LOL John! KENTUCKY! I know!,... My Aunt, just North of Nashville called,.. and asked if I would
PLEASE take our winter back! I would LOVE to!
Eagle1: Too funny Bro! But you are right!
Seriously though,.. They were interviewing a guy from the National weather service,.. and he was
saying that this was the first time in like 64 years (I believe that is what he said),... that this area
has NOT had more than a 2" snowfall at a time. Weird. VERY weird. With the warm weather predicted
for the upcoming next week and none of the local trails NEVER opened,... THAT has to be the first that
I can EVER remember.
I know I started this thread mostly as a comedy gripe for us within the central NO - SNOW - BUBBLE,....
which on a recent trip to Minnesota I found is a very consistent band WEST of me,....(probably 40 miles or so to the South of Me,.. to 20 miles to the North of Me,..) from the Bay of Green Bay to,...probably the Dakota's by the
looks of the "Bubble".
I will "Trailer" the sled to ride,... and those who do so that HAVE to and do not gripe about it,... so be it,...
But as long as I have lived,... AND will reside,... in an area that has historically been pretty much a guaranteed
snowmobile hot spot,.......
I will gripe as loud as my fingers will let me!

or John will put up with,....
Global Warming,...Whacked Earthly Axis problems,..Cyclical whatever,....
No more than a 2 inch snowfall at a time in a complete winter season? 40miles NORTH of
I will tell you one thing for sure,... locally,... if "Cabin Fever" ever was at an all time high,....
It is surely off the charts in this neck of the woods. This is crazy.
And Local business HERE has felt the economic hit of NO SNOW for sure also,....
We take for granted that we can "sled anytime we want" from basically late November til Mid March,...
So when it isn't here at ALL??? YIKES!
The Fat Lady is Singing!
(I tried to make a snow angel earlier today,... but put a hole in my jeans from rubbing on the gravel)