'm an avid bowhunter in IL, I feel sorry for you guys in WI I've never heard a good story about your DNR. It seems like their no longer hunters and fisherman themselves, just cops trying to bring in revenue, everybody is guilty until proven innocent


New member
Sorry to hear your luck. I am a Police Officer and an avid hunter in IL. I wouldnt hide your gear or play stupid with the DNR, its just gonna piss them off. Just keep to the truth, and have them prove it, obviously if it wasnt you then there is no way they can prosecute you with out proof. I am sure they are just hoping you will pay the fine and they will never hear from you. I would fight it as well, it may cost you some money but whats right is right. You will get satisfaction when they drop the tickets. I would ask them if they had the time to take pictures then why dont they have pictures of the person doing it. Like I said before no proof no conviction. Sorry you had to run into one that didnt look into all the factors of the case. Good LUck


Active member
Never give them information. They are only digging to get you to say some thing that will incriminate your self. Even if you have done nothing wrong.
Don't be an *** obviously. Just be polite and play dumb.

Good luck with proving your innocence. Sound like you should get a lawyer. It sucks you have to spend the $ to get one. That is unless you have legal insurance. :) Pre Paid Legal or GE LEgal - I have had legal insurance for 10 years now. Seems like a waste but when some thing like this happens, its covered.


Well-known member
DNR thinking it was YOU because you were there close to the bait pile in a stand but that being said DNR can NOT prove it was you. No way!! This 1 going to cost you to fight.....never should have been written up without hard evidence it was you.
Sorry to hear your luck. I am a Police Officer and an avid hunter in IL. I wouldnt hide your gear or play stupid with the DNR, its just gonna piss them off. Just keep to the truth, and have them prove it, obviously if it wasnt you then there is no way they can prosecute you with out proof. I am sure they are just hoping you will pay the fine and they will never hear from you. I would fight it as well, it may cost you some money but whats right is right. You will get satisfaction when they drop the tickets. I would ask them if they had the time to take pictures then why dont they have pictures of the person doing it. Like I said before no proof no conviction. Sorry you had to run into one that didnt look into all the factors of the case. Good LUck

Brown50rn is correct. Plain and simple, tell them to prove it. Also, tactfully request they immediately move one and redirect their focus on something productive. And lastly remind the officer or officers that intimidation and harassment are only necessary when dealing with criminals.

I'd also recommend that you take the same amount of time and thought you used in composing this thread and write up something very similar and submit your letter to the local sheriff's department and I'd also pass this letter along to the Director of Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources. Both departments will be obligated to investigate. You can stir a lot of this soup on your own without having to retain an attorney.

Keep in mind that you haven't been issued any type of written citation. The officer has only left you a voice message (which very odd). If you are issued a citation you most likely will be given options on how to deal with this. It depends on the severity of the accusation. I highly doubt that hunting over bait is a felony, it' mostly likely a misdemeanor. If it's a petty misdemeanor you'll most likely be give the same option as somebody cited for speeding. If it is a misdemeanor you're going to have to make an appearance in court to make a plea. This is where all of the fun starts. If you are truly innocent, hold your ground and defend your position relentlessly and don't settle for anything other the absolute vindication, PERIOD! I highly doubt a judge would even consider hearing this case if the only evidence is what you've claimed. Judges tend annoy very easily and prosecutors are reminded of this almost daily. Good luck.


New member
When I get up Monday after taking a nap. I works nights this weekend. I am going to the DA office and se if I can get and tlak to him. Thinking a appointment only. Then I am calling the DNR district manager after that. I got the number from a co-worker whos wife works in the sherriffs department. I was also told I should write up a letter and give it out to some hunting magazines. Thinking about that one.

My phone has been ringing none stop about friends and reletives giving me ideas and support on this. What really sucks is I finally get a wall hanger buck after hunting 20+ years. And now this happens.


Well-known member
go to Cort win hands down because they have NO evidence then counter sue the sob.give some little man a badge and they forget they work for you takes a specal kind of person to act like that


Well-known member
Very basic but when I was a kid like 5th grade we were in some guys front yard knocking apples out of his apple tree throwing stuff at apples to knock them down. Some older kids came along started throwing rocks at apples until some Ahole double dared the other guy to throw a rock at the guys front window. Well suddenly I hear the the sound of breaking glass & everyone starts running except stupid me. I figured I didn't do anything wrong & dang those apples were good!!......... so I climbed the tree & was feasting on apples when the cops came & busted me for breaking the guys window. I told them I didn't do it & they told me well there is the broken window & HERE you are so YOU get busted. Long & short of it my parents believed me but made a HUGE point that when the window was broken you were a stupid jerk to stay there even tho I was not guilty & further more the apples were not mine either. Point well taken when stuff happened after that I was gone with the wind. Going to be difficult to explain why the bait was there & you were there too maybe my apple story helps you understand the citation dilemma. Not the DNR is right but somebody was going to get busted & I think they waited for someone else to come forward to save you from the heat. When that didn't happen they called & fingered you. Ask for documented dates on their pictures of bait to prove same time & place with your time & place. Does the law say you can't hunt so many feet of bait pile?? ....may have nothing to do with who put the bait out just location of where you were huinting?


Well-known member
When I get up Monday after taking a nap. I works nights this weekend. I am going to the DA office and se if I can get and tlak to him. Thinking a appointment only. Then I am calling the DNR district manager after that. I got the number from a co-worker whos wife works in the sherriffs department. I was also told I should write up a letter and give it out to some hunting magazines. Thinking about that one.

My phone has been ringing none stop about friends and reletives giving me ideas and support on this. What really sucks is I finally get a wall hanger buck after hunting 20+ years. And now this happens.

You may even consider taking your story to your local news media (either print or television). They seem to love stories about the "average joe" fighting the power.
Dude yeah I would fight that charge to the end. From the info you provided there is no way you could be convicted "beyond a reasonable doubt", which is the threshold. I think the counter sue option someone else suggested would be a waste of your time and money and would get you nowhere but definately don't roll over and take this! Once the district attorney has the DNR warden's reports, talk to him/her. If all the info you provided is accurate, I don't think a DA would even waste their time attempting to presecute it.