When I got out of work this morning,.... I was soooo Happy!
Soooo Happy to SCRAPE OFF the 1/8" of ICE/GLUE from the nice
light mist falling from the skies above in the 15 degree early morning
air. Ahh,.... the joys of breaking another plastic scraper and ripping
open the knuckles at 5:50 AM
Way to place that deer in the middle of the road also Mother Nature,...
as my "Good Up To 35 below Zero" purple washer fluid was turning to slush
on my way out also! Good thing the old Chevy is tough! Just missed 'er!
But the guy behind me didn't!
Oh,.. Ya did give me a good dusting though back at the homestead ...
Yeppers! A Good 1.25" with a nice glaze going,...
So I stayed up to clean off the drive so the Mrs. and Youngin' wouldn't mess it all
up with the nice 2 degree days you have coming up!
Oh,... and thanks for scaring the BaJeepers out of me too,... by having the FIRST mouse
(actually a tiny mole)I have seen in the out garage ever,.... scamper in front of me as I reached for the shovel.
I am sure if THAT was caught on video for the guys on here,... they'd be playing over and over and over,...NICE,..
So,...The winds picked up REAL Good,...Yep,... Push them winds Mother Nature,...
Push it Real Good,.... Whip that mist right in my face,...makes that grey beard feel niiiiccce

Then when I got finished,... I HAD TO!
Walked over,...Took the sled dolly wheels off the Renegade,... (though I was thinking of burning up the boggies
on the old '71 Ibendwire! I really was,....) and,... Fired up the mother 4-stroke!
There she sat,....... all purdy and ready,........
I carefully,...so as not to chew up my crusty rotten 2 acres of yard,.....
drove it around like a 4yr old on Christmas morning! Oh Boy! Look at Me Crazy Neighbor Lady!
Look at Me Mr. Feedmill truck driving by,... Look at ME!!!! carefully making a Left turn very very slowly,..
so my new carbides don't chew up the brown frozen tundra located only 1.25 inches below this newly
given gift!!!! Oh man,........
Amazing how quickly 1.2 miles gets put on and going around the house gets boring.
So I put it back in the garage,... and the sled says to me,...
I turn back and look at that beautiful black piece of almost 13K paid off sitting there gleaming at me,...
and say,... Yup. that's all ya get. Sorry pal. Talk to the Momma upstairs,......
Went inside, took a 4hr nap,...
here to enjoy the rest of my 1 day off,...
Watching the wind blow the crust off the hedge outside my "office" (fancy name for extra bedroom)
sipping on that 2 litre bottle of homeade special kool aide inside that brown paper bag wrapper
that has "Gramma's Special Treat" written in Sharpie on the outside,... munching on a peanut butter
cookie. Looking at a picture in the paper of some poor sap in New England trying to toss his snow from
his itty bitty shovel over an 8 foot snow bank that will be melted and flooding his basement in 2 weeks!!!
Ah,... living the dream.
What a wierd winter.
Truly is. Worse than the Naked snow dance loonie-bin days Waaaaay back when this site was in
its infancy,....wow,...John was riding the Pol-Cat back then.
I know I will get to the U.P. yet,.. maybe even a couple times for sure,...
But C'mon Mother Nature,...
This is Northeastern Wisconsin,....
Land of Cheese,...
Runny Noses,....
Jeepers eh! What is Up with the 1" clipper stuff once a week and mist and,....
OF SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shine that Ultra up Junior!,....
'Cuz I'm not done Pizzzing off Mother Nature Yet!
You're going to be riding in June!!!!
And to think,... all I asked for was ONE stinking 14 inch snowfall
in December. That was it.
Can I win the Powerball tonight instead Mother Nature?
Heck,...I'll Make my own snow!,...Ya,.. thats it!
BigVin Wins Powerball,... Brings snow to who ever wants it!
There ya have it.!!!!
Now THAT sounds like a plan.
Now where did I put that bottle?
Thanks for the goodies Groomerdriver!