Dear Mother Nature:


New member
Dear Mother Nature:

Wow, Someone in my area must have REALLY ticked you off!
I got all excited to see that the snowmobile club has all the local trails
cleared and ready, and last night all the TV stations kept UPPING the projected
local snow totals for our area. So I went to bed with a big old smile on my
face with dreams of plowing snow and maybe taking the first lap or 2 around
the house on the sled.
When Fido needed to go potty at 4am I didn't mind getting up, because I was
kinda of "giddy" to see how much it had snowed already,......
Wow! The nice smell of Early Spring and the Sound of POURING RAIN was NOT
what I had expected.
I am flipping you off right now Mother Nature.
I see that about an hour West and North of Me were "blessed",.....
But WE got Coal in our stockings again?
Could you at least make it 65 degrees out? so I can do some outside work?
Last year, the snow was over my mail box? What is up with that?

Just figured it was time to write my yearly letter to ya Mother Nature.
So this week when it is only 12 for a high,... can you make sure that the frost goes
really deep and freezes my septic pipes? I may as well have that mess to deal with
since there is no snow. :)
Bwa Ha!

There. Much, Much Better.



New member
LOL, I like it. Last year the old nag made it so cold that the frost went down deep enough to freeze the water lateral from our street to the house. She was an ornry old hag for several weeks, but it made for a lot of nice grooming weather. This year.....well, I agree...either make it 65 so I can ride the bike, or make it cold and snowy. This weather blows!!!!!


New member
John Dee 1 TV Weather Guy -1
Johns always right,...TV is good comedy

Snowstorm Cole.
I am still laughing so hard it hurts.
2 days of Watch out here it comes folks.
I'm like,... Where are you getting THIS?
I did wake up to relieve Fido at 4am noticed that the
ground was covered! (Hey! this may be good!)
Sun is shining and the 1 inch or so is all but goofy.
Same guy on TV is talking about upcoming below zero days.
Mentions NOTHING about his Snowstorm??

Are You Sleeping with this guy Mother Nature?
Whats up with that?
This is better than Saturday Night Live. (really it is.)
Joke is on Us!

Snow is pretty though.
Cold blows.



New member
Dear Mother Nature:

Please Please Please let Johns 5 to 10 day forecast come true.
Especially the part in the circled blue part.
8 inches would open the local trails and make all the people in my area
Happy Happy Happy.

Even though I am all healed up and headed back to work,....
That's O.K.
You can make it Snow and Snow and Snow,.....
I'll just ride on my days off now. Even though January is half over,...
We'll make the best of it Mother Nature.

I see that the Thaw #2 the weathermen on the TV were smiling about
is starting to diminish somewhat? and the 38 degrees is now looking like
34? Can you make it 30 please?
All those people from the South of Me want snow also.
Can you help them out too Mother Nature?

Can you tell I had my coffee and that I am in a good mood today
Mother Nature?

I'm going to back away from the screen now real slowly,....
and I won't get mad at you for not delivering the snow the TV
weather guy promised last night.

I'm even going to load my snowmobile on the trailer and take it
to where there is enough snow to show it that I am not mad at
it today!,.... THAT is how good of a mood I'm in Mother Nature.

(packers victory,....packers victory,....packers victory,.......)
I'm pushing it,...



Dear Mother Nature:

Please Please Please let Johns 5 to 10 day forecast come true.
Especially the part in the circled blue part.
8 inches would open the local trails and make all the people in my area
Happy Happy Happy.

Even though I am all healed up and headed back to work,....
That's O.K.
You can make it Snow and Snow and Snow,.....
I'll just ride on my days off now. Even though January is half over,...
We'll make the best of it Mother Nature.

I see that the Thaw #2 the weathermen on the TV were smiling about
is starting to diminish somewhat? and the 38 degrees is now looking like
34? Can you make it 30 please?
All those people from the South of Me want snow also.
Can you help them out too Mother Nature?

Can you tell I had my coffee and that I am in a good mood today
Mother Nature?

I'm going to back away from the screen now real slowly,....
and I won't get mad at you for not delivering the snow the TV
weather guy promised last night.

I'm even going to load my snowmobile on the trailer and take it
to where there is enough snow to show it that I am not mad at
it today!,.... THAT is how good of a mood I'm in Mother Nature.

(packers victory,....packers victory,....packers victory,.......)
I'm pushing it,...




New member
I'm sorry fellas...... It's my fault....... I bought a new snowblower in December :(

Let the floggings begin...


New member
O.K. Mother Nature,...

Now it hurts.
Pretty bad really.
The older I get,... The harder you kick me "down there"
The harder it is to recover.

Not only are ya "sleepin' with da man",... and played us
a cruel joke with that pathetic NFL payoff to Vegas yesterday
that they will be talking about for years,... You took All my
snow away AGAIN??

Lets see now,...
That's AGAIN, and AGAIN and now AGAIN?


I'm not a good snow dancer,...
But I sure am trying.
So are my friends SOUTH of here.
Ya gotta throw us a bone for cryin' out loud?

Give us at least 6 weeks of LOCAL groomed trail snows?
Yes? No?

Where's that frozen bag of peas?



Active member
I feel you I am 2 for 1 miles driving to ride, 700 miles on sled 1200 or so, maybe more, on truck and trailer to do it. (I'm so depressed) And its not looking much brighter.


New member
Mother Nature:



Thanks for nice warm up again!

As long as you provide the Crap,.....
I will provide the Gripe!

Everyone head to the 1 inch clipper snows!
Just need the groomer to have a big chain,... to pull the miles of sleds
waiting behind them. Get up in shifts to ride the available stuff. Love it Mother Nature!

When the wife says "wow,... we sure haven't had a winter eh?" Ya KNOW it's bad!

oh well.

I do see that the 1 inch of sleet is cancelled for tonight and moved to Monday though.
That is cool!

When the snowmobile clubs e-mails of events say "so ya can't ride,... bring your car,..."
Ya HAVE to laugh,...

Off to work
Mother Nature,...
Flipping You Off!!!!


Well-known member
On the slightly positive up side, at least she didn't give you a blizzard while you have the flu and can't ride.
Take that as a win and get better soon!!


New member
Couple of big 1" storms rolling through in the next few days. Better go for bread and milk quick. On the bright side, the driveway cleans up in about 10 minutes with a shovel vs 1/2 hr with the snowblower. But, I've had it. If it's gonna be cold, there should be snow. Mother nature has once again woke to a bowl of pee soaked wheaties. And she aint happy about it


New member
On the slightly positive up side, at least she didn't give you a blizzard while you have the flu and can't ride.
Take that as a win and get better soon!!

That would have been an awesome kick in the luck groin! Would have taken that anyday!
You've gotta be pretty upset down in the Appleton area there also! UGH!

The curly haired weather comedian on TV last night was all up on another BIG warm up
for this coming mid week then when all the last of it is melted into the soil,... looks like
The 1st week of February is going to come in with a MAJOR blast of COLD!
Sweet! :)
Pound that frost down another 3 feet!
Well,...maybe if the wind doesn't blow,... the ice on Winnebago will
close all the holes.
Snow would be so nice,....
Deep Freeze,...BBBbbbbbrrrrrrr.

Thank Goodness for better fuel prices this year!

One of the "other" local TV weather comedians actually said,..
"Man, you have to feel for the outdoor snow enthusiasts"
Ahhh,,.... Thanks pal! what a nice guy.
The lady news comedians look on her face said it all,....
"Screww Them!" Too Funny!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Now ya did it Vin, Mother Nature cranks up a Blizzard of Epic proportions IN NEW YORK CITY!!!

A lot of good that'll do, 2 to 3 feet of snow in downtown Manhattan... it's all over CNN. Ya know, the whole universe has been out of wack since the Packers lost to Seattle. Now Ma Nature piles it on with a stupid storm 1500 miles from where it will do the most good!

We best leave the Old Hag alone.... or offer up a sacrifice or something to salvage winter. Anyone got a goat or something?


Well-known member
I just read a depressing stat today.
Milwaukee WI. has had 16 inches of snow this year.
Amarillo TX has had 17.


Well-known member
You've gotta be pretty upset down in the Appleton area there also! UGH!

Well,...maybe if the wind doesn't blow,... the ice on Winnebago will
close all the holes.


Not too upset, decided to try beat mother nature and sold the sled last year. Been ice fishing instead.

Cracks opened up today, 2 vehicles went in by Oshkosh. Sounds like 2 people didn't make it out. Very very sad.


New member
Eagle: I didn't hear that,... VERY sad indeed. Always a story coming from the big lake. I will
have to check that out. Sorry ya sold the sled also.
As long as mine are still "newer" and paid off,.. I will try to maintain HOPE and
PIZZ off Mother Nature.

Someday Gary from Neenah will get a chance to park his trailer here and ride,....
Someday,...when things return to NORMAL!


I wonder if there is a spot to park the trailer next to Letterman in times square?

TIMO: That IS depressing. UGH!
It is "trying" to snow here right now, the radar shows Central WI Getting "IT" ??
Forecast for a whopping ONE INCH! Man,... I can't contain myself!
Gotta shine my shoes for work!